[Linux] miss clicks, stuck clicks, and stuttering

houbenxhoubenx Join Date: 2013-09-03 Member: 187766Members
Miss click and stuck clicks: happens from time to time, I click and nothing happens after a couple tries it starts working again. other times the click gets stuck. This occurs with both left and right clicks and it's happening at the worst times, this saved a lot of marines :)

Stuttering: every couple of seconds, the games seems to lock for something like less than 50ms. I don't think it's latency, because it's worse when playing with bots. The ns2 process runs at 130%-160%, maybe there is a thread stuck at 100% and that is making the game stutter. The stuttering seems unaffected by the level of graphics settings and the fps.

Another issue I had, was changing the graphics setup in-game, the fps drops a lot even when reducing settings. This doesn't happen if I change the settings before the game.

Another issue but I think it has already been reported, whenever I access the options menu in game, it gets stuck until the map reloads or I "retry" via game console. I press Esc, "Apply", Cancel and nothing happens. I can get back to the game but the menu is stuck while I'm playing.

BTW, thanks a lot for the Linux support. No more windows reboots for me, awesome!


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