What would you like to see in "Natural Selection 3"
England Join Date: 2009-03-19 Member: 66806Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Shadow

Apologies if thread has already been made but I thought I'd give it a shot anyways!
Personally I'd like it if TSF started fighting back and carried the fight into Kharaa space, seeing more designs like NS2_Derelict or some alien planet where TSF establish forward bases that may eventually be overrun.
Maybe add a new lifeform in the mix for the aliens to play with (any suggestions?)
What about you guys?
Personally I'd like it if TSF started fighting back and carried the fight into Kharaa space, seeing more designs like NS2_Derelict or some alien planet where TSF establish forward bases that may eventually be overrun.
Maybe add a new lifeform in the mix for the aliens to play with (any suggestions?)
What about you guys?
But if it were to exist, just proper matchmaking and tutorials would make me happy.
NS2 sold pretty well, especially when you consider the studio size. Certainly no worse than a reasonable expectation, and in line with similar releases (like Chivalry, for example).
NS2 player counts have declined, yes, but not as much as many games - many much more heavily marketed games from large studios, I might add.
UWE has made a decent amount of money from NS2, especially when you factor in all the post-release mechanisms such as reinforced and the DLCs.
UWE has organised/supported world championship competitions to see the best players of their game duke it out for the world champ title. You only have to watch footage from these to see how much it means to Charlie and the UWE team.
NS2 cannot be considered a failure by any metric. Like every game ever created, it has its own problems, but that's no more a criticism of NS2 than of any other game.
Moving away from the NS universe with Subnautica is on the surface of it (pun intended) an odd move, but showing a diverse portfolio of high quality games production is very important for a small studio, or even a medium sized one as perhaps now UWE could be described, as they look forward to future funding opportunities.
Even with all the complaints that appear on these forums, I think UWE probably recognise that they get it very lightly compared with most other games studios.
nvm enough story lessons (still not sure if those informations are correct though)
What I want to see for NS3 is an awesome tutorial and a working matchmaking system. Also I want to a replay mode where you can rewatch games you have played from all perspective known to the ns2 spectator mode (so first person, free view, third person and RTS overwatch)
Woh dude, chill out. I never said NS2 was a failure, it was quite a success judging by the fact that UWE are still kicking around.
What I meant by that comment, is the amount of hassle they got from the community about how NS2 'should have been' or how the game should be balanced etc. Making a competitive multiplayer game that is balanced fun and lasting is not easy, and that's all I meant by that.
So if Kharaa is a bacteria, whats stopping the bacteria from taking over the planet and/or killing off the indigenous species on that planet presuming that life exists on the planet in the first place?
Giving the fact that bacteria is one of the most successful organisms that can survive ALMOST anything that gets thrown at it *cough nuclear warfare, natural disasters cough*.
Example marine is stood on catwalk shooting skulks commander medpacks him, marine is attacked by 2 skulks jumps down and goes under catwalk, comm hits key all overhead props like catwalks disappear, com medpacks marine and marine lives.
The only purpose of it would be to allow players to connect to it, on a map with a couple rooms where you can find people to play with, once a group is assembled, they will pick which server they all get redirected to.
That way the entire matchmaking mechanism could run as a game mode mod on that server.
The downside of course is the additional waiting times just to join a 'matchmaking lobby'. Then more waiting until enough have appeared.
It could centralise the current system competetive players use to find others for pugs or scrims, and potentially introduce more to competetive play.
The idea was laughed at and instantly scrapped since back then loading times were horrid (they are mostly fine now) and scripting all of that would be quite an effort.
AFAIK, they have wiped out many species. Skulks, gorges, lerks, fades, and onos converting them to the bacteria's own needs.
Are you serious? Surely a 3rd party system would be better so you don't have to idle in-game.
What would I currently have to do to find others for a pug?
@ATF i had a similar idea the other day, imagining it somewhat like the PSO lobby system. More than anything I was thinking of it as a place for inter-server socialising rather than matchmaking
european gathers or american pugs
No kham, no power nodes, super-slick and amazing quake/HL-style movement.
More level differences. I'd rather let onos climb ladders than leave it as is.
Accept that it is fairly niché game and don't try to dumb down or homogenize; budget accordingly.
Art style:
More tasteful use of specular shaders (eclipse in particular is _awful_, looking like everything is slathered in vegetable oil).
Less grey; paint will still exist in the future. Hell even some rust would be a sight for sore eyes.
Less bulk. The aliens and the marine buildings were kind of chibi-ized, compared to their sleek and beautiful NS1 counterparts.
Compatible with VR but not tied to the oculus rift (facebook is evil and I mean that quite literally; in a Stalin would get a raging stiffy so fast it would catapult his underwear across the room kind of sense).
Focus on client and server performance and feel. Input latency and stuttering is super-important.
Other than that, don't care that much; art and style is orders of magnitudes more important than how many polygons, texels or shader instructions you throw at something; I'm serious about that to the extent that there are commodore 64 games that still look decent.
Less muted/metallic echo
Better positional audio. UT99 or HL with the aureal A3D was amazing; why can't modern games live up to this? (also, a big **** *** goes out to Creative).
I do think there's some good spinoff potential though if they wanted to carry on with the franchise. For instance, a smaller scale L4D Versus style game would be a really good fit if they wanted to focus on the action component. Maybe incorporate some persistent progression unlocks.
I know that lol, let me rephrase that then, derelict "inspired" maps.
with that you get free advertisement in the form of frag videos (which is why I bought ns2), the ability to watch the play of individual players and learn, and of course for hackusations (even if not necessary due to the low player counts of ns2)
with just those two things you give the creative members of the community the ability to make in depth and professional looking videos such as this or this, the author (subtitled) does a good job with editing in both to show off the teamplay during matches, only possible due to demos/stv.
I'd like to see them give the commander a little more freedom rather than locking them in the chair all game. Like maybe give them a little Ipad type device so they could hit a button to bring up the commander overview to drop structures or give an order real quick before jumping back into the action. Not only will good commanders often jump out of the chair to fight (and be unable to do any commanding while they are out) but it can be rather boring to sit in a chair all game. I think it would be nice to have the Marine commander out fighting alongside his men.
I'd like to see them either drop the commander role for Aliens altogether, (giving power back to the gorges) or redo it so that the Alien commander is a new "queen" type life form that could move about the map spreading infestation and dropping structures. Maybe make the queen fast but weak while moving about the map, but allow her to build up rooms into "hives" where she would be slower, have a lot more health, and be able to fight back somewhat. - On the flip-side give all Marines some sort of Flamethrower attachment on their rifles to burn away the "hive" in order to weaken the queen. (something free that would ONLY affect the hive/infestation)
I'd like to see more upgrade abilities for both sides. In NS2 combat I've been loving the quick reload and movement buffs (Marine) and Hunger with Focus upgrades (Alien) and would love to see this kind of stuff in NS3.
I'd like to see some big improvements to the hit reg and net code... So those "oh look I got around the corner with 3/4 health yet still died 50 feet down the hall" moments don't happen.
Last but not least, I'd like to see it actually come out someday... Afaik they haven't actually said anything about making a NS3 yet... Would hate for it to become the next "Halflife 3" fiasco... (at this point I doubt HL3 will ever be made)