Exosuits - Viability in competitive matches - Possible Solution



  • SantaClawsSantaClaws Denmark Join Date: 2012-07-31 Member: 154491Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    NS2 is one of the multi-player games I've played with the most content. NS2 does not NEED any more content, and for that reason, I think it's perfectly fine that the exo remains a bit of a gimicky tech that only gets used once in a while for fun.

    I watch twitch streams some times with new players - and you wouldn't believe how long it takes them to realize some of the basic things. They would often cry out in frustrations "what are babbler-eggs?!", "What is this drifter thing?!". I usually just write in chat, "drifters are npc units controlled by the alien commander, that can do many useful things - that you do NOT need to know about."

    Because that's the problem. There is so much useless content and information that players have to invest hundreds of hours just to understand the rules and abillities of the game.

    So I support the idea of 'doing nothing' about the exo. We do not need any more shit in this game.
  • CalegoCalego Join Date: 2013-01-24 Member: 181848Members, NS2 Map Tester
    SantaClaws wrote: »
    NS2 is one of the multi-player games I've played with the most content. NS2 does not NEED any more content, and for that reason, I think it's perfectly fine that the exo remains a bit of a gimicky tech that only gets used once in a while for fun.

    I watch twitch streams some times with new players - and you wouldn't believe how long it takes them to realize some of the basic things. They would often cry out in frustrations "what are babbler-eggs?!", "What is this drifter thing?!". I usually just write in chat, "drifters are npc units controlled by the alien commander, that can do many useful things - that you do NOT need to know about."

    Because that's the problem. There is so much useless content and information that players have to invest hundreds of hours just to understand the rules and abillities of the game.

    So I support the idea of 'doing nothing' about the exo. We do not need any more shit in this game.
    While I agree that there is lots of stuff that it super confusing to new players, I'd argue that most of the are on the Alien side of things. Marine's are much more forthright and pretty simple to understand. The nuances of the abilities (strengths and weaknesses) of each weapon are not immediately obvious (the flamethrower's many abilities are very hidden) but that's another matter.

    Shotguns, Grenade Lanchers, Flamethrowers, Rifles, Pistols, Grenades (cluster, pulse, gas), medpacks, ammo packs, jetpacks, armorys, even infantry portals are all named in such a way that makes their purpose instantly recognizable. "Exosuit" is the same. Even the two types are so distinctive that the average user knows what each does before getting in. I don't think that tweaking the Exos to make them viable again will add anything to the game that isn't already there.

    Now compare that list to the Alien side of things. Spur, Shell, Veil, adrenaile, carapace, regen, phantom, gorge tunnel, harvestor, hive, clog, spores, and maybe blink are the only things I can think of that are named in such a way that the average joe would be able to have an idea of what their purpose is without being told.
    Drifter? Crag? Shift? Shade? Celerity? Aura? Skulk, Fade, Gorge, Onos, Lerk? Wtf does that even mean?

    So in short, It's true that there are many thing that aren't obvious to newbies, but I'd say they're mostly on aliens. Thus I'd argue that the only harm that can come of Exos being buffed is if they're over-buffed.
  • cooliticcoolitic Right behind you Join Date: 2013-04-02 Member: 184609Members
    Perhaps give exosuits a bit more dmg resistance? That way they get a bit tankier without making the welding process take longer, or vice versa.

    Also either give exo fist a bit more aoe or replace with welder (maybe make that an option?)
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