Marine melee attacks.

BriligBrilig Join Date: 2009-01-01 Member: 65938Members
Couple of ideas, mostly for fun.

I understand aliens are supposed to be the best up close, but I think it would be nice. Nothing that would allow marines to beat the aliens at their own game, just a little boost.

It is really hard to hit everything but an Onos with the rifle swing. If possible could we give it a larger hit area. Something like the bite cone skulks have? It wouldn't have to be centered either. The to hit area could extend to the right of the cross hair on the side the marine swings from, but not past the cross hair on the left.

Exo suit punch. Could we make it knock back anything smaller than an Onos? Again it is really hard to hit something smaller than an Onos with it, and its damage isn't spectacular. Or maybe give it a minor stun like affect that slow the alien down a couple of seconds. Just as a reward for actually being able to hit a fast moving critter with it.

Completely OP, but fun ideas.
Taser fist upgrade for the Exo suit, immobilizes aliens for 2 seconds on hit.
Snare upgrade for the Exo allows Exo to grab Skulk/Lerk/Gorge, and throw it into nearby walls/objects/aliens for damage.
Flamethrower upgrade for the Exo suit. Replaces left arm with a flame thrower.

Stun gun bayonet mount, immobilizes aliens for 2 seconds on hit.
Stun gun/taser that replaces axe, immobilizes aliens for 2 seconds on hit.
Heavy stock upgrade, knocks skulks back on hit.


  • EucomolhamasEucomolhamas Join Date: 2013-03-10 Member: 183841Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Those knockbacks and snares won't be coming, UWE has made it very clear that they don't like that kind of abilities (with stomp and web as an exception).

    I do agree with some sort of slow for the exo's fist, that can't possibly be too bad since doesn't the webs do pretty much the same thing?
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