Aliens Have Godmode!1
Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9180Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Well not really.....</div> Yesterday i encountered a fade and a lerk at a vent entrance,it was the hive-cargo bay foyer one.I was a fully upgraded HA/HMG marine.I thought "yay the fade has no room to dodge!".I start firing.Lerk throws up umbra.Fade starts firing acid rockets.I get out of the vent to wait till umbra clears up.Then i try to get into the vent but the lerk throws up umbra again.Fade starts shooting acid rockets again.Repeat....what is that saying?"Ad infinitum"?
In summary,the lerk and fade had GODMODE against anything but seige turrets and GLs.
Im thinking that the lerk shouldnt be able to throw up UNLIMITED number of umbras even if it has level 3 adreline.Oh you say "use gls you n00b!"?
Corridor scenario.Fade + lerk throwing up unlimited umbra and attacking a squad of HA marines,one of which has gl.The gl marine starts firing greadnes at the fade/lerk.Lerk throws up a 2nd umbra further down the corridor,flies to it and the fade runs/blinks to it.4 second timer greandes are useless against aliens who move fast.
Im thinking that lerks should really NOT be able to throw up unlimited amount of umbras to give him godmode against anything but GLs...seeing as how GLs are spawned to help assault OCs and DCs,and not to kill lerks....
In summary,the lerk and fade had GODMODE against anything but seige turrets and GLs.
Im thinking that the lerk shouldnt be able to throw up UNLIMITED number of umbras even if it has level 3 adreline.Oh you say "use gls you n00b!"?
Corridor scenario.Fade + lerk throwing up unlimited umbra and attacking a squad of HA marines,one of which has gl.The gl marine starts firing greadnes at the fade/lerk.Lerk throws up a 2nd umbra further down the corridor,flies to it and the fade runs/blinks to it.4 second timer greandes are useless against aliens who move fast.
Im thinking that lerks should really NOT be able to throw up unlimited amount of umbras to give him godmode against anything but GLs...seeing as how GLs are spawned to help assault OCs and DCs,and not to kill lerks....
They are using teamwork. Maybe you should try some.
Most of the time, a lerk who is constantly throwing up umbra doesn't usually expect a marine to come charging after it with knife in hand, so you have surprise with you. Umbra takes enough energy to use constantly, that he most likely won't have enough energy to run away. Smart Lerks will use the fades as shields, smarter lerks won't use up every last bit of energy throwing up umbras.
The welder is a very, very deadly close combat tool. It deals a constant stream of 14 damage, unupgraded. Just today, i welded on onos to death with only the help of 1 other marine who died while spraying HMG at it. Bring out your welder and chase after the lerk like a demented mechanic. If you don't kill the lerk, you still have prevented it from umbra-ing its now defenceless comrade, leaving your buddies to finish him off.
As was stated before, yes, Umbra does NOT block 100% of your shots. Some [I]will[I] get through. Just aim for the lerk, discourage it if not kill it outright. HMG has a 150 bullet clip. Each bullet fired from the HMG does 20 damage, and a lerk only has 60 hp with a max of 75 armor. Just 7 bullets can kill a carapace lerk.
Its all about priorities. An Onos and a Fade approach your 20 turret base, and you have HA and HMG. Go for the Fade! If the onos doesn't get torn up by the turrets, you can always get him next pass. The Fade however, usually end up bilebomb-raping your base, killing everyone inside. Even at game start, you have no armor and LMG. You see a Gorge and a skulk. Go for the Gorge! Unless the skulk is about to kill you if you don't shoot it first, the Gorge is a better choice. Killing the Gorge will at least cost that player 13 resources and discourage them from being a Gorge for a while.
As for limited Umbra? that's about as dumb as Armory stations that cost 2 RP per clip. You marines can burn as much ammo as you want until someone destroys your armory. Kharaa don't need limits to their few defencive abilites.
Sorry about the long winded post. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo--> I'm bored and been doing some thinking.
Uh right go charging straight at the lerk so that it can fly around in the umbra while the fade rips you apart with its 80 damage claws?Wow thats smart.
I understand umbra + fade needs teamwork but pratical godmode is a bit too much of a benefit of teamwork???
Its not like you see a lerk and fade combo,then get the time to type "use your welder or knife on the lerk!!!charge!!!!".Seriously,ever see anyone do that?
Btw shots crack through the umbra?I emptied 4 HMG clips at the lerk/fade in the vent and they didnt die so obviously the shots cracking through the umbra ratio must be 1-150 bullets or something ridiculously low.......
Theres a reason we do not have marines with "shield barrier projectors" which have rechargeable ammo and gives 99% immunity to bites,claws,etc and that lasts for 10 seconds,but recharges fast enough so that it can effectively be done forever and forever and forever.
Hm, I believe its called Weld-Your-Buddy.
Btw the welder in this case,would be able to be killed,compared to lerks sitting in unlimited amounts of umbra gas.
If you can get a lerk to follow a fade around and protect it, then they deserve each other for the most part. They aren't exactly invincible, however. Two or more marines with HMG will still be getting enough hits through to drop HP pretty quick, and if you are gutsy and rush the lerk, you may just scare it away.
On a related note, I notice that the shotgun seems to stand up to umbra pretty well. Since there are so many pellets going through the air, one or two are bound to break through, and against a solitary lerk, that damage alone can scare it off.
As for a Heavy Machine Gun not cracking through the Umbra, I have no idea what happened to you. As a Lerk, I usually have to back off of ONE Heavy Machine Gunner before he empties even fifty bullets or so. Besides, its not impossible to knife a Lerk in a vent that is if you are in the vent already. Using ranged weapons <b>inside</b> vents is extremely deadly to aliens because the spray cone of every weapon but the Shotgun is accommodated at medium to long ranges.
Understandably, you're frustrated with that tactic, but how do you think Skulks feel about HMG/HA Marines? Without Umbra, an alien offense would grind to a messy halt against a good Marine team. You can't expect each Fade to have a Gorge chasing after him to heal him during combat, that wouldn't be practical. The Marine commander can drop Health Packs and frustrate the aliens as well. Health Packs and Welders give an excellent advantage for the Marines if properly employed.
In short both teams need to adapt to the evolving (pun not intended) situation. The answer is not to nerf either side, but to develop tactics for countering such things.
P.S. In my experience, I tend to be the <b>only</b> Lerk player on my team (90% of the time) until we have a third Hive finished, when everyone spams spores.
As With The Marine Weld And Heavy Armour + HMG Combination
I Was In This Game Once We Were Winning Greatly But They Managed To Take Our Main Base So We Lost There Were Only 2 People Left One Woz Welding The Other While The Other Took Damage Destroying Thingz Which Greatly Reduced Their Damage But Every Skulk Or Fade Which Went In Close Range Got Killed By Their Welders And To Save Ammo They Were Welding Everything
All Of These Can Only Be Used With 2 Peeps
Now killing a fade with a lmg/pistol combo.. that's comedy!
(if they're comboing I usually scare the lerk by charging and letting him get out of range of his own umbra before pistol-breaking 'em, takes about 2-3 spawns though)
That's a misnomer. You do not add armor and health together to get total hipoints in Half-life and its mods. Armor counts double. It takes 11 HMG or pistol shots if the carapace bug did not exist, and 15 HMG or pistol shots while it does.
The opposite of talking isn't listening. The opposite of talking is waiting.
-- Fran Lebowitz
One bullet out of every seven will get through.
The prime purpose of eloquence is to keep other people from talking.
-- Louis Vermeil
Maybe in the next beta Marines can obtain Laser Guns, which are not affected by Umbra.
Then you would also have a selfreloading gun.
I think the god mode you are talking about all the time is more a result of your lack of skill rather than of the lerk using umbra. If you emptied 4 hmg clips on a lerk under umbra and he still did not die then maybe you should try to place the lerk in the middle of these 4 small thin lines in the center of your monitor. These lines are called "crosshair" and are an aiming help to show you where your bullets are going to. So just try to put this "crosshair" over the lerk next time you pull the trigger and you should be fine :o).
When I'm playing as a fade, I notice that getting away from a HA marine with HMG usually leaves me with very little health, and how often I'd have been dead for sure without redemption (which does look like an immpossible escape from the marine POV). And as a lerk, I notice the damage even a few LMG's can do in an umbra.
The perception of how dangerousa weapon is depends a lot on which side is pointing at you <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
I was in the middle of a game on a random server several days ago, and it at FIRST appeared that someone was cheating. Myself and two or three other Marines, as well as four Sentries, were emptying HMG/Sentry ammo into a Fade who was tearing up a TF - not just standing in place, but moving. I emptied a clip, reloaded, and emptied a second clip. This wasn't working, so I switched to my pistol and eptied all three clips - keep in mind, this is just MY ammunition, this doesn't count the ammo expended by the other marines or the turrets. The Fade, under extremely heavy fire from all directions, never Redeemed and never died - though it DID finally run off. Now, while a Fade can take out a single Sentry in a room of two or three, I don't understand how (even with Carapace) it is possible for a Fade to take several clips of HMG ammo at point-blank and not die or redeem.
And I always support fades.. But try to hide behind corners while spraying umbram, because the lerk dies very fast, also when hes in umbra!
Only map where I go lerk earlier is Hera.... I love sitting over the door at Holoroom , needling everything that shows up..
And Marines cant kill you till the got JetPack...
I think the god mode you are talking about all the time is more a result of your lack of skill rather than of the lerk using umbra. If you emptied 4 hmg clips on a lerk under umbra and he still did not die then maybe you should try to place the lerk in the middle of these 4 small thin lines in the center of your monitor. These lines are called "crosshair" and are an aiming help to show you where your bullets are going to. So just try to put this "crosshair" over the lerk next time you pull the trigger and you should be fine :o).<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Um i am not a newbie.I do not suck.I can aim perfectly well.In fact i have a custom crosshair that looks like a laser dot to help me aim better.How difficult is it to aim???Jeeze.
I was in the middle of a game on a random server several days ago, and it at FIRST appeared that someone was cheating. Myself and two or three other Marines, as well as four Sentries, were emptying HMG/Sentry ammo into a Fade who was tearing up a TF - not just standing in place, but moving. I emptied a clip, reloaded, and emptied a second clip. This wasn't working, so I switched to my pistol and eptied all three clips - keep in mind, this is just MY ammunition, this doesn't count the ammo expended by the other marines or the turrets. The Fade, under extremely heavy fire from all directions, never Redeemed and never died - though it DID finally run off. Now, while a Fade can take out a single Sentry in a room of two or three, I don't understand how (even with Carapace) it is possible for a Fade to take several clips of HMG ammo at point-blank and not die or redeem.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Ive seen something like that too.....a single fade running down a long corridor,no strafing,no jumping,and it manage to survive 4 marines firing HMG at it and 1 marine(me) firing shotgun at thinking even newbies can hit a target that doesnt strafe and is moving towards them in a straight line,even though the marines were NOT newbies.
In fact,the fade manage to survive so well,he killed all 5 marines then charged straight for the turret factory and under 3 turret's direct fire(he had 3 turrets who had direct LOS of him),he mange to destroy the turret factory......
for those who tried... you would know that umbra helps a bit.... but is more useful in quick raids/getaways... not sitting in umbra forever n thinking u would survive...
if it was possible... a lerk could hide one far corner in the marine base n umbra all the way.. without getting killed.
1) I play as lurk often (I love the little bastds, and just how annoying they can get)
so here is what I think of umbra:
I is useless unless you are with a fade, an HMG/shottie totting marine will tear through umbra right into the skulk (it is 1 our of 7 hits you)
umbra also does not stop 1 out of 7 that enters the cloud, just 1 of every 7 that actualy hits you, so intead of it taking 1/2 a sec to kill a lurk it takes 3 and 1/2 secs, yes it is enough time to run away, but thats it, it rarly is enough time to do any sort of damage.
however with the use of fades, I can seriously do something, Igeneraly try to hang around the corner from where the fades are and I will pop up to give them umbra, I never see marines:
a) come after me, or B) use GLs (well not to often)
also remember that umbra is a mid game wep (2 hives) so marines probably have things like: motion traking, some upgrades, and an upgraded armoury, soooo, they probably could do something against me.
There is no 'god mode' 'take less DMG cheat' ETC, they just CANT BE DONE!
doing this would require altering server side variables (recording where you are and how much DMG every thing does)
So never claim that some one who is taking to much damgae is cheating, they are probably lagging