Reserved Slots not hidden from server browser

princessprincess Yaaar!Bristol Join Date: 2004-09-11 Member: 31605Members, NS1 Playtester, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Subnautica Playtester
edited August 2013 in Technical Support
We seem to be having a problem with reserved slots on the YO Clan server. Our 2 res slots are not being hidden from the server browser and this means people cannot auto-join (i.e. queue) for the server as their client believes there are slots available, then they are kicked as the available slots are reserved.

I'd like to know if any other server hosts are experiencing this, or if any players are noticing this on other servers too? Not sure if it's a problem with our set up or a bug.

Cheers medears :)

Edit: have also had a problem with 'non-reserved' players being able to use res slots. i.e. our server has 20 slots, 2 are reserved, 18 are public. We have had 19 public players be able to join when it should only be 18.


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