Game Needs Squads - Ideas Inside

altaholicaltaholic Join Date: 2013-09-21 Member: 188389Members
Playing and commanding in NS can feel like herding cats. Especially when playing marines, there is often little to no direction on common/bad servers. Those few times that you land on a server with excellent communication and teamwork, gameplay can feel amazing. My idea below details ways in which the developers can give each side the tools needed to replicate that feeling of "excellent teamwork." Everything hinges on player participation, but if the commander has the tools then the developer has done everything they can.

1.) Squads/Swarms
The game needs to add squads for marines, and swarms(or whatever other fluff word the developers prefer) for aliens. Each commander should be able to form around 4-6 squads out of the current players. I realize that some of these features are already implemented, but you won't know you are in a squad unless told so.

2.) Add squad/swarm leaders and make them easily recognizable
Each squad should be led by one sergeant/swarm node (again a alien fluff word of whatever choosing) of the commanders choice. The sergeant for each squad should be distinct in their appearance, such as slightly different armor coloring and bold/visible sergeant "stripes" on their shoulder armor. Alien leaders could have a slightly off color skin and appear a different shade on alien vision. This should help new players/everyone easily identify the leader on the battlefield. Instead of detailing how to play the game, new players could simply be directed to follow their squad leader to accomplish objectives and learn through experience.

3.) Commanders give orders to squads easily seen on the map
Commanders, with squads available, could then direct squads on where to go. How often on marines does everyone go to the right while that 1 guy goes to capture nodes on the left? Let's change that by having the commander issue general commands to his individual squads. Have alpha go left, bravo go right, charlie seek the enemy hive location, and delta can attempt an ambush at x location. The orders given should be heard in game through voices as well as being visible on the map. The commander should be able to "paint" an arrow or symbol on the map in what room or direction he wants a squad to move to. Let the sergeants in each squad inform his squad on what weapons/life forms they should be getting and what strategy they should be using. A few additional commands should be as follows.
1. Defend location x
2. Fall back to x
3. Secure x from the enemy
4. Move from x to y
5. Rendezvous with x squad at y location

4.) Give incentives to players to stay with their squad
Give the sergeants of each squad MINOR bonuses to team mates around them. Maybe minor health regeneration and increased point generation from killing enemies and building/destroying while with their squad. You wont be able to have everyone go with the flow, but if there is an incentive to stay together then the majority may begin to do so.

5.) Make it recognizable
Make the name above each player (for inside your team) correspond to a color representing that squad. This way you don't have to read each name and try to remember who is on what team. Let colors be a quick reference. Enemy names can appear as the same flat color. You can turn each squad into a competition to see who can get the most points. Your name color in chat should correspond to what squad you are in.

I've been playing NS since it was a mod in half-life, and the great thing about it is the sense of accomplishment you gain from working together and narrowly winning a game through excellent team work. In my opinion, a component missing from the game currently is tools for the commander to organize their team and give everyone a sense of direction on what they should be doing. I hope that a system similar to the one described above could be implemented to help players have fun and find purpose while inside NS2.


  • Mac1OManMac1OMan Join Date: 2004-10-29 Member: 32510Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    I believe I remember videos of a visual where they had bubbles around different squads in marine view. Since playing lately I just realized that those are gone. You can still create squads (ctrl+#) but it is never used and I'm not sure what it does.

    I hate when I say "1 person go here" and then half the team goes to that 1 RT in the corner of the map while the rest of the map gets taken out.
  • HobocopHobocop Join Date: 2010-11-23 Member: 75226Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Ctrl+# functions the same way it does in most RTSes. Creates a numerical hotkey for the currently selected unit or units that will select said units when pressed. I use it all the time for drifters when I play alien comm, and on marines, you can hotkey stuff like arms labs and observatories so you can research upgrades/beacon without needing to scroll all the way over to the room they're in.
  • VetinariVetinari Join Date: 2013-07-23 Member: 186325Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Silver
    Hobocop wrote: »
    Ctrl+# functions the same way it does in most RTSes. Creates a numerical hotkey for the currently selected unit or units that will select said units when pressed. I use it all the time for drifters when I play alien comm, and on marines, you can hotkey stuff like arms labs and observatories so you can research upgrades/beacon without needing to scroll all the way over to the room they're in.

    The problem is: The field players don't know they are in such a group.
  • DaxxDaxx Join Date: 2002-04-16 Member: 460Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    Yeah you do have squads, the problem is enforcing them. It could work in organized play, but you generally don't need/want that level of micro in selection with them at that level of play anyway.
  • [TGL]Thunderhorse[TGL]Thunderhorse Join Date: 2012-03-04 Member: 148134Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow

    I think this could be the start of something...with some changes of course
  • eyeriseyeris Join Date: 2013-09-10 Member: 188088Members
    Savage 2 had squads as you describe them. The squad roster was shown on the left side of the screen. Players near their squad leader got minor stat buffs. The squad leader was able to give basic "move here", "attack that thing", and "group up at my location" orders that were realized as way points for the squad members combined with voice prompts. Unfortunately it didn't help coordinate players who wouldn't have self-organized via mic chat.

    The thing that did help a lot was that the commander was able to give players gold to buy equipment. That facilitated conversations where players would beg for gold and the commander would have a chance to explain "no, I will not give you gold because you have not been following your squad leader's orders to attack the southern garrison."

    What I've seen in NS2, most players just aren't interested in teamwork. I don't know why they bought the game -- maybe they thought they were buying Quake 5.
  • VetinariVetinari Join Date: 2013-07-23 Member: 186325Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Silver
    Squads could turn out really awesome, if done well. I doubt it's going to happen in NS2, though... Maybe in NS3 (or in whatever that game with the secret twitter handle is).
  • GISPGISP Battle Gorge Denmark Join Date: 2004-03-20 Member: 27460Members, Playtest Lead, Forum Moderators, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, Squad Five Gold, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Onos, WC 2013 - Gold, Subnautica Playtester, Forum staff
    Its been tryed, (and working).
    But NS2 is way to fast and dunamic to be of any real use. - You can however still bind stuff to groups, but the visuals isnt in game any longer.
  • Dj_ESideDj_ESide Join Date: 2005-01-13 Member: 35337Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Supporter
    I like the idea, squads sound good.
  • tummy_yummytummy_yummy Join Date: 2013-05-01 Member: 185073Members, Reinforced - Gold, WC 2013 - Supporter
    It would be really nice if the commander had the ability to select a few marines, bind them to a group, and somehow have them know that a) they are in a group, and b) where the other members of their group are (e.g. colour coded map icons). Just one of many ways it could be implemented, but any kind of group/squad support would be an improvement!
  • SlejdySlejdy London Join Date: 2013-11-11 Member: 189285Members
    I made illustration image how should be squad mark in tab score. On map then should be the players mark with same colour. 9u6a.jpg
  • SpaSpa Join Date: 2013-05-20 Member: 185301Members
    Or just call them out by name. Public games not everyone is interested in playing as a team and that is something you have to work with as a commander.

    I just pair people up prior to game start, and usually if they have some hours in the game they will listen.
  • ZahlZahl Join Date: 2003-02-21 Member: 13802Members, Constellation
    Hobocop wrote: »
    Ctrl+# functions the same way it does in most RTSes. Creates a numerical hotkey for the currently selected unit or units that will select said units when pressed. I use it all the time for drifters when I play alien comm, and on marines, you can hotkey stuff like arms labs and observatories so you can research upgrades/beacon without needing to scroll all the way over to the room they're in.

    The problem is: The field players don't know they are in such a group.

    Marines/Aliens being able to see their fellow squad members is indeed something that should be part of the squad solution.

    If you could see a HUD icon where your fellow squad members are, their distance from you and their health and if they are firing their weapon. A bit like the old natural selection 1 motion tracking. In case the commander groups the entire team into a single squad, only show the nearest 3 squad members.

    Squads are automatically stronger because they work together, so you can not give them dmg or hitpoint bonusses for this, but a personal resource bonus is nice, or a resource penalty for not being near your squad for an extended time.
  • null_pointer_exceptionnull_pointer_exception Join Date: 2012-03-29 Member: 149634Members
    Seems pretty simple. You should be able to see your nearby squadmates through walls and have squad chat options. Maybe spawn near them, base-wise, but I'm not sure how that would be implemented mathematically. This is assuming disregarding the battlefield "squad leader" notion.

    Not sure about resource bonuses and is hard enough to balance as it is.

    Of course, since this hasn't happened after a few years, it will probably never happen.
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