PC Gamer Top-25 Shooters List! - Natural Selection 2
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

There are a few video games out there. Every genre has acres of titles to choose from, built up over the 51 years since Spacewar. Taking any of those genres and trying to name the best invariably involves sifting through thousands of games.
Popularity is not always an accurate means of measuring quality. There are some games that are great but struggle to attract an active population and there are others that are generic/hackneyed in design but still manage to draw in millions of players.
Awesome to see some recognition for NS2!
1. Team Fortress 2
2. Half-Life 2
3. PlanetSide 2
4. Quake III
5. Borderlands 2
6. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat
7. Doom
8. Tribes: Ascend
9. Battlefield 1942
10. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
11. Left 4 Dead 2
12. Battlefield 3
13. Counter-Strike
14. Far Cry 3
15. Natural Selection 2
16. Arma 2: Combined Operations
17. F.E.A.R.
18. Max Payne 3
19. MechWarrior Online
20. Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad
21. BioShock
22. Unreal Tournament
23. SWAT 4
24. Wolfenstein
25. No One Lives Forever
Own opinion? I found Swat 4 to be terrible and Bioshock to be better than 90% of that list.
...didn't we have this thread already?
(ps grats UWE keep up the good work)
Hope a few players come our way from this
What? Without quality you can't get popularity. You also realise you're talking about a game which many users still report problems trying to get to run and the main gripe about it is it needs performance upgrades, and always has been.
NS2 is far over shadowed by NS1, needless to say. It's nice to get a mention, but for the right reasons.
someone has no idea about gaming...
anyway, congrats again, hope this will get a couple of people interested.
Honestly, I feel that the Spark engine is the main reason behind NS2's stall. Having been a Source game as originally planned, the game would have been released years earlier and more people would have been capable of playing the game as it is a lot less CPU/GPU intensive.
With as many people as UWE have, we would not have seen the game by now had they gone with source. IMHO, that is.
NS2 is actually my personal favourite game of all time, so I'm delighted to see exposure like this, even if many of the games on that list really shouldn't be, and a whole bunch of others really should be.
'Grats to UWE, and fingers crossed your performance improvements can be brought out in time to really make the most of the increased exposure
What do you mean with this?
What I mean is that by putting the effort up front to develop spark, then layer on the game logic with lua, UWE were able to actually get the nuts and bolts to polishing work done a lot faster than had they gone ahead with Source. In my opinion. Sure, if they'd have changed their design so it would be possible on the source engine, it *might* have been quicker to make, but I'm not 100% convinced of that tbh.
Of course, we'll never know, because there is no control experiment
Believe it or not, but CoD is one of the highest quality couchFPS's there is :P
--> Too bad, because of that it needs all the aids like aim assist, hud "ENEMY THERE indicators, super low FoV, low quality graphics so it can run, and of course super powered listen servers