The game is so broken now...

GhozerGhozer Join Date: 2003-05-22 Member: 16617Members, Constellation
edited September 2013 in Technical Support
When Gorgeous was released, I was happy, my FPS issues had been resolved, the game felt smooth, played well, and I had no issues..

But I have seen the game get gradually worse, to the point now where it seems like a bug-filled, incomplete game to me..

Since the latest "update" - my FPS has taken a nose dive again (I haven't changed PC's, or Settings/Configuration)
Game Play seems sluggish, and buggy, the game crashes multiple times daily, it takes long time to do anything, random freezes etc... Let me break it down a little more for you..

FPS Nose Dive... ->
When Gorgeous was released, I was on around 80-120FPS, dropping down to about 60 in combat, some times 50 when there was lots going on, this is fine and acceptable considering I have everything on max

Since Reinforced, I'm 60-90 in the ready room, 60-80 at start of game, and hitting 40 mid-late game, this is a DRASTIC drop...

Game Play seems Sluggish, and buggy, random freezes, takes a long time to do anything... ->
Right from loading the game, to playing, its slooooooow, Much slower than it was on Gorgeous...
I load up the game, it takes a while to display the menu, often sitting on a black screen with the Windows Loading Cursor for 30-40 seconds..
the menu then displays, but 'pauses' for about 5 seconds before it shows my name, and all the background image/gfx come clearer..

Once i'm in the menu, and click the server list, and select a server to join, I get the same thing, some times 2-3 minutes to join a server, again with a black screen and the Windows Loading Cursor for 30-40 seconds before actually joining..

Once joined, my ping is at 999 for the first 30 seconds or so, before it drops to around 300 for another 30 seconds, then levels off for the rest of the game..

While playing, various things cause random freezes, switching from LMG to Pistol, the game will freeze for 2 seconds..
Some times when a skulk appears on screen, and I click to shoot it, the whole thing freezes for 2 seconds, next I know the skulks munching on me..
When the skulk munches me, and I jump as I hear the bite sound, it will freeze for a second, and can get quite jerky while i'm moving around, not just in battle, but some times when entering a new area of the map, i'll have a mico-freeze...

When opening up the Armoury or Proto lab menus, it freezes for a second...

Multiple Crashes... ->
When I loaded the game earlier, it did it's usual loading of the menu, then black screen with cursor before displaying the menu.... then I clicked across to my other screen to reply to something on Skype, the game minimized, which is fine and what I expected... I maximized the game, and it froze for about 10 seconds...

I selected a server to play on, and it did the loading, again, taking a couple of minutes, then sitting on a black screen with loading cursor for 30-40 seconds..

Then, I enter the game, screen still black, I hear 2 words over voice comms, and the game crashes, it just closes, no errors, no warnings, just... Gone!

This has happened MANY times, it can even be when I click on the server browser from the menu, but it's only if I ALT+TAB out, or click out (to the other display)

My computer specs aren't the best, but they should be more than capable of running the game..

i7 2.8Ghz
16GB DDR3-1600
ATI Radeon HD7950 (3GB)

** EDIT **
I have just remembered, I did change from DX9 to DX11, but that is the ONLY thing I have changed in the settings, I have tried setting back to DX9, but the results are the same...


  • GhoulofGSG9GhoulofGSG9 Join Date: 2013-03-31 Member: 184566Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, Reinforced - Supporter, WC 2013 - Supporter, Pistachionauts
    edited September 2013
    There are some problems with the mouse interface again. Try this. For some players it helped.
  • GhozerGhozer Join Date: 2003-05-22 Member: 16617Members, Constellation
    Yeah, I have tried everything I could find on here, Funnily enough, I don't have any input lag, it's other problems...
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