inverse colors for alien vision

clankill3rclankill3r Join Date: 2007-09-03 Member: 62145Members, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow
I wont start about the old alien vision, almost everyone misses it but it doesn't come back. If you want to debate it, there should be plenty of topics.
I know the old AV was used all the time and UWE wants to prevent that. But i liked with the old AV that the world didn't look like it was perceived threw a human eye.

I would like a option in the menu to inverse colors for aliens.
It would look like this:


I know it's a bit cheap but it doesn't really give an advantage or disadvantage. It will just make a player feel like an alien again.


  • HobocopHobocop Join Date: 2010-11-23 Member: 75226Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Peruse the workshop for an appropriate alien vision mod, or make your own. The file associated with alien vision is no longer consistency checked by default, so it should work in most servers.
  • NeXuSNeXuS US Join Date: 2013-10-13 Member: 188681Members, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester
    Wow. The white may be worse IMO. But if you like it, go for it. Make a mod and publish it. I'd try it just to see what it's like. :)
  • xnorxnor Join Date: 2013-09-06 Member: 187916Members, Reinforced - Gold
    Sorry, but that's probably the worst alien vision ever.
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