Hitting a marine became waaay harder
Join Date: 2003-01-07 Member: 11983Members, Reinforced - Supporter

I am surprised that no one started a thread about this as everyone I spoke to agreed that it became much harder to hit a marine. I am not entirely sure what changed that made it so frustrating to fight a marine, but something definitely did change. I can literately jump around as a marine for 30 seconds and have 4 skulks chase me and try to kill me. And it's actually fun, but not that fun when you're the one trying to hit the marine.
Either the marine's can move side to side faster, or the hitbox became smaller or bugged, I don't know what it is, but I decided I need to bring attention to this issue as it's frustrating as hell.
Either the marine's can move side to side faster, or the hitbox became smaller or bugged, I don't know what it is, but I decided I need to bring attention to this issue as it's frustrating as hell.
We absolutely need a simplified alien sight (not f on), and better differentiation between friendly, enemy and building units.
Also has skulk movement changed? Skulks seem to stick to stuff more this build. Maybe it's just the input lag idk.
the hit detection is broken as ****
marine mobility is still highly limited against skulks, the wacky jumping buys them a few more seconds. without the wacky jumping and if you're commander is too unskilled to manage medpacks; marine would be thoroughly unenjoyable to play.
how dare they...
how dare they release a free patch to get >10k concurrent players playing instead of 300... it's almost like they're doing it to make money! what kind of business...
I don't think the patch is responsible for the concurrent player counts. and a messy release isn't as likely to retain paying customers.
See the problem here is, the free weekend and the sale brings them in, but the fact they released a game breaking (input lag etc) patch prior to it means less will stick around than if the patch was released on a Monday a week or two later. I still can't understand the logic of this. 251 would have been a far better candidate for a free weekend.
i don't know what you're talking about... where's the evidence to support that claim?
new players will be so excited by the game, the vast majority won't care about technical hiccups. cast your mind back to official release and the incredibly 'shaky' performance issues, glitches and unbelievable lack of features. did it stop people from buying the game and having fun? i rest my case.
the game is miles better now than at release. every one of the ~24 updates since release has improved the game.
i got stuck in the menu the other day and was forced to quit. but anyone with a brain knows that's going to be fixed in a few days, so unless you're scheduled for euthanasia, on death row or set to terminally expire in the allotted time, then you can look past these superficial problems.
notice how every spike is basically tied to free weekends or massive sales
except the ones who actually play FPS games... aka "target audience"
People bought the game on release without have the option to play for free before hand... Most people will see these issues in the free gameplay and say not worth the money for a game that plays like this. Now I fully believe these issues will be fixed but not in time to save the free weekenders first impression. Sad but true, this probably will not be as much as a gain as ns2 needs
oh, that must be why they sold 0 units of ns2 then...
also, the steamcharts is irrelevant... unless you can name a game which has 100% play retention. my point that the 'REINFORCED' update will be far more successful at retaining players (and motivating inactive players to be more active) than a 'smooth' free weekend/sale (without the odd soon-to-be-fixed glitch).
Also bring back pancaking it was the best :<
Any chance this is a known bug?
Marine should have the advantage when it's a long range fight
Skulk should have the advantage when it's a close range fight
At this moment skulk is kinda useless against a marine who jumps around in random directions non stop. Hope it's fixed soon.
Though I didn't really mind marine movement before the patch either.
At 500k every six months, you have to work to a deadline and release. I can't imagine how frustrating it is for UWE to see posts like this.
the past trends, as exemplified by the chartsleads me to the conclusion that the bump in numbers is ephemeral. the numbers of concurrent players always jumps an order of magnitude, then settles back to a 1000ish concurrent players after theexcitement wears off. you're the one making the assumption that this free weekend is unique.
my evidence that a buggy release isn't as likely to retain numbers as much as an insight release is admittedly anecdotal, but it's not really that much of a stretch.
the updates don't seen like a big enough change that they would cause someone who wouldn't have bought 251 to buy 254. while the bugs in 254 seem like they might be enough to turn off someone that is looking for a responsive experience. im certainly less likely to buy a game riddled with bugs until a time that it is not riddled with bugs.
i suggested this a long time ago, but it received negative feedback on 'it's not a do everything vision'
I wanted a set color for team mate aliens, different color for marines, and different color for structures
Maybe they should slightly increase acceleration with biomass to help keep skulks balanced in early game but scale better throughout.