Bindable voice orders, commander keys, and more.
Colorado Join Date: 2013-05-13 Member: 185219Members, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Gold, Subnautica Playtester, NS2 Community Developer, Pistachionauts

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Forgot a few Alien orders, added those. Also added "Follow me" and "Acknowledged" to the Alien order menu.
Also added an "All Clear" and "Acknowledged to Marine order menu.
Though for some reason I can't figure out how to fix, the scroll list thing won't go any bigger so "Chuckle gets "cut off" in the binding options. It IS actually there I know that, but I can't figure out what file/where to edit to make that "scroll box" thing longer.
If any server admin is interested in running this, let me know, I haven't been able to test it fully as much as I would like to yet. (Stuff I can't do with one person.)
Fixed/new: You can now bind "Join Marines", "Join Aliens", "Join Random Team", and "Spectate" to a key (just like in NS1)
Aliens and Marines now both have "Acknowledged", "Follow Me", and "All Clear" added to their voice over menus. Marine Menu Alien Menu
"Acknowledged" and "All Clear" will pop up on the commanders screen on the right side and you can use the space hotkey to go to the location.(pic)
ALL voiceovers are now BINDABLE. All the new bindable keys are changeable in the options menu (pic). I MAY change the default on those to fit better and be more optimized with the default key bindings, not my unusual ocnfiguration.
ALL binds now show up on the options menu, there is no longer a few cut off because the scroll box is not long enough.
You can now use "j3" or "joinrandomteam" in the console to join a random team (not sure why, but this was on the wiki as a command, but never was actually there/working AFAIK)
There is a problem with the game not wanting to use the mod's gamestrings/enUS.txt file, that's not a problem with the mod, but the game. If it gets into the official build it won't be an issue.
I moved Vote Yes back to F1 Vote No back to F2 and moved Join Marines to F5 and Join Aliens to F6, Spectate is F7 and Random is F3.
If you already ran the mod you will need to rebind the keys, since it will already have those in there as what they were before. I guess I should have left Vote Yes/No what they were, but too late now.
Would you mind telling me what server you are running this on? I might drop by and check it out.
Oops, I forgot to change one value, and it happened to be the default value. Fixed.
As even though it should be changing it back, it might not for some reason I don't know. I got it to change back last night. Did you try running the mod? I have it so it resets the VoteYes VoteNo and NextWeapon.
You can also precisely set through the console like before with setmarinesens and setaliensens followed by a number.
It appears to be working fine, but will clean up code and give it some more testing before uploading it.
if you want i would do the German translation, if you list all new values added by this mod .
251 broke it. Will see what I can do.
Edit: seems to be fixed now.
You can now type in numbers to set sensitivity, as well as it displaying precisely what the sensitivity is at.
esc didnt work for some
mousesense messed up
I repeat, this mod is really great but its a nogo that it overwrites keybindings from players or change mousesettings.
Why is the mod resetting the mousesense to default? It took ages sometimes to find the correct sense.
This should NOT change any settings, just add new ones.
I have no problems cause im using default keys and my mousesense is @ 1 cause i set it up over mousedriver.
But after playing 2 hrs today, multiple players have reported the issues from my last post.
I repeat: Resetting mousesense and change the keybindings are not very popular.
btw. is every modupdate resetting things again?
And it seems that the exo is using the aliensense.
edit: it seem i was using an older version, needs more testing.
Most of this bugs are fixed and changes are made to your binding config: %Steam%/userdata/%userid%/4920/remote. So they shouldn't be reseted with any update.