[Probably-not-a-Bug! ;) ] can't use knife [16296 Apr-15]

lardmanlardman UK Join Date: 2015-04-23 Member: 203761Members
edited April 2015 in Subnautica Bug Reporting
I hope this isn't a school-boy error, but I really can't find any way to make the knife work (e.g. to cut seaweed/creepvine, various coloured fans or coral).

The key binding for "use" is "e", I've even set a secondary to be "q", but neither of these ever does anything at all - whether pressed on their own, or with the mouse, when facing an object (description up on screen) or an animal, etc.

Any clues, I'm getting sick of having to catch enough "Airsacks" every night to avoid dehydration the next day!?


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