NS2 Mapping Helper application (replaces 1-click map testing batch files)
Join Date: 2012-11-28 Member: 173581Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Gold
I built a little app that some of you may find useful. It is a tool that can be used standalone or as an external tool in the Spark Editor to replace the functionality of the 1-click map testing tool in the sticky thread. Here is what it will do:

This goes in your %AppData%/Natural Selection 2/Editor/options.xml, though you'll have to modify the paths to suit your own personal directory structure:
As you can see in the screenshots above, you need to tell it where NS2 is installed and tell it whether or not you use Builder. I know it is kind of a silly option, but I'm old fashioned and I don't use Builder except to make material textures.
Download from https://ns2mappinghelper.codeplex.com/
- Overview creation
- Overlay a .png image of your choice on the overview map.
- Copy files from "source" to "output" (this part can be disabled in case you use the Builder)
- Copy files from "output" to "Natural Selection 2/Your_Mod_Name/"
- Launch NS2 and hotload your mod from "Natural Selection 2/Your_Mod_Name/"

This goes in your %AppData%/Natural Selection 2/Editor/options.xml, though you'll have to modify the paths to suit your own personal directory structure:
<external_tools> <external_tool title="Test Map" command="C:\NS2Maps\NS2MappingHelper.exe" arguments=""$(ItemDir)" overviewlaunch"/> <external_tool title="Fast Test Map" command="C:\NS2Maps\NS2MappingHelper.exe" arguments=""$(ItemDir)" launch"/> <external_tool title="Overview Map" command="C:\NS2Maps\NS2MappingHelper.exe" arguments=""$(ItemDir)" overview"/> <external_tool title="NS2 Mapping Helper" command="C:\NS2Maps\NS2MappingHelper.exe" arguments=""$(ItemDir)""/> </external_tools>
As you can see in the screenshots above, you need to tell it where NS2 is installed and tell it whether or not you use Builder. I know it is kind of a silly option, but I'm old fashioned and I don't use Builder except to make material textures.
Download from https://ns2mappinghelper.codeplex.com/
Interesting concept, if not exactly what I had in mind...
This brings up a question though. I don't use Builder during my mapmaking unless I need to build a material / dds file. So I don't know if Builder will copy the overviews folder from /source/mapsrc/ to /output/maps/. Will Builder do this or should I add logic to the overview process that does this automatically if the "I use the Builder app" checkbox is checked?
I don't know about everybody else, but for me it's builder, editor, cinematic editor, and overview that crash on me all the time.
Builder is on autobuild ?
Disable... ? ...