Short freezes at the first few encounters ingame
Join Date: 2013-09-10 Member: 188102Members

So when I play, the first few times I meet an enemy my game freezes up for about a second, just enough to get me killed.
Normaly I have about 80-90fps, on low settings with texture streaming on (without loading a map takes ages).
Anyone an idea where I can start searching for the problem?
Normaly I have about 80-90fps, on low settings with texture streaming on (without loading a map takes ages).
Anyone an idea where I can start searching for the problem?
First confirm that some thing is loading by running the loadtimes command in console and you should see something load after your hitch.
Once that is done, I would do two things, ensure your disk is defragged and post the log here so we can make sure the file causing the loading hitch is known and fixed in the next patch.
The log with the loadtimes command?
Thank you!
Is gorge tunnel supposed to be not loaded until I enter one for the first time? Because that's how it works for me now.
Also, a crash:
loadtimes true (loading models)
Lets see how that looks
If you are getting hitches, let's see that plog. (do you know how?)
I'm not sure if the "net_log all" command worked right, it returned "network logging disabled".
But perhaps Ironhorse knows.
Seems like you have some models & stuff loading at 6ms, which i find weird considering so many others are a lot lower.
I prepared my mechanical disks to counter fragmentation as good as can be in windows. More partitions so it fragments over a smaller area, and bigger sector sizes so I have less fragments, but more wasted space.
But you'll only want to use this for networking issues.. if you aren't getting anything notable network wise, (yellow or red disconnect symbol, or net_Stats shows something weird) its not worth turning on as it spams A LOT.
First of all, i'd unsubscribe and de activate all your mods.
"Mounting mod from C:/Users/Hub3rtu2/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m67e3b77_1353354858/
Mounting mod from C:/Users/Hub3rtu2/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m78ec039_1360943628/
Mounting mod from C:/Users/Hub3rtu2/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m95266f4_1378030496/"
Those are loading up when you launch the game.
Deactivate in the mod options in game, then unsubscribe through steam workshop, then delete your Workshop folder shown in the path above ^
Ruling out mods as a potential for causing this is important.
Things like
"Loading 'models/alien/lerk/lerk_view_spike.model' took 15.14ms, cumulative = 7.15s, systime = 3399.68s"
Are way higher than they should be. (anything over 5 ms is an issue)
I'd investigate fragmentation, sure.. but i'd also be curious about the health of your HD and it's speed etc. (reading your dxdiag in polish is way harder than i anticipated lol)
At this point, i'd recommend running p_logall in the console when u join a game. Start a stop watch timer as soon as you enter the command.
When you get a hitch, write down the time it occurred. Play with others for 10 minutes, and be sure that you have experienced at least one or two hitches.
Quit, then navigate to that hidden appdata ns2 folder shown above and find the plog file you made. (you can name them by typing "p_logall hitching" or whatever you want)
Compress the file and upload it to somewhere on the internet and then provide the link here.
That log will show us what exactly is occurring on every single frame, and if you have the time marks for when you are hitching, it will be really easy to rule out whats going on.
If you want to do extra credit, you can run r_loading true and loadtimes true while doing this as well... then provide that techsupport zip file at the same time.. this will tell me what exact file is causing the hitch and to what degree/severity.
Goodluck and thanks for investigating!
Looks like it's all over the place, I guess I'll try moving NS2 to the other HD:
Or buy a SSD already...
As for the fragmentation, both aren't much affected by it. I'm not the brightest bulb in the chandelier when it comes to multitasking and it won't be easy to distinguish hitches from low fps during mid/late-game. Unless you also want those that happen on the start, first-time encounters, there's always plenty of those. I'll try doing that in a few days, or week, or whenever I find the time (including deleting muh precious mods).
Anyways, here's another crash:
Available OS Memory: 4094MB RAM
Page File: 2331MB used, 2594MB available
You will see more benefit from more memory also. I didnt notice last time it was that low.
Windows uses a page file (on your harddisk(s)) to use as 'memory' if you run low on real memory.
Now it doesnt only use it when memory is low, windows ALWAYS pages some stuff. This has to do with your total amount of memory, and the programs you run. (lets leave it at that, gets more complicated fast.)
This means you are paging, and looking at those values you are paging a lot.
The SAMSUNG HD502HI is a slow disk. ST31000524AS is already a lot faster, but dont expect miracles.
MY win7 64 bit, with a few browser tabs open, Antivirus etc without running ns2 already grabs 1,67GB of memory. ns2 will grab the full 2GB it can take. Thats very close to 4GB, so I am sure you are running out, paging hugely on a slow disk.
Get memory.
Get a ssd and put the pagefile on it.
Either one will help somewhat if the above data is correct.
you can check paging by the following:
* start task manager
* 4th tab. cpu/memory, the graphs etc.
* press the shiny button on the bottom to loadup the performance monitor.
* go to the memory tab.
* 3rd graph, hard errors is the amount of memory being paged. more = worse. check when gaming.
Me too. I usually just go run into a bunch of Marines to get them out of the way all at once when I first play.
But thats not a definite answer? Whats the harm in checking? Noone!
Loadup perfmon in the way I described (not other ways pls), loadup ns2, and when you lag check if you have loads up 'hard errors' spikes in that graph.
That windows resets your page file is probably a warning! It does not try to change pagefile settings unless it thinks it needs to, aka is running low on 'memory'. What have you set it to 'normally?'.
I will post a log when I have time.