An idea for the Warper and how its portals work.
Join Date: 2015-03-14 Member: 202116Members

When I had heard of the Warper and that it will open a portal from one place to another a thought came to mind.
If for example the Warper opened a portal at the depths of 100m and 200m, the pressure from 200m will be greater than that at 100m. so logicically there will be a water current moving from 200m into 100m potentially "sucking" things from 200m into 100m and making it harder to go through the 100m portal into 200m without the sea-glide or even seamoth.
I feel like this will add a level of realism to the game in regards to the Warper (just because we are on an alien world where fish explode and glow in the dark doesn't mean physics won't work) and another level of challenge when you encounter a Warper. I can also imagine the kind of nasty (and possibly useful) stuff that would be "spat out" of the portal near you.
If for example the Warper opened a portal at the depths of 100m and 200m, the pressure from 200m will be greater than that at 100m. so logicically there will be a water current moving from 200m into 100m potentially "sucking" things from 200m into 100m and making it harder to go through the 100m portal into 200m without the sea-glide or even seamoth.
I feel like this will add a level of realism to the game in regards to the Warper (just because we are on an alien world where fish explode and glow in the dark doesn't mean physics won't work) and another level of challenge when you encounter a Warper. I can also imagine the kind of nasty (and possibly useful) stuff that would be "spat out" of the portal near you.
I must miss ALOT. When have there been advanced lifeforms in the game/concepts?? 0.o Are we in danger of being shot or something?
The picture below is from this site on an old post.
I am really looking forward to them joining the game. But the leviathan reaper thing makes me cry 8-X
As big as the Cyclops...
I'm so excited about that one-- with the warper in a close 2nd (though I just posted about a really cool creature I found randomly too, the "Holy......" thread, that thing is awesome as well
When I saw the Reaper on Trello I had thought to myself "this looks like another boneshark that I can just out swim if I see it" but then I went did some more digging and found out it will be as big as the Cyclops and will most likely attack it.
My mobile fortress is doomed to a watery grave!
I think the warper may be somewhat dangerous too-- unless Im mistaken those "arms" look rather sharp, though maybe not-- somewhat hard to tell
I was playing the game today busy trying out the new sea bases thing when I thought to myself "self. I think this world below 100m is quite empty"
But I'm not saying this game is empty because the devs are doing an absolutely wonderful job at adding things to make it very nice. but when bonesharks are the only things to worry about (even though they are quite a worrying foe) it just feels flat. the reaper seems to be just the thing the game needs to make me hug the shallows at tightly as I can.
But if I could choose what creature is added next. it would defiantly be the Warper with realistic physics with its portals as well as a use for him. but I would rather have the Reaper done next if it means the Warper is done right than have the Warper messed up now and the Reaper done later.
I think there's plenty of magic in the game, mainly just because the warper, among other creatures, can do things that are just not possible (at least to my knowledge) in the real world
As long as they make it fun and interesting (and not too unbelievably impossible) I don't mind what they do
But I will always have the urge to mind control the fish