F0rdPrefect's questions on Spark (2 pending)
Join Date: 2013-07-23 Member: 186325Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Silver

Formerly: Courtyard combat suggestion
First, let me say I have no idea of mapping/modding whatsoever.
I just think, the "new" (the update has been around for a while) courtyard would be an awesome place to fight in in combat.
Maybe someone could make a combat map out of it?
edit: This is now a thread for my silly questions about the editor. If you want to contribute to a combat map based on docking, see here.
First, let me say I have no idea of mapping/modding whatsoever.
I just think, the "new" (the update has been around for a while) courtyard would be an awesome place to fight in in combat.
Maybe someone could make a combat map out of it?
edit: This is now a thread for my silly questions about the editor. If you want to contribute to a combat map based on docking, see here.
Yes, there aren't any other courtyards in the game^^
Probably should have mentioned it, though.
You can open up official level files the editor. All map files are found in steamapps/common/natural-selection 2/ns2/maps/
Okay. Maybe I'll give it a go during vacation. Any tutorial-tips, or other tips to learn?
Edit: Because I'm bad at supplying links apparently. (Extra bad, link works now.)
edit: Weird bug: If I click the link, it just reloads the page. Copy/Paste works, though.
edit2: If I want to create a rectangle, in a map which is completely empty, is there some way to create it not RIGHT IN MA FACE, but, say, 10 metres below
edit3: And how do I set the mouse sensitivity for right-click movement?
edit4: Guess I'm learning mapping now. My very first try is in the attachment. Performance sucks, neither locations nor minimap nor commander view work. Suggestions?
edit: "Uploaded file type is not allowed"...
It'll take a few weeks of playing and watching tutorials to really get a good understanding of the editor, but its well worth it.
Do you need anything, apart from two techpoints and the ns2_rules entity, anything to open the map?
2 techpoints entites
ns2_gamerules entity
lights so you can see. Or ambient light.
A ready room off to the side of the map with at least one ready room spawn entity.
Not needed but help...
team join entities in your ready room.
OCC for map performance.
Mini-Map entity
If it's a combat map load the combat mod in the game menu under mods
click on combat mod change to yes on the far right click restart.
Do the same to disable.
I tried creating a minimap - the minimap entity has to include the whole map, except for the ready room, right?
Didn't work for some reason.
Also, commander view didn't work.
Any popular bugs/newbie errors/other that lead to this?
Also commander_camera ent should be placed on the floor in the 3d view. It'll be floating high above the floor but thats fine. Leave at default settings.
edit: Just took a look at ns2_sample. Neither minimap nor commander view are working there for me - I don't think it's due to to the map being outdated, as I get the same problem if I try to create a new map.
Do you need anything else apart from minimap extents to create a minimap?
So delete your old mini-map entity and create a new one so you start with a perfect cube again and resize it from there.
After getting it right I recommend adding the mini-map to a layer and then hiding it as you may accidently select it and move it or delete it as you continue to map.
Spark does not auto create the mini map for you. You have to open a silly DOS window and execute a silly .exe to run it.
Luckly a genius here in the community created a 1 click map testing shortcut that does all that work for you. I can't stress enough, If you map in spark how you need this great tool.
Found here: http://forums.unknownworlds.com/discussion/119239/one-click-map-testing-within-spark/p1
Commander view requires the mini-map and height-map overviews. Which when created using the tool above can then be found in the overviews folder in you map folder.
For commander views depending on the size of your map you need at least 1 commander camera entity.
Best placed in the centre of you map. Creating a second camera and moving it up or down creates a zoom feature when in commander view. So if you have differing heights in your geometry you may need to do this.
The commander camera entity is not required for combat.
I already figured something of this out by myself, but the square-necessity of minimap extents was the missing link.
Again: Thank you!
I'm on vacation and finally managed to get spark running. I am currently trying to "remix" docking to get some first results
I don't understand, how the create faces tool works.
I successfully swapped central access and try to reattach it to the rest of the map. Two lines are parallel on the floor, on both sides (the indepent part of the map and the rest of the map). I connected the ends of these lines using the line tool, creating a rectangle (parallelogramm). Selecting the lines (and the vertices) I could not use the create face tool to create a face.
I experimented some more. If I create a rectangle, using the rectangle tool, and delete the face, I can create a new one selecting either the lines around it or the lines around it and the vertices.
So this works fine.
Then I took some random (but simple) face from a different part of the map. I was not able to recreate it whatsoever.
Any help?
1 ) Your joins where the vertices are (Points at end of line) are sitting on top of each other and you need to weld them together
2 ) You can only create a face etc when you have the "Select Tool" selected, default (Space)
Is there any way to select vertices and generate a line between them, or another workaround for this issue?
Btw, I tried the same on some simpler geometries, and there it worked fine.
Drag select the vertices, snap to grid then weld together
How do the different snap to options work?
- Coarsen/refine grid increases/decreases the size of the grid units allowing larger or finer snapping on the grid.
- Snap to grid snaps all selected geo to the grid you currently have set.
- Snap to grid x/y/z snaps all selected geo to the grid on that particular axis
- Snap to min. grid snaps all selected geo to the 1 unit grid (this is useful for when your verts are off grid and you don't want to distort your geo.)
Never used increase/decrease angle so can't really say about those.
Edit: As an aside, down in the bottom right corner the editor displays and allows you to change your current snap settings.
edit: And is it possible to copy/paste from one instance of spark into another?
Also, can someone provide me with a download to docking, please? I accidentally saved over the original file X_X
This stuff usually doesn't happen to me.
2.- Yes, open the editor twice, copy in one, paste in the other.
3.- Right click in Natural Selection 2 in Steam, Propierties, Local files, Verify integrity. This will recheck the entire game and restore (download) the correct version of docking.