Without a Save game the game is pretty useless for me
Join Date: 2012-09-21 Member: 160235Members

I *want* to explore... I *want* to see the coolness... but if I have to Mario-Brothers it, my life simply won't allow for extended playing sessions.
I was only lacking copper to be able to make my sub... life came up and I quit, thinking there was an auto-save or something in place.
Lost everything.
I get that it's early access. I'd love to test it out more, but I'll have to wait till I can save my progress. I'll check back, but I'm pretty disappointed in the purchase as I effectively cannot play it because 30 minutes at a time doesn't let me get anywhere.
That having been said, it is an intriguing game. Now if only one team could play the fish and another the swimmers... oh wait.
I was only lacking copper to be able to make my sub... life came up and I quit, thinking there was an auto-save or something in place.
Lost everything.

I get that it's early access. I'd love to test it out more, but I'll have to wait till I can save my progress. I'll check back, but I'm pretty disappointed in the purchase as I effectively cannot play it because 30 minutes at a time doesn't let me get anywhere.
That having been said, it is an intriguing game. Now if only one team could play the fish and another the swimmers... oh wait.

it was to be expected that some players absolutely do not want to or can start over every time because of time constraints etc.
Regarding this the devs recently said that save functionality is a high priority task, but not easy to do and probably will take 1-2 months or so.
As a workaround you can spawn the gear you had when you quit using console commands: http://subnautica.wikia.com/wiki/Debug_Console_Commands
I am shocked and amazed at your lack of forum etiquette, you didn't mock me, curse me out, or dismiss my concerns! What is this world coming to when people post helpful, relevant responses on forums?!
Thank you
Let me fix that for you. INSULT! NONSENSICAL STATEMENT INVOLVING PLANKTON, capslock, immediate ancestors, words!
In other news I have been working on a savegame feature just for you. It is going to be ready soon after the holidays. Because right now the office is empty. Devs visiting their families etc.
I'm kidding though. =P Have fun with the game though, and hopefully we'll be seeing a save function in the near future.
However, there isn't a lot of content to save at this point in time, seeing as it's possible to speedrush the seamoth in 7 or so minutes...
While I do agree that we need more of everything in the game in general I would like to remind you that the tech tree is not the game. Yes crafting is part of the game and yes currently it is the most obvious thing you can do. But there is so much more to discover.
Have you seen the mushroom forest? Have you seen the caves underneath the safe shallows? Have you discovered the trenches in kelp forest? What about the rocks floating above the grassy plateaus?
Granted, you don't get any virtual points or tech progression for that. I find it intrinsically rewarding anyway.
Oh yeah, most definitely; however there isn't like, a sightseers checkbook for things like that. Not that I'd want there to be, seeing all the beautiful behind the scenes workings of Subnautica is one of the most rewarding things about the game, but you don't save any of that. It's not like the goal of the game is to explore every biome, or see every creature, and while you can make it your personal goal to explore everything under the sea, doing so doesn't check a virtual box saying you've completed something.
It's all about the memories at this point. A saved game where a player spent an hour just swimming around and seeing the many inner workings of the game would be equivalent (in a progression saving standpoint) to starting a fresh, new game, so when someone makes the argument that there NEEDS to be a save function, that argument is really only valid if there are current things in the game to save.
I know this is going a bit in-depth, but what if you could not only supplant this type of DNA, but adapt the color spectrum to a specific range that would reveal plankton that mark hidden tunnels...like a type of plankton/plant that only grows in that area, either due to current or safety. What if you could use it to track particular fish? Like a huge volumetric absence of plankton could imply a massive creature nearby.
I'll link it here http://www.destructoid.com/dna-splicing-will-make-you-a-better-you-in-subnautica-275320.phtml
Any way I'm really intrigued about what will happen after certain DNA is injected into you.
Such as the rock puncher. Maybe It'll allow yo to break stone as well as sand but slows you down. Or make break limestone quicker or Get better thing from the limestone.
While I would agree that is a great idea, I would have thought that tmaking limestone take less punches would have been a more obvious candidate for a yes, and the other option for a maybe we'll see... lol.
BTW, is it possible in real life to punch through limestone? I ask purely out of ignorance...