Gathers and making the game more accessible to new players

ReapMysterReapMyster Australia Join Date: 2014-01-11 Member: 192954Members, WC 2013 - Silver
edited March 2014 in NS2 General Discussion
It seems that we are always discussing the skill ceiling when it comes to attracting and retaining new players. I've been wondering whether making changes to the main game of NS2 as a means of improving accessibility is the only solution.

Question for the Developers: Is there a way when creating Gathers that you can also set a game mode using specific mods/game types (which have been approved by UWE)?

This may provide a more accessible and fun experience for players who want to experience the depth that NS2 has to offer (or just kill some aliens) without having to rely on vanillla NS2, have the knowledge of Mods, or find Mod specific servers. Examples of Mods which would allow greens to have a more fun experience:
- The Fade / Hidden
- Marine vs. Marine
- Combat
- Factions
- Skulks with Shotguns

These options would be shown in the Gather, with a description of the game type.

The additional benefit of allowing these options in a gather is that it also advertises to greens the flexibility of the game that they have purchased and the fun they can have with their friends. Because let's be honest, the main NS2 game IS difficult and DOES require a large skill ceiling to be able to play in many public servers. There are too few greens and too many high-skilled players to make NS2 accessible to new players.

I'm not a developer so I'm not aware of what is required. It may be too late in the release to attract new players; or alternatively, it may be too large a coding exercise to even be possible.


  • ezekelezekel Join Date: 2012-11-29 Member: 173589Members, NS2 Map Tester
    I was really hoping the gather system would have been more of a 'matchmaker' which would just pool 12 players into an empty UWE server for a 'fair' game - but it's not finished yet so I'm not sure what the done product will look like if it stays
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