Flayra, when you sucked enough money out of NS2...
Netherlands Join Date: 2014-01-20 Member: 193352Members

Please reduce the price of it, or make it F2P, add some buyable weapon skins and stuff into the game and make it more community viable, because atm, the community is slowly dying out 
With price reductions your prolly to make off more money with it anyhow
I don't pay 20 euro's for games I don't know at all... Or if EA is branded on it ofc

With price reductions your prolly to make off more money with it anyhow

NS2 is a game that will easily give you a few 100 hours of fun - trust me, its worth every penny.
EA wouldn't touch NS2, it is too high skill/not retard friendly
Anyhow, what I was trying to say, there are many 20 euro games out there, and yes, if you get hooked and if you don't get screwed over by the system specs you might get hooked, but for a lot of people that isn't the case, they get dissapointed and throw their 20 bucks away.
What I am trying to suggest is to change the approach of the game, you finally have a completed game, which got a lot of the bugs out, But has been released over 2 years ago, 2 years have past, sales get lower and lower, less ppl entering the community aswell, less and less servers to play on, I counted about 12-15 full servers this night, and that isn't a whole lot for NS2 compared to NS1
NS1 was a free mod, A whole lot more resources have been invested in this game, but the game has some flaws to, especially people who are new to this game, My suggestions is to raise the bar of payments lower, and compensate it with either ingame items that can be brought ( like ns2 loadout LoL etc etc etc,) make it a free steam game for a week or weekend with a sugnifficent price reduction.
Lowering the price has it advantages, if the price is lower people have a tendency to buy the game, regardless if it is a piece of crap they might be buying, or if they might not like it.
Back in the day where games were 50 euro's to buy, I got dissapointed by one game after the other, last game I ever bought out of "impulse" was star trek online, 50 euro's for a mmorpg, threw it away the same day, unfortunately, a lot of people like me have that same experience, and now on, I never pay for a game that has a high price unless I am absolutely sure it is worth it.
The gaming industry thinks people are all some kind of fools but in the end it's they that are feeling the sting, (EA games, THQ) that manage to bring one crappy game after another, expecting the full price for it.
Anyhow, I think this is a win win win situation,
- The community will grow
- UWE makes a extra buck of it
- People will feel less robbed of their money
*uninstall* Sorry but I hate when they do that
Also, Reinforcement Program is practically the 2nd request you have there.
His offensive tone, your response... brain explosion.
"...when you have sucked enough money out of NS2..." "...add some buyable weapon skins..."?
O, the idealism.
They should buy it over some other random game, and we know that, but they don't. Sure, there's information out there on what ns2 is about, but until you experience it hands on you won't know if it's worth the money. And without proper marketing, that information likely isn't going to reach most potential customers, unless spread through word-of-mouth or some other way (e.g. lets plays).
Also, despite the fact that for most of us in the forums here who have a lot of playtime clocked in on the game it's worth much more than the current pricetag, for a lot of people it simply isn't - whether it's because they can't get over the initial hurdle to enjoy the gameplay, or that's not the issue and they're disappointed for other reasons.
I think the pricetag is fair. But the reality is that the playerbase is dwindling, and it might be high-time to start prioritizing incentivizing sales over making money off them. I do think that the person who made the point that it would make all the sales seem less special - this is correct. But, perhaps I may be wrong here, but it just feels like there's very little player retention from those sales.
My preference would actually be for UWE to take this game F2P, although I understand all the reasons why a lot of people are against it. Regardless, I think there's other options for revenue streams that ns2 could and should be taking advantage of that UWE should switch their focus to. I don't know what the reality is re:finances, but I can't see the current sales figures making a substantial impact towards UWE's profits, so there's really no reason to keep the price the way it is, if reducing it will get more people playing the game. Unless the money they're making off ns2 sales currently is critical to keeping them afloat (which would be bad bad news considering the honeymoon is over), I see more benefit in doing everything possible to sustaining a healthy and committed customer base. If dropping the price would mean more people played the game, then I think it is the way to go at this point.
The reinforcement program was a step in the right direction regarding other ways ns2 can make money, and I actually like the idea of characterizing it as a donation program and setting the prices high (it makes a lot of sense given the niche market ns2 is in, and how fanatical the playerbase is) - but I feel an opportunity was squandered to follow up on this, and offer more, and thus more alternatives for revenue streams.
How about making the game 5 euro's (dollars) . IF you attract 3 more buyers for the game, the developer gets his money out of it aswell, and it will give a boost to the community, Personally, what would increase sales the most is making the thing F2P and focus on a store where you can buy ingame skins, it is some work, no doubt about that, but I think it is well worth it, Maybe NS2 Combat can be integrated in that fashion aswell.
*glances at shadow tier badge*
NS2 has made a lot of progress since the beta days. However if you don't get players attention in a game during the first 1-3 play sessions they are never going to play the game again without a friend telling them to. This means that the players that bought the game a year ago and left will probably not play again. Players that saw interest in ns2 have already bought the game and reducing the price/placing the game on a special sale now days won't be enough to bring the player numbers back up again.
I believe the best way would be going f2p model for ns2. There are a lot of reasons for this but I can name a few:
**Huge surge of new players, these players will be able to bring their friends with them with ease since the game is free, greatly increasing the enjoyment they get from the game.
**Less frustration from performance issues, high skill ceiling and bugs. When you pay for a game you expect to get instant enjoyment with no effort out of the product you just bought, when the game is free there is less frustration and players are generally more open to try out new things.
**More players the game gets faster it grows, if the game is solid enough to sustain players word of mouth will constantly bring in new players.
These are just few simple pointers but I could probably write for hours what potential ns2 has for this. By increasing the player numbers you can do reinforce program regularly to fund the game with interesting in-game rewards. The money from these dontation have to be put to better use though than a single overpriced map(Eclipse), focusing on improving the engine, gamecode and the tools that the players can use to make better content. If more work would be put into the spark SDK we would be seeing much more maps flying around.
Changing the game f2p without some work will not be enough, UWE needs to commit to ns2 to make it work. Doing it half way would be just as bad and than not doing anything at this point. I still believe ns2 can be the strongest FPS game on the market with ease by simply refining what we have right now and fix the underlying issues that have been present since the beta days.