Getting 999 ping since the latest update

GadrakGadrak Join Date: 2012-09-26 Member: 160783Members
i honestly dont know what is causing the problem,everything was running smoothly before the last update,but now im getting 999 pink every time i join a game,in every single freaking game,can anyone please help me with this?


  • Soul_RiderSoul_Rider Mod Bean Join Date: 2004-06-19 Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
    I know you won't want to hear this, but it is a router issue. BT Home Hub, O2, and Thomson routers are just some of the many routers affected by this issue. There are numerous fixes, but the only one that really works is to upgrade to a higher quality router. I've had this issue as long as I've lived in my new house, and can't play half of my online steam games because of it.

    Essentially it is a UDP overflow error, and there is nothing UWE can do to fix it, you have to change the preset rule in the routers, but BT Home Hubs 3&4 have taken away the ability to change the rule, so if you have one of these, you need a completely new router.
  • GadrakGadrak Join Date: 2012-09-26 Member: 160783Members
    im currently using a technicolor router,is it one of those affected by this issue?,if not what can i do to solve it?
  • GadrakGadrak Join Date: 2012-09-26 Member: 160783Members
    Soul_Rider wrote: »
    I know you won't want to hear this, but it is a router issue. BT Home Hub, O2, and Thomson routers are just some of the many routers affected by this issue. There are numerous fixes, but the only one that really works is to upgrade to a higher quality router. I've had this issue as long as I've lived in my new house, and can't play half of my online steam games because of it.

    Essentially it is a UDP overflow error, and there is nothing UWE can do to fix it, you have to change the preset rule in the routers, but BT Home Hubs 3&4 have taken away the ability to change the rule, so if you have one of these, you need a completely new router.

    so essentialy what type of rules i have to change on my router?
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