[Linux] Minor Text Display Issue
Join Date: 2013-09-01 Member: 187516Members, Reinforced - Shadow

Hi Dev's
For me it doesn't display the text correctly. Screenshot:
<img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/5019629/uploads/FileUpload/16/a82e31becc41f06b39fe137c4743c4.jpg" />
ElementaryOS 0.3 = Ubuntu 14.04
Latest Short Lived Branch version, NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-343.36.run
NS2 Build 272
Btw, is it here the right place to report linux client issues?
Lot regards
For me it doesn't display the text correctly. Screenshot:
<img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/5019629/uploads/FileUpload/16/a82e31becc41f06b39fe137c4743c4.jpg" />
ElementaryOS 0.3 = Ubuntu 14.04
Latest Short Lived Branch version, NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-343.36.run
NS2 Build 272
Btw, is it here the right place to report linux client issues?
Lot regards
Could help.
In that tooltip, that special character would be ü, which is not displayed.
This issue is known, but sadly its unclear exactly where this problem comes from (other than it has to be some encoding issue). This is not an issue with you computer, but with ns2 on linux when using special characters.
I would recomend you to use the english version of ns2 for the moment.
Linux is much more simple than anything else in the area of encoding, but somehow most of the ported games screw it up.
Yeah because devs relay when it comes to de/encoding mostly on win api functions. That's also the case for ns2 and the linux versions of those functions in spark seem to be just somehow broken. Sadly i don't have the needed experience to fix them. So hopefully someone else will have a look at this some day.
But until then translations of ns2 are at least at linux not usable.