[Linux] Crashes got worse in B257
Russia Join Date: 2013-09-03 Member: 187744Members, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Gold, Reinforced - Diamond, Reinforced - Shadow

Is it just me or the game became really less stable? I can't complete a single game now, before it was 2-3 games in a row before the crash. First it crashed because of OOM, now it just segfaulted after less than 10 minutes of playing. Here's my dmesg part:
[623626.855274] ns2_linux32[2097]: segfault at 0 ip 00000000f6c57802 sp 00000000ffbc7e50 error 6 in libSpark_Core.so[f6aa0000+6c0000] [625745.186117] ns2_linux32[3457]: segfault at 0 ip 00000000f17c8182 sp 00000000ffbbdc00 error 4 in libnvidia-glcore.so.319.49[f02cc000+1f5b000] [626497.634770] ns2_linux32[6097]: segfault at 0 ip 00000000f17af1a6 sp 00000000ffdd9780 error 4 in libnvidia-glcore.so.319.49[f02b3000+1f5b000]So it's something OpenGL-related it seems at least two times out of three. log.txt attached as well as stdout dump.
Log: http://pastebin.com/YCBcdudu
OS = ElementaryOS Luna with kernel 3.11.1
Video = Nvidia gtx 660 (325.15 drivers)
Cpu = Intel i5 3570k
Ram = 8gigs
I'm too unfamiliar with the multitudes of Linux distros to give instructions on how, but giving debugging information, dumps and logs would be far more helpful in pointing the devs to address specific issues.
Rkfg has been very helpful with this already, ty
I've played a couple games for a bit and training seems to load. biodome like clockwork fails though.
Would a core dump be helpful?
If you want to join the pt team there is an application thread in the general forum. Please apply. I am one of the few PT folks with a linux box to test with. So, any Linux bugs are pretty much directly my fault. Good times, right? More linux people means that more of you can be accused of not testing the game by random guys on the internet. That means less blame for me. Less blame for me means I can stop replying to every linux post in tech support so I can try to reproduce them all. That means I can start billing those hours to real paying clients again. Everyone wins. And I get paid!
Eh? Eh?
@rkfg if we ship the windows ones I will see if we can start shipping linux debug symbols as well.
Generally, I would say that more info is better. The out of memory issue is cross platform but my guess is an extra dump wouldn't kill anyone.
I did that shortly after 255 appeared...never got a response.
I talked to Max he says they are currently shipping debug symbols on linux. So, you should already have them. With regard to what to do with the stack traces, you can send them directly to max@unknownworlds.com or tech-support@unknownworlds.com which goes to all of the programmers.
gdb basics
You are not going to get ns2 to run from the command line easily so you will likely need to do something like:
gdb attach $(pid of ns2_linux32) -ex cont
once ns2 is running. pid from ps -e|grep ns2_linux32
@tuxator, They generally add new PTs in groups. I will talk to @ironhorse and @obraxis about the whole thing see if we can try to get some linux pts in.
0xf777a430 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
(gdb) backtrace
#0 0xf777a430 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1 0xf369380f in raise () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
#2 0xf3696cc3 in abort () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
#3 0xf4324d0d in base::debug::BreakDebugger() () from /opt/SteamLinux/SteamApps/common/Natural Selection 2/libawesomium-1-7.so.0
#4 0xf433f6ff in logging::LogMessage::~LogMessage() () from /opt/SteamLinux/SteamApps/common/Natural Selection 2/libawesomium-1-7.so.0
#5 0xf43542af in T.471 () from /opt/SteamLinux/SteamApps/common/Natural Selection 2/libawesomium-1-7.so.0
#6 0xf5a5e5da in tc_malloc () from /opt/SteamLinux/SteamApps/common/Natural Selection 2/libawesomium-1-7.so.0
#7 0xf3c0f609 in ?? () from /usr/lib32/libGL.so.1
#8 0xf15ceb3c in ?? () from /usr/lib32/libnvidia-glcore.so.319.49
#9 0xf1695ea9 in ?? () from /usr/lib32/libnvidia-glcore.so.319.49
#10 0xf1696c2c in ?? () from /usr/lib32/libnvidia-glcore.so.319.49
#11 0xf139bdcd in ?? () from /usr/lib32/libnvidia-glcore.so.319.49
#12 0xf13a1c06 in ?? () from /usr/lib32/libnvidia-glcore.so.319.49
#13 0xf13a22bd in ?? () from /usr/lib32/libnvidia-glcore.so.319.49
#14 0xf7272de2 in M4::OpenGLTexture::CreateInternal (this=0xc8d24be0, flags=3) at ../Source/Render/OpenGLTexture.cpp:535
#15 0xf7273038 in M4::OpenGLTexture::Create (this=0xc8d24be0, updateContext=0xe7b8ee08, format=M4::RenderFormat_R16G16B16A16F, xSize=1920, ySize=1200, numMipMaps=<optimized out>,
type=M4::RenderTextureType_2D, flags=3) at ../Source/Render/OpenGLTexture.cpp:258
#16 0xf726f9c2 in M4::OpenGLDevice::CreateTexture (this=0xe7b8ebe0, format=M4::RenderFormat_R16G16B16A16F, xSize=1920, ySize=1200, numMipMaps=1, type=M4::RenderTextureType_2D, flags=3)
at ../Source/Render/OpenGLDevice.cpp:779
#17 0xf72d071e in M4::RenderTargetManager::AcquireRenderTarget (this=0xdedacfc0, xSize=1920, ySize=1200, format=M4::RenderFormat_R16G16B16A16F) at ../Source/Render/RenderTargetManager.cpp:51
#18 0xf7299c0a in M4::RenderPipeline::CreateResourceRenderTargets (this=0xae2cadc8, resourceIndex=0) at ../Source/Render/RenderPipeline.cpp:1511
#19 0xf7299cb5 in M4::RenderPipeline::BeginLayerRendering (this=0xae2cadc8, layerIndex=0) at ../Source/Render/RenderPipeline.cpp:1459
#20 0xf72aafdf in M4::RenderRenderer::Render (this=0xdf3cb640, pipeline=0xae2cadc8, colorTarget=0xccc4ba70, depthTarget=0x0, faceIndex=0, sourceTexture=0xccc4bc00, sceneSettings=0xd8703382,
setupSettings=0xb2016c38, scene=0x0, time=1076.1129150390625, camera=..., viewport=..., visibleObjects=..., background=0x0) at ../Source/Render/RenderRenderer.cpp:1240
#21 0xf72ab901 in M4::RenderRenderer::RenderScreenEffects (this=0xdf3cb640, context=..., sceneSettings=0xd8703382, scene=0xa9b82df0, camera=..., viewport=..., visibleObjects=...,
background=0x0) at ../Source/Render/RenderRenderer.cpp:3797
#22 0xf72ab239 in M4::RenderRenderer::Render (this=0xdf3cb640, pipeline=0xad5a3478, colorTarget=0xdd279e60, depthTarget=0xdbaece50, faceIndex=0, sourceTexture=0x0, sceneSettings=0xd8703382,
setupSettings=0xffb86bd8, scene=0xa9b82df0, time=1076.1129150390625, camera=..., viewport=..., visibleObjects=..., background=0x0) at ../Source/Render/RenderRenderer.cpp:1266
#23 0xf72bf55c in M4::RenderScene::InternalRender (this=0xa9b82df0, settings=..., colorTarget=0xdd279e60, depthTarget=0xdbaece50, faceIndex=0, pipeline=0xad5a3478, camera=...,
prevCamera=0x0, viewport=..., renderMask=4294967295, cullingMode=M4::RenderScene_CullingMode_Occlusion, background=0x0, deltaTime=0.0135498047) at ../Source/Render/RenderScene.cpp:816
#24 0xf72c0131 in M4::RenderScene::InternalRender (this=0xa9b82df0, settings=..., colorTarget=0xdd279e60, depthTarget=0xdbaece50, faceIndex=0, camera=0xb1a98de8, _viewport=0x0,
background=0x0, deltaTime=0.0135498047) at ../Source/Render/RenderScene.cpp:758
#25 0xf72c050c in M4::RenderScene::RenderMainCamera (this=0xa9b82df0, settings=..., colorTarget=0xdd279e60, depthTarget=0xdbaece50, faceIndex=0, camera=0xb1a98de8, viewport=0x0,
background=0x0, time=1076.1129150390625) at ../Source/Render/RenderScene.cpp:713
#26 0xf72c061e in M4::RenderScene::Render (this=0xa9b82df0, settings=..., colorTarget=0xdd279e60, depthTarget=0xdbaece50, camera=0xb1a98de8, background=0x0, time=1076.1129150390625)
at ../Source/Render/RenderScene.cpp:496
#27 0x08082344 in M4::ClientWorld::Render (this=0xd8701988, drawer=..., swapChain=0xe7b3ae88) at ../Source/Spark_Client/ClientWorld.cpp:2264
#28 0x0806caed in M4::ClientGame::Render (this=0xe7b38960, swapChain=0xe7b3ae88) at ../Source/Spark_Client/ClientGame.cpp:1640
#29 0x0807699f in M4::ClientGame::Update (this=0xe7b38960, deltaTime=0.027430015000390995) at ../Source/Spark_Client/ClientGame.cpp:891
#30 0x0806bfa6 in M4::ClientEngine::Update (this=0xf3ca2170, deltaTime=0.027430015000390995) at ../Source/Spark_Client/ClientEngine.cpp:148
#31 0x080bf044 in M4::BaseEngine::RunFrame (this=0xf3ca2170) at ../Source/Spark_Server/BaseEngine.cpp:188
#32 0x080bf070 in M4::BaseEngine::Run (this=0xf3ca2170) at ../Source/Spark_Server/BaseEngine.cpp:152
#33 0x0806a4c3 in main (argc=<error reading variable: Cannot access memory at address 0x104a>, argv=<error reading variable: Cannot access memory at address 0x104e>)
at ../Source/ShooterExe/Main.cpp:82
@Max oh, nice tools, thanks! May be of use for us definitely.
#1 0xf17aff3d in ?? () from /usr/lib32/libnvidia-glcore.so.319.49
#2 0xf138b15d in ?? () from /usr/lib32/libnvidia-glcore.so.319.49
#3 0xf7229cc8 in M4::OpenGLDevice::DrawIndexedPrimitives (this=0xe7b49be0,
primitiveType=M4::RenderPrimitiveType_TriangleList, minVertexIndex=0, numVertices=65,
startIndex=0, numPrimitives=48, numInstances=1) at ../Source/Render/OpenGLDevice.cpp:998
#4 0xf72510e8 in M4::RenderModelProxy::RenderFaceSet (this=0x91da6e10, faceSetIndex=0,
numInstances=1) at ../Source/Render/RenderModelProxy.cpp:239
#5 0xf724dc37 in M4::RenderModelArray::RenderFaceSet (this=0x9c864f40, faceSetIndex=0)
at ../Source/Render/RenderModelArray.cpp:423
#6 0xf72678d1 in RenderFaceSet (this=<optimized out>, faceSet=...)
at ../Source/Render/RenderRenderer.cpp:324
#7 M4::RenderRenderer::RenderFaceSets<M4::RenderModelArray, M4::ObjectRenderer<M4::RenderModelArray> > (this=0xdd11f2c0, context=..., viewerParams=..., renderer=..., faceSets=0xdd39d010,
numFaceSets=87) at ../Source/Render/RenderRenderer.cpp:3415
#8 0xf726465f in M4::RenderRenderer::RenderModelArrays (this=0xdd11f2c0, context=...,
viewerParams=..., modelArray=0xff827df0, numModelArrays=87, techniqueIndex=1,
reverseCulling=false, shadows=false) at ../Source/Render/RenderRenderer.cpp:2617
#9 0xf72658ef in M4::RenderRenderer::RenderObjects (this=0xdd11f2c0, context=...,
viewerParams=..., objects=..., techniqueIndex=1, objectsMask=4294967039)
at ../Source/Render/RenderRenderer.cpp:2166
#10 0xf7265c68 in M4::RenderRenderer::RenderObjects (this=0xdd11f2c0, scene=0xdbf49c98,
context=..., objects=0xff827630, camera=..., viewport=..., techniqueIndex=1,
objectsMask=4294967039, zonesMask=4294967295) at ../Source/Render/RenderRenderer.cpp:2989
#11 0xf72661be in M4::RenderRenderer::Render (this=0xdd11f2c0, pipeline=0xdb4ef848,
colorTarget=0xe7af5eb8, depthTarget=0xe7af5f08, faceIndex=0, sourceTexture=0x0,
sceneSettings=0xdc0d9fc2, setupSettings=0xff8338c8, scene=0xdbf49c98,
time=2606.00537109375, camera=..., viewport=..., visibleObjects=..., background=0x0)
at ../Source/Render/RenderRenderer.cpp:1312
#12 0xf727a55c in M4::RenderScene::InternalRender (this=0xdbf49c98, settings=...,
colorTarget=0xe7af5eb8, depthTarget=0xe7af5f08, faceIndex=0, pipeline=0xdb4ef848,
camera=..., prevCamera=0x0, viewport=..., renderMask=4294967295,
cullingMode=M4::RenderScene_CullingMode_Occlusion, background=0x0, deltaTime=0.0288085938)
at ../Source/Render/RenderScene.cpp:816
#13 0xf727b131 in M4::RenderScene::InternalRender (this=0xdbf49c98, settings=...,
colorTarget=0xe7af5eb8, depthTarget=0xe7af5f08, faceIndex=0, camera=0xa8d18e50,
_viewport=0x0, background=0x0, deltaTime=0.0288085938)
at ../Source/Render/RenderScene.cpp:758
#14 0xf727b50c in M4::RenderScene::RenderMainCamera (this=0xdbf49c98, settings=...,
colorTarget=0xe7af5eb8, depthTarget=0xe7af5f08, faceIndex=0, camera=0xa8d18e50,
viewport=0x0, background=0x0, time=2606.00537109375)
at ../Source/Render/RenderScene.cpp:713
#15 0xf727b61e in M4::RenderScene::Render (this=0xdbf49c98, settings=...,
colorTarget=0xe7af5eb8, depthTarget=0xe7af5f08, camera=0xa8d18e50, background=0x0,
time=2606.00537109375) at ../Source/Render/RenderScene.cpp:496
#16 0x08082344 in M4::ClientWorld::Render (this=0xdc0d85c8, drawer=..., swapChain=0xe7af5e88)
at ../Source/Spark_Client/ClientWorld.cpp:2264
#17 0x0806caed in M4::ClientGame::Render (this=0xe7af3960, swapChain=0xe7af5e88)
at ../Source/Spark_Client/ClientGame.cpp:1640
#18 0x0807699f in M4::ClientGame::Update (this=0xe7af3960, deltaTime=0.02818026299974008)
at ../Source/Spark_Client/ClientGame.cpp:891
#19 0x0806bfa6 in M4::ClientEngine::Update (this=0xf3c5d170, deltaTime=0.02818026299974008)
at ../Source/Spark_Client/ClientEngine.cpp:148
#20 0x080bf044 in M4::BaseEngine::RunFrame (this=0xf3c5d170)
at ../Source/Spark_Server/BaseEngine.cpp:188
#21 0x080bf070 in M4::BaseEngine::Run (this=0xf3c5d170)
at ../Source/Spark_Server/BaseEngine.cpp:152
#22 0x0806a4c3 in main (argc=<error reading variable: Cannot access memory at address 0x3>,
argv=<error reading variable: Cannot access memory at address 0x7>)
at ../Source/ShooterExe/Main.cpp:82
I'll put my crash logs up on dropbox.
257 does seem less stable than 255
Also, I have a weird mic bug. Every time I start the game I have to go to the root options screen before my mic will respond. Audio otherwise works properly on startup.
0xf7248c64 in M4::RenderObject::GetType (this=0x0) at ../Source/Render/RenderObject.cpp:33
33 ../Source/Render/RenderObject.cpp: No such file or directory.
(gdb) backtrace
#0 0xf7248c64 in M4::RenderObject::GetType (this=0x0) at ../Source/Render/RenderObject.cpp:33
#1 0xf7251d10 in M4::RenderRenderer::CollectObjects (this=0x8a6cdd40, object=0xffd83748, numObjects=1, objects=...) at ../Source/Render/RenderRenderer.cpp:2087
#2 0xf725ce55 in M4::RenderRenderer::Render (this=0x8a6cdd40, pipeline=0xd8840b18, colorTarget=0xe79e7470, depthTarget=0xe79e74c0, faceIndex=0, sourceTexture=0x0,
sceneSettings=0xbdc920e2, setupSettings=0xffd83748, scene=0xa570c6d0, time=524.3658447265625, camera=..., viewport=..., visibleObjects=..., background=0x0)
at ../Source/Render/RenderRenderer.cpp:1216
#3 0xf727155c in M4::RenderScene::InternalRender (this=0xa570c6d0, settings=..., colorTarget=0xe79e7470, depthTarget=0xe79e74c0, faceIndex=0, pipeline=0xd8840b18, camera=...,
prevCamera=0x0, viewport=..., renderMask=4294967295, cullingMode=M4::RenderScene_CullingMode_Occlusion, background=0x0, deltaTime=0.0259399414)
at ../Source/Render/RenderScene.cpp:816
#4 0xf7272131 in M4::RenderScene::InternalRender (this=0xa570c6d0, settings=..., colorTarget=0xe79e7470, depthTarget=0xe79e74c0, faceIndex=0, camera=0xbcb8b668, _viewport=0x0,
background=0x0, deltaTime=0.0259399414) at ../Source/Render/RenderScene.cpp:758
#5 0xf727250c in M4::RenderScene::RenderMainCamera (this=0xa570c6d0, settings=..., colorTarget=0xe79e7470, depthTarget=0xe79e74c0, faceIndex=0, camera=0xbcb8b668, viewport=0x0,
background=0x0, time=524.3658447265625) at ../Source/Render/RenderScene.cpp:713
#6 0xf727261e in M4::RenderScene::Render (this=0xa570c6d0, settings=..., colorTarget=0xe79e7470, depthTarget=0xe79e74c0, camera=0xbcb8b668, background=0x0,
time=524.3658447265625) at ../Source/Render/RenderScene.cpp:496
#7 0x08082344 in M4::ClientWorld::Render (this=0xbdc906e8, drawer=..., swapChain=0xe79e7440) at ../Source/Spark_Client/ClientWorld.cpp:2264
#8 0x0806caed in M4::ClientGame::Render (this=0xe79ef960, swapChain=0xe79e7440) at ../Source/Spark_Client/ClientGame.cpp:1640
#9 0x0807699f in M4::ClientGame::Update (this=0xe79ef960, deltaTime=0.014721259999532776) at ../Source/Spark_Client/ClientGame.cpp:891
#10 0x0806bfa6 in M4::ClientEngine::Update (this=0xf3c54170, deltaTime=0.014721259999532776) at ../Source/Spark_Client/ClientEngine.cpp:148
#11 0x080bf044 in M4::BaseEngine::RunFrame (this=0xf3c54170) at ../Source/Spark_Server/BaseEngine.cpp:188
#12 0x080bf070 in M4::BaseEngine::Run (this=0xf3c54170) at ../Source/Spark_Server/BaseEngine.cpp:152
#13 0x0806a4c3 in main (argc=<error reading variable: Cannot access memory at address 0x0>, argv=<error reading variable: Cannot access memory at address 0x4>)
at ../Source/ShooterExe/Main.cpp:82
And here's a dmesg:
[427040.365661] ns2_linux32[5505]: segfault at 0 ip 00000000f1738d37 sp 00000000ff97a660 error 4 in libnvidia-glcore.so.325.15[f021e000+2070000]
Is posting these here helpful for the NS2 devs?
Also, I'm having the same kind of mic issues.
But Today this error occurred while loading ns2_veil. I think it crashed during "Loading Map", but I am not sure.
Gentoo 64Bit
Nvidia 319.49
Problem I had with GDB was if I'm not in windowed mode, then the crash will lockup my desktop. I suppose I could attach it via one of the VTs...