Thank you.
Join Date: 2010-04-17 Member: 71437Members, Squad Five Gold
Oh well, where to start and how to put it in words. Prepare for some wall of text, at least for the ones who want to read it.
In short: It is time for me to let go. No, this is no ragequit. I love the game. I love the community. I love playing matches in a team as well on public servers, I love casting matches, I love organizing stuff for the NSL or outside of it.
But it turned out more than ever that I can't find sufficient time to fulfill all these tasks anymore in my life. Time changes as do priorities and since my start of heavy committal to NS in 2009, I spent a 5-digit amount of hours for this game.
If I go on a quick check, I see 482 NS related videos on my youtube channel (which is only a small part of all games I casted), steam tells me I played about 1,800 hours NS2 and my gut tells me there was plenty more on playing NS1, plus everything that went into and the community. Oh boy, in retrospect one might think how much time wasted. But for me it never was a waste of time, I will always think back to it as good times. I have met so many amazing people through this game, friends and even my "special person" where for obvious reasons I won't go into detail ;>
I thought for a longer time doing this and first I didn't want to put up a forum post like many others have done before me, but in the end the desire to shout out a good-bye somehow won
So what is left for me is my eternal gratitude for this community, which I think is one of the best gaming communities possibly out there. Maybe because it's so small, maybe because the game concept attracts different kind of players, maybe because it's universe's random choice (or God's, depending on what you believe), I don't know. But I do know that I will miss you guys, especially everyone around the smaller competitive scene (players, viewers, casters, organizers, referees, ...) which seemed almost like a family. Heck, I won't disappear completely, given the time I might jump in a NS2 pub game, but my time heavy dedication in the competitive scene does end. Unfortunetaly, I played in several finals but never won an event with a team - guess I sucked too hard, sorry for the teams I played in at those matches :P
At the end I want to give away some shout-outs. If you don't find yourself here, it is 99% because I write this post in affect, forgetting half the things I want to say, dunbemad ;>
- Charlie
Without you there would be no NS, no NS2, and nothing of this would have ever happened. How can I thank you accordingly for that? I can't. You are amazing. Best luck with Subnautica and Unknown Worlds - you deserve it.
- jiriki
The godfather of NS(1), competitively speaking, of course. You took me in Tuxedo Men, my very first NS team to play with. And people will always underestimate the amount of time and money you have spent for this community. Stay classy, man. For all the nibz who don't know: he is still working on ENSL in the background and hosting servers for you even when he doesn't play NS2.
- b1
bro 4 life - we will meet again, this time drinking without a camera 
- Flaterectomy
I think if I ever had a fanboy, it must have been you :P Thanks for all the artwork you made for me and everything else
- RedDog
Although it is hard for me to admit (I guess one can imagine why) you were the best caster NS2 ever has had. Casting with you all these matches were pure gold, organizing the NS2WC and being there with you unforgettable. I wish you all the best with your newly founded family
- Fana
So many people hated you for your honesty, but you were definitely one of the smarter persons in NS. Much respect and good luck with your job - I think you'll do great on it ;>
- Wasabi
I still can't grasp what you all did for this community and you are throughout a cheerish, supporting and awesome person. I hope for this community that you will stick around for long, otherwise they would suddenly miss something very hard before even realizing what you do for them.
- Hugh
Oh boy, we had our differences. You really could heat me up like no other, but in the end I have to thank you for all the good you did. And you did fucking great as host on NS2WC. I hope you can help out UWE again on Subnautica as you did for NS. Since SN will probably never have a competitive community I think you won't have any more problems by now ;>
- Peacham
My legendary commander! You are fucking epic when being drunk :>
- Tane
The mastermind of NS. People will always just see the frag, never the thinking behind the scene. Maybe you will find one day a popular game which requires your unique skills since you'd surely deserve better recognition as a professional gamer. When I compare what people praise SC2 nibz for strategy who could never grasp your understanding of metagaming, I really hope that game will come for you. Thanks for breaking up Archaea and joining Saunamen for me
- Sonder
My first commander in NS I played for in Tuxedo Men. I loved you man, playing NS with you and also being your SC2 Beta practice partner
I really did miss you in NS2. If you still play SC2 professionally, I really hope you will finally win a tournement - you have all talent you need for it, just missing the piece of luck until now.
- dugi
My first favorite spaniard. Most epic rages of one of the nicest guys out there. There is a silly saying "rough on the outside, soft on the inside", but man, you *are* that. Thanks for joining my last team in NS1.
- Mendasp
My second favorite spaniard. You are the best entertainer I could ask for, fucking hilarious is an understatement par excellence. Thanks for all the joy, laughs and of course your incredible dedication to this community. Competitive community in NS2 without Mendasp? Hell, that's like NS1 without jiriki. We all can't thank you enough. Especially UWE who often underestimated your work.
- Danny
All time nicest guy in NS 1&2. It is the universe's joke of that "incident" that happened ;> Never play gayliens, bro. Trollololol.
- Toby
When you left, it was one of the dark days in NS2. I really missed you, maaaaan. Marine #1 didn't go well without you. Also, thanks your hard work on ENSL which people will never realize - don't worry I keep my promise :>
- frG
You were throughout unbelievable. Best troll I have ever met, srsly (holy fuck do you remember that SC2 stream, forgot the name of who you called - LOL) Was fucking epic to play with you. And also work with you on scvready - that thing could easily have been a great success if we would have sticked to it, mostly because of your great organisational skills. I think you *have* talent you don't even realize yet while many just *think* they have it.
- <BAD> Clan
For all who remember the last years of NS1. This shout out goes to all "touched" by this clan's history. That includes you of course, schu
People never understood why an euro was head admin of an american community, so all the "murican" haters in ENSL should take that as example - americans never judged me for being euro, it's you who oppose "other" influence. Give Zef a chance, he is doing an amazing job. And we won't steal you the NSL - it was swalk and me transforming it international, not him.
- Zefram
One of the best admins (E)NSL ever had. I could pretty much relax in inactivity while trusting that he handled all the work. Zef, people will always complain on you and almost never thank you for your wok. I really hope you keep it up - without people like you there would be no competitive scene
- Swalk
You picked up NS2 while all the NS1 vets were still ranting about the game, including me. You are a visionare and the first seasons seem unthinkable without your dedication and work.
- ray
Damn, I already gave Danny the title which you also deserve. Maybe I just call you nicest guy of NS2 and him of NS1
You are awesome! And hey, thanks for waking me up in Telford, would have missed my flight without you :P
- Herakles
Thanks for all the drinks and chunk food! Holy shit, you even bought cheesburgers for ALL PEOPLE AT NS2WC! You are the man! "ez" ;>
- Vindaloo & onFire
Thanks for having me as commander in my last team in NS competitive history. Was really fun with you, you are absolutely cool
And your members obviously should thank you for keeping your team alive - it's hard to understand the amount of work needed when someone never did it.
- Decoy
PLZ, decoy, PLZ. God, it was so much fucking fun playing drunk with you in mumble. wanna gorge my hive? LOL
- Soleanthia
You were always so cheerish, had really fun casting with you. Was sad to see you dropping out to inactivity, but who knows? Maybe you come back. I would watch your casts again
- Andy
Thousand thanks for changing NS2 into a balanced and playable game I could enjoy 100 times more. Sorry for not recognizing you when you took of your cap, somehow that picture is branded in my brain :P
First team I commanded (NSL Season 2). Thanks for being patient. It is really difficult to get the same "tickling" of your trained spider sense regarding the game's flow from a different perspective.
- jaivol
Damn, it's hard to say who made me more laugh. You or Mendasp. Or both in combination? I will never know. You are fucking great. I wish you best luck man! And the next NS2WC I will watch you should sit in a chair, man! No commander has ever had the micro managing abilities you have.
- Pascow & Gorge Casting Couch
Thanks for picking me up, playing with you was so refreshing and fun. Sorry I left you last Season, but I *had* to command again somehow, couldn't help it. I will keep your SG rush bookmarked on my laptop, that is the perfect memory of the fun we have had in so many matches
- Bitey
You are hilarious AND a great player. And hell, making you drunk in cologne was epic lol. Wish you all the best on your streaming, I silently watched you alot
- mf
Australia's greatest talent. I think I watched all your VODs. I always enjoyed watching POV from great players (that's how I started competitive playing in 2009! Thanks to HLTV and and yours were especially good. What do I want to tell you? Same like Tane, only different continent
The only person in this list I hardly had any contact with. In retrospect I wonder why I never did chat with you, probably damn time zone differences. But HELL, you are good.
- King_yo
I am really glad for your success with Snails. I loved playing with you in DeGz in last NS1 Season, damn, without marko's unreal uberskills killing all lifeforms we could have easily won that. And besides ofc, it was even nicer meeting you in person. Stay as you are
- Liza
Suka, don't steal my SG! "Shaddap". Good memories and many laughs
- dux
All-around cool person. Sad our NS1 vets team didn't work out, but holy shit, I loved your rage ahaha. Kinda like dugi :P Thanks for all the games in NS1, NS2 (obviously less) and ofc the mapping work you did for this game.
- Gerhard/mp
Thanks for you trusting in me. You let me play lerk in NS1 S14 finals although I was yet so damn unexperienced. The result was obvious :P
- zups
Crazy fin. Fuccccckckkk maaaaan.
pls be nice to Zefram :P
- Hopeanouli
Thanks for all the chats, man.
- ausns2
Great community. Much respect for keeping up the NS flag in your continent. Especially below a certain critical mass of players this is damn hard (remembering the last NS1 years).
- Pipo
nanananaaaanaaananananaaaaa LOL. epic laughs with you. Hilarious french troll and great fade ;>
- rantology
FUCKING EPIC artworks. God you are so talented it hurts my brains. Thanks for all the amount of work you did for this community. And my twitch wallpaper ofc
- leipa
srsly when you read that line, how many beers you already got?
You are fucking hilarious man, Telford wouldn't have been the same without you. Same goes for Saunamen.
- Snails
Don't wanna miss out the other frenchies I had much fun with in Telford and in Cologne again
- retry
Give cassie a new pc and play again with her dude - you are a great duo, wish you all the best
- Dragon
Thanks for all the work! Can't even imagine NS2 without your mods anymore
- Hypie
stop stacking me when I play pub next time :P but on second thought, play in my team! fun with you
- Pelagir
The referee of referees. Thanks for all your hard work on NSL. And I won't forget the blind nicktroll train you pulled off that one day - that was epic ;>
- Keyse
Cutest player of NS. Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyse, remember your #1 keysefan.
- phone
God when was the last time I saw you around? In any case, if you ever read this, you were epic. I always think about blitz' video of your lerk, especially your quote "he is not really recording, he is just trolling me"
- aA
Biggest and most dangerous rambo in NS ever. Holy shit, your aim. Give this man a JP/HMG and all fades die (watch jiriki's last frag video or demos of S14 semifinals for proof). Unfortunetaly you were always too impatient ;> Hope you have more success in SC2 or whatever game you went to after
- Aioros
Was really cool meeting you. Twice
Could always talk to you about strategies, tactics and meta. And thanks for your hard work with Andy and the Balance Mod Cup, without that NS2 wouldn't be what it is.
- Bonkers
As a friend you are absolutely amazing and cool. Hope you will forgive me leaving your team one day ;>
- Nittai
Most fun commander in NS ever. Was a walk in the park! :P
- Nosku
The finnish version of aA. Rambo and cool guy. Thanks for playing with me in FLASH. Keep destroying those fades in your current team, I expect you in prem div next season
- Zeikko
Long time ago there was a team everyone feared. It was named Archaea. And the person initiating that was Zeikko. Casting in early days with Hugh was Zeikko. Was great to meet you in Cologne, you did alot for NS
...god there are SO many more people popping in my head, every time I put up a name. But best I stop before I realize what I just do and delete that post again alltogether. Sorry for all I missed out till here, but know that I keep you in my memories.
Good times.
Thank you.
- blind
In short: It is time for me to let go. No, this is no ragequit. I love the game. I love the community. I love playing matches in a team as well on public servers, I love casting matches, I love organizing stuff for the NSL or outside of it.
But it turned out more than ever that I can't find sufficient time to fulfill all these tasks anymore in my life. Time changes as do priorities and since my start of heavy committal to NS in 2009, I spent a 5-digit amount of hours for this game.
If I go on a quick check, I see 482 NS related videos on my youtube channel (which is only a small part of all games I casted), steam tells me I played about 1,800 hours NS2 and my gut tells me there was plenty more on playing NS1, plus everything that went into and the community. Oh boy, in retrospect one might think how much time wasted. But for me it never was a waste of time, I will always think back to it as good times. I have met so many amazing people through this game, friends and even my "special person" where for obvious reasons I won't go into detail ;>
I thought for a longer time doing this and first I didn't want to put up a forum post like many others have done before me, but in the end the desire to shout out a good-bye somehow won

So what is left for me is my eternal gratitude for this community, which I think is one of the best gaming communities possibly out there. Maybe because it's so small, maybe because the game concept attracts different kind of players, maybe because it's universe's random choice (or God's, depending on what you believe), I don't know. But I do know that I will miss you guys, especially everyone around the smaller competitive scene (players, viewers, casters, organizers, referees, ...) which seemed almost like a family. Heck, I won't disappear completely, given the time I might jump in a NS2 pub game, but my time heavy dedication in the competitive scene does end. Unfortunetaly, I played in several finals but never won an event with a team - guess I sucked too hard, sorry for the teams I played in at those matches :P
At the end I want to give away some shout-outs. If you don't find yourself here, it is 99% because I write this post in affect, forgetting half the things I want to say, dunbemad ;>
- Charlie
Without you there would be no NS, no NS2, and nothing of this would have ever happened. How can I thank you accordingly for that? I can't. You are amazing. Best luck with Subnautica and Unknown Worlds - you deserve it.
- jiriki
The godfather of NS(1), competitively speaking, of course. You took me in Tuxedo Men, my very first NS team to play with. And people will always underestimate the amount of time and money you have spent for this community. Stay classy, man. For all the nibz who don't know: he is still working on ENSL in the background and hosting servers for you even when he doesn't play NS2.
- b1

- Flaterectomy
I think if I ever had a fanboy, it must have been you :P Thanks for all the artwork you made for me and everything else
- RedDog
Although it is hard for me to admit (I guess one can imagine why) you were the best caster NS2 ever has had. Casting with you all these matches were pure gold, organizing the NS2WC and being there with you unforgettable. I wish you all the best with your newly founded family

- Fana
So many people hated you for your honesty, but you were definitely one of the smarter persons in NS. Much respect and good luck with your job - I think you'll do great on it ;>
- Wasabi
I still can't grasp what you all did for this community and you are throughout a cheerish, supporting and awesome person. I hope for this community that you will stick around for long, otherwise they would suddenly miss something very hard before even realizing what you do for them.
- Hugh
Oh boy, we had our differences. You really could heat me up like no other, but in the end I have to thank you for all the good you did. And you did fucking great as host on NS2WC. I hope you can help out UWE again on Subnautica as you did for NS. Since SN will probably never have a competitive community I think you won't have any more problems by now ;>
- Peacham
My legendary commander! You are fucking epic when being drunk :>
- Tane
The mastermind of NS. People will always just see the frag, never the thinking behind the scene. Maybe you will find one day a popular game which requires your unique skills since you'd surely deserve better recognition as a professional gamer. When I compare what people praise SC2 nibz for strategy who could never grasp your understanding of metagaming, I really hope that game will come for you. Thanks for breaking up Archaea and joining Saunamen for me

- Sonder
My first commander in NS I played for in Tuxedo Men. I loved you man, playing NS with you and also being your SC2 Beta practice partner

- dugi
My first favorite spaniard. Most epic rages of one of the nicest guys out there. There is a silly saying "rough on the outside, soft on the inside", but man, you *are* that. Thanks for joining my last team in NS1.
- Mendasp
My second favorite spaniard. You are the best entertainer I could ask for, fucking hilarious is an understatement par excellence. Thanks for all the joy, laughs and of course your incredible dedication to this community. Competitive community in NS2 without Mendasp? Hell, that's like NS1 without jiriki. We all can't thank you enough. Especially UWE who often underestimated your work.
- Danny
All time nicest guy in NS 1&2. It is the universe's joke of that "incident" that happened ;> Never play gayliens, bro. Trollololol.
- Toby
When you left, it was one of the dark days in NS2. I really missed you, maaaaan. Marine #1 didn't go well without you. Also, thanks your hard work on ENSL which people will never realize - don't worry I keep my promise :>
- frG
You were throughout unbelievable. Best troll I have ever met, srsly (holy fuck do you remember that SC2 stream, forgot the name of who you called - LOL) Was fucking epic to play with you. And also work with you on scvready - that thing could easily have been a great success if we would have sticked to it, mostly because of your great organisational skills. I think you *have* talent you don't even realize yet while many just *think* they have it.
- <BAD> Clan
For all who remember the last years of NS1. This shout out goes to all "touched" by this clan's history. That includes you of course, schu

- Zefram
One of the best admins (E)NSL ever had. I could pretty much relax in inactivity while trusting that he handled all the work. Zef, people will always complain on you and almost never thank you for your wok. I really hope you keep it up - without people like you there would be no competitive scene
- Swalk
You picked up NS2 while all the NS1 vets were still ranting about the game, including me. You are a visionare and the first seasons seem unthinkable without your dedication and work.
- ray
Damn, I already gave Danny the title which you also deserve. Maybe I just call you nicest guy of NS2 and him of NS1

- Herakles
Thanks for all the drinks and chunk food! Holy shit, you even bought cheesburgers for ALL PEOPLE AT NS2WC! You are the man! "ez" ;>
- Vindaloo & onFire
Thanks for having me as commander in my last team in NS competitive history. Was really fun with you, you are absolutely cool

- Decoy
PLZ, decoy, PLZ. God, it was so much fucking fun playing drunk with you in mumble. wanna gorge my hive? LOL
- Soleanthia
You were always so cheerish, had really fun casting with you. Was sad to see you dropping out to inactivity, but who knows? Maybe you come back. I would watch your casts again

- Andy
Thousand thanks for changing NS2 into a balanced and playable game I could enjoy 100 times more. Sorry for not recognizing you when you took of your cap, somehow that picture is branded in my brain :P
First team I commanded (NSL Season 2). Thanks for being patient. It is really difficult to get the same "tickling" of your trained spider sense regarding the game's flow from a different perspective.
- jaivol
Damn, it's hard to say who made me more laugh. You or Mendasp. Or both in combination? I will never know. You are fucking great. I wish you best luck man! And the next NS2WC I will watch you should sit in a chair, man! No commander has ever had the micro managing abilities you have.
- Pascow & Gorge Casting Couch
Thanks for picking me up, playing with you was so refreshing and fun. Sorry I left you last Season, but I *had* to command again somehow, couldn't help it. I will keep your SG rush bookmarked on my laptop, that is the perfect memory of the fun we have had in so many matches

- Bitey
You are hilarious AND a great player. And hell, making you drunk in cologne was epic lol. Wish you all the best on your streaming, I silently watched you alot

- mf
Australia's greatest talent. I think I watched all your VODs. I always enjoyed watching POV from great players (that's how I started competitive playing in 2009! Thanks to HLTV and and yours were especially good. What do I want to tell you? Same like Tane, only different continent

- King_yo
I am really glad for your success with Snails. I loved playing with you in DeGz in last NS1 Season, damn, without marko's unreal uberskills killing all lifeforms we could have easily won that. And besides ofc, it was even nicer meeting you in person. Stay as you are

- Liza
Suka, don't steal my SG! "Shaddap". Good memories and many laughs

- dux
All-around cool person. Sad our NS1 vets team didn't work out, but holy shit, I loved your rage ahaha. Kinda like dugi :P Thanks for all the games in NS1, NS2 (obviously less) and ofc the mapping work you did for this game.
- Gerhard/mp
Thanks for you trusting in me. You let me play lerk in NS1 S14 finals although I was yet so damn unexperienced. The result was obvious :P
- zups
Crazy fin. Fuccccckckkk maaaaan.

- Hopeanouli
Thanks for all the chats, man.
- ausns2
Great community. Much respect for keeping up the NS flag in your continent. Especially below a certain critical mass of players this is damn hard (remembering the last NS1 years).
- Pipo
nanananaaaanaaananananaaaaa LOL. epic laughs with you. Hilarious french troll and great fade ;>
- rantology
FUCKING EPIC artworks. God you are so talented it hurts my brains. Thanks for all the amount of work you did for this community. And my twitch wallpaper ofc

- leipa
srsly when you read that line, how many beers you already got?

- Snails
Don't wanna miss out the other frenchies I had much fun with in Telford and in Cologne again

- retry
Give cassie a new pc and play again with her dude - you are a great duo, wish you all the best

- Dragon
Thanks for all the work! Can't even imagine NS2 without your mods anymore

- Hypie
stop stacking me when I play pub next time :P but on second thought, play in my team! fun with you

- Pelagir
The referee of referees. Thanks for all your hard work on NSL. And I won't forget the blind nicktroll train you pulled off that one day - that was epic ;>
- Keyse
Cutest player of NS. Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyse, remember your #1 keysefan.
- phone
God when was the last time I saw you around? In any case, if you ever read this, you were epic. I always think about blitz' video of your lerk, especially your quote "he is not really recording, he is just trolling me"
- aA
Biggest and most dangerous rambo in NS ever. Holy shit, your aim. Give this man a JP/HMG and all fades die (watch jiriki's last frag video or demos of S14 semifinals for proof). Unfortunetaly you were always too impatient ;> Hope you have more success in SC2 or whatever game you went to after
- Aioros
Was really cool meeting you. Twice

- Bonkers
As a friend you are absolutely amazing and cool. Hope you will forgive me leaving your team one day ;>
- Nittai
Most fun commander in NS ever. Was a walk in the park! :P
- Nosku
The finnish version of aA. Rambo and cool guy. Thanks for playing with me in FLASH. Keep destroying those fades in your current team, I expect you in prem div next season

- Zeikko
Long time ago there was a team everyone feared. It was named Archaea. And the person initiating that was Zeikko. Casting in early days with Hugh was Zeikko. Was great to meet you in Cologne, you did alot for NS

...god there are SO many more people popping in my head, every time I put up a name. But best I stop before I realize what I just do and delete that post again alltogether. Sorry for all I missed out till here, but know that I keep you in my memories.
Good times.
Thank you.
- blind
This x1000.
So, see you around. Also, you're off my non existent Christmas card list for mentioning everyone and their mother, but not me for whatever the hell it is I did to... help you... or something. No idea, but I should be up there damn it!.
Same thing when I asked you to merc for us or when, at the contrary, I merced for gCC and you in the team, really funny games with all these people. Or even the guy who joined Campfire to check out news & started with Jiriki to debate about Simba & the Lion King with all the mutli language versions of Hakuna Matata, good luck for your future Blind, that you may be happy!
PS. You might not win tournaments as player but at least you won me and whole Saunamen in dart!
Good luck in The Good Life.
I know you'll be back though, nobody can truly quit NS.
Best of luck to your future endeavors.
Good luck man. I see what you mean, real life waits for noone.
Wait, what?
Just gonna beacon you back, blind.
I have watched so many of your casts and really enjoyed your in depth knowledge of the game and personality. I wish you only the best and hope to see you in a pub match some time.
Long time fan,
We had our differences from time to time, but I think that only resulted in better competetions for the community to have such different viewpoints. I always enjoyed talking/playing with you, you will be dearly missed.
See ya around buddy.
My oracle skills tell me there are 3 options.
2 you got kids.
3 Both...
F**k i'm too old for that s**t.