a vertice always go 0,1mm of the grid when it's on the grind (Spark editor)

oldassgamersoldassgamers Join Date: 2011-02-02 Member: 80033Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow
One of my biggest frustration I'm having when maping is that when building a map with 1 grid and puts vertices to the grid. It's still won't be on the grid. When going alien and put alien vision on then you'll notice all the lines being 0,1mm of the grid. But according to the map editor its on the grid. So you have to move all vertice in two angles, one by one to proper adjust them which takes alot of time.

Do someone know when this will ever be fixed? This bug has been now on the spark editor for such a long time now. :(


  • ObliviousSightObliviousSight Join Date: 2012-09-07 Member: 158306Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    I find this happens alot less than it used to. Most of it can be avoided by not going below a 2 unit grid snap. You can fix it quickly now with the 'Snap To Min. Grid' option under the 'Snap' menu. Just select everything and use that, sorts it all out for you.
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