The problem with looking at html pages .. is depending on how you read it .. it could be broken by some dev's comment in page.. I mean searching a html page for txt? .. where json is .. json ..
etc etc
The problem with looking at html pages .. is depending on how you read it .. it could be broken by some dev's comment in page.. I mean searching a html page for txt? .. where json is .. json ..
etc etc
Anyhow .. it doesnt exist .. again .. a pity ..
All Samus did say was that you should look it up yourself in the ns2 lua code, everything around hive is managed with httprequests and jsons.
It's just i won't post hive api links here in public because i think noone would want this.
for a web service, you should expect something like this .. as a typical request .. returns your html like you expect .. then additional options to return as json .. an easier to work with .. format ..
The problem with looking at html pages .. is depending on how you read it .. it could be broken by some dev's comment in page.. I mean searching a html page for txt? .. where json is .. json ..
etc etc
Anyhow .. it doesnt exist .. again .. a pity ..
All Samus did say was that you should look it up yourself in the ns2 lua code, everything around hive is managed with httprequests and jsons.
It's just i won't post hive api links here in public because i think noone would want this.
Also what exactly do you want to do?
PlayerRanking.lua ..
It's there .. I don't understand the secrecy ... thanks for indirectly helping.
BTW i don't know what you want to do but here is the api doc:
Also with knowing the get-url you can do things i don't want to ppl to do. Let's just end this, okay?