[Linux] Software Rendering using AMD Catalyst 14.6 Beta drivers

WeTDreamzWeTDreamz Join Date: 2013-08-30 Member: 187247Members
edited September 2014 in Technical Support

Ever since the first CDT patch build 266 I have been getting ~12 fps on every resolution but the lowest one I can choose.

I am using an AMD HD7770 with the proprietary linux Catalyst 14.6 beta drivers, this happens with the 14.4 release aswell. The linux distro is Ubuntu 14.04 with a 3.16.1 updated kernel. This happened on the original 3.13 kernel aswell so I'm assuming it's a issue with how NS2 handles the AMD drivers.

If I use the open source Mesa drivers, I can play but the performance is half of what the AMD drivers are capable of.

I'm assuming that it's because NS2 fails to use hardware rendering. When looking at r_stats 1 at higher resolutions, the wait time has been in excess of 40ms. I've tried other steam games such as CS:Source and they appear to be using hardware rendering.

As of build 269, I can actually load NS2 and join a game without 'blackscreening' on the AMD Drivers without using the mesa cache patch. Sometimes Loading... just sit with the spinning wheel though, so it's not 100% fixed.

The ingame cursor (menu cursor) also isn't completely transparent where it should be. There is something wrong with the alpha.

Build 266 I could play with decent FPS if I were to ignore all the micro-stuttering.

Something must have got bumped :).

Load times are 10x better in 269 with a crappy HD. Great job.

'OpenGL 3.1.12967 Compatibility Profile/Debug Context 14.20 initialized (ATI Technologies Inc. AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series )
GLSL version 4.40
ARB_texture_storage extension present
ARB_get_program_binary extension present
Disabling ARB_texture_storage extension to work around AMD drivers'

Is displayed at the start of the Log. I'm assuming that doesn't happen with the Mesa drivers. NS2 could do 60fps at the menu screen but the second I join a game on any resolution that would be 3D accelerated I get ~12fps.
log.txt 40.6K


  • jrgnjrgn Join Date: 2006-11-03 Member: 58289Members
    i have almost the same problem. Same driver, 14.6 ATI Radeon HD 6850, Linux mint 17. 4GB RAM/CPU4 cores at 3.5 Ghz. The fps drop comes the joining some servers (always the same). Local games have no problem renderingmat 60 fps. This is why i think it has to do with some servers (maybe Linux/Windows) choking on some clients. This problem showed up in 268, with 269 it got a lot better, especially the load times! thanks for that! Often i noticed that the second map loaded on a "good" server introduces heavy lag, like 12 fps. Maybe some cache that is screwing things up. Help us linux gamers!Love thisgame, but all the hussle so long after release is really getting on my nerves. The mod problems(clear workshop/verify integrity etc) is also something that seems to be poorly set up. Anyway keep up the good work, CDT!
  • WeTDreamzWeTDreamz Join Date: 2013-08-30 Member: 187247Members
    I've deleted my cache and still have the same problem. If I play on a local server I have low fps aswell. I believe I had 20-80fps on 265. The menu oddly render up to 60fps? Vsync is off in drivers and NS2.
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