Personally i think the default plugin settings are just fine but supafred is right alt-tabbing increases you ping a lot so the ping-tracker will kick everyone who will alt-tab.
Why Alt-tab in the first place ? TS maybe... whatever. On an average it just make it higher for a short time. I mean you don't alt-tab and go pee or go read the TV program.
What I think about would be if someone is above 150 for a 3 minutes. Then there is no doubt anymore : "Sir i'm gonna ask you to leave.".
The plugin seems to "stat" pings but do not distinguish if someone is loading (just finished loading) or not.
The other way would be to deny access to some country based on localization but it forces to maintain lists.
I personally alt tab quite often. I alt tab during map loading (thankfully fixed). I alt tab during waiting for a comm. I alt tab while spawning. Any time there is a significant enough delay, and I have content to read, I will alt tab and browse the web. I have even alt-tabbed to go pee, I guess it wasn't necessary.
Last night the server I was on a player alt tabbed because his wife "needed to talk" and he was gone for 10 minutes. Being afk can be kick worthy, but the server wasn't full anyways.
Personally i think the default plugin settings are just fine but supafred is right alt-tabbing increases you ping a lot so the ping-tracker will kick everyone who will alt-tab.
Why Alt-tab in the first place ? TS maybe... whatever. On an average it just make it higher for a short time. I mean you don't alt-tab and go pee or go read the TV program.
What I think about would be if someone is above 150 for a 3 minutes. Then there is no doubt anymore : "Sir i'm gonna ask you to leave.".
The plugin seems to "stat" pings but do not distinguish if someone is loading (just finished loading) or not.
The other way would be to deny access to some country based on localization but it forces to maintain lists.
bah... it'll do.
Last night the server I was on a player alt tabbed because his wife "needed to talk" and he was gone for 10 minutes. Being afk can be kick worthy, but the server wasn't full anyways.