Random Fish

PRARPRAR United States Join Date: 2015-06-03 Member: 205186Members
Fish are randomized, By this i mean as time goes on in game you see new fish made by a random database that matches fish parts together to create random fish to swim in your ocean. Such as a large scaly creature with peeper eyes and instead of a tail the reefbacks tenticals.


  • SalmonJEDlSalmonJEDl Finland Join Date: 2015-05-14 Member: 204465Members
    edited June 2015
    This kind of mechanics would be too time consuming and hard to make and it would also give the feeling that devs were too lazy to come up with new animals. Also creatures made this way might not make sense and look just plain stupid. It wouldn't go well with food and DNA mechanics. Huge variety of species would be nice, but I prefer quality over quantity. We'll get lots of new different species later on anyway.
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