Show Player Names In Map

RatmslasherRatmslasher USA Join Date: 2013-12-16 Member: 190188Members
Simple modification; allow the enable/disable of player names when toggling the map screen. I often play with friends and the whole "Hey what zone are you in" is asked everytime you die and it gets old.

I realize this could get cluttered in huge games, but I think it would be a huge improvement. Perhaps allow you to choose who's names get displayed?

Unless there's a way to already do this I don't know about...?


  • GlissGliss Join Date: 2003-03-23 Member: 14800Members, Constellation, NS2 Map Tester
    yeah this would be really cool
    in fact in QW they have a method to solve this where you have your name, and then a "short" name that's used for teamplay commands

    so gliss would say something in allchat, but in teamchat it's just 3-4 letters (gls) or whatever you define it as, this helps reduce a lot of the clutter and spam and helps you sift through names that aren't covered up by tags or icons and stuff which is Cool
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