Decoda BUG - breakpoints in compiled chunks.
There are no way to set breakpoint in compiled chunk. Frontend analyzes loaded code in LUA VM, and build line-mapping data. Analyzing for modifications like done by the VCS (version contol systems), such as SVN. This mapping needs to match line numbers from loaded script to actual disk file content. But compiled chunks not contains any sources inside! And any line number is mapped to ZERO
In the worst case analyzing process simply hungs inside.
My patch to "MainFrame.cpp" resolve this issue:

My patch to "MainFrame.cpp" resolve this issue:
1734a1735,1736 > if (CodeState_Normal != script->state) > return; 2395c2397 < if (script == NULL) --- > if (script == NULL || CodeState_Normal != script->state) 2414c2416 < if (script == NULL) --- > if (script == NULL || CodeState_Normal != script->state) 2430a2433,2434 > if (CodeState_Normal != script->state) > return;