[Bug] Function Command Menus Unclickable/Feedback Screen Not Connecting [19095]

DC9000DC9000 Cananda Join Date: 2015-06-02 Member: 205164Members
When accessing any of the function screens (such as to activate debug console or change textures while ingame) the mouse instead of interacting with the menu will ignore it and continue the game. Both when paused and when having the inventory up, the mouse will not click on the menu; instead closing the inventory or resuming game. When trying to report this however, my feed back menu game me a message stating that I had no network connection (though I do as I am writing this) and to contact support regarding the issue. I have been playing this game for a long time now and give it an EASY 9/10, however with the new updates requiring the delete of saves to get a full experience, it would be nice if the console menu actually worked so I could at least start with some of my old gear.
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