Do not try and unbind the keys. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth. There are no keys to unbind. Then you'll see, that it is not the keys that unbind, it is only yourself.
Still want to unbind them? Hmm.
*Hand swipe*
You don't want to unbind your keys.
You want to go home and rethink your life.
In all seriousness, you can't do that and yes it sucks - just bind all keys you don't need to a key you don't use. My keybinds menu has alot of red color 6's in it. So in other words:
One keybind to rule them all,
One keybind to find them,
One keybind to bring them all,
And in to no function bind them.
Still want to unbind them? Hmm.
*Hand swipe*
You don't want to unbind your keys.
You want to go home and rethink your life.
In all seriousness, you can't do that and yes it sucks - just bind all keys you don't need to a key you don't use. My keybinds menu has alot of red color 6's in it. So in other words:
One keybind to rule them all,
One keybind to find them,
One keybind to bring them all,
And in to no function bind them.
"What He hast bound,
thou shalt unbindeth not!"
Or something like that...