Netcode renders this game unplayable (the Invisible Tail)

Dr. RocksoDr. Rockso Join Date: 2010-11-20 Member: 75114Members
edited May 2013 in Technical Support
I loved NS and I'm falling out of love with NS2...

Since the last update, I was wondering if it was my imagination or what, but I've confirmed on multiple servers and it really is killing my gaming experience. I always thought that the game's netcode could use some improvement and that the game would get better over time, but I'm standing beside myself on how terrible it's gotten.

Aliens: 2/3 of my all deaths as alien are due to latency issues (deaths are in the several hundreds), as I find myself dying behind walls and even rooms away from where marines are shooting at me - it's gotten so bad that even 2 rooms away I'm falling to my death.
Marines: 1/10 pistol rounds actually register on moving targets - I remember when in NS1 it actually worked. This weapon is practically useless, unless your're shooting at an Onos running in a straight line or at stationary sturctures.

After countless hours of gameplay, it feels to me as though the game isn't capable of handling multi-player. Events that happened seconds ago (ie: me flying out of the room seconds before a marine starts to fire upon me) are being fed back to my client incorrectly (ie: I hear the marines begin to shoot after I'm already in a room or two away, I'm flying just fine, and then I die instantly).

This is very disturbing, as the gameplay events that I experience visually and audibly on my client do not match up with consequences and events online, which are fed back to my machine and re-displayed, as it never happened on my end - it's like a double-take or deja vu in which I'm completely fine one second and the next second I'm dead out of nowhere.

It feels as though, when playing as aliens, I have a very long invisible tail that marines can shoot at to kill me, from rooms away and/or behind walls.

My ISP is 15/5mbit FiOS and nearly all of the instances are happening with my ping at a steady 20-40.

If someone can relate or please shed some light on this, it would really relieve the pain and shed some stress.



  • ScardyBobScardyBob ScardyBob Join Date: 2009-11-25 Member: 69528Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    Netcode is fine, server performance is not. Try to stick to servers that can maintain at least 25 ticks/s or better.
  • Dr. RocksoDr. Rockso Join Date: 2010-11-20 Member: 75114Members
    edited May 2013
    ScardyBob said:
    Netcode is fine, server performance is not. Try to stick to servers that can maintain at least 25 ticks/s or better.
    How do I check to see whether a particular server is maintaining <= 25 ticks/s? I assumed that the ping (ie: displayed under the server browser and in-game) has much to do with the response time and, thus, gameplay - how the connection speed is maintaining on average, how quickly packets are being correctly sent and received.

    It is worth noting that I'm playing on the same servers and experiencing markedly terrible gamplay, compared to about more than a week ago (since the last update).
  • Ghosthree3Ghosthree3 Join Date: 2010-02-13 Member: 70557Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    I would actually say 30 ticks, if it drops, it's bad. To check the tickrate, type net_stats in console.
  • ScardyBobScardyBob ScardyBob Join Date: 2009-11-25 Member: 69528Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    I would actually say 30 ticks, if it drops, it's bad. To check the tickrate, type net_stats in console.
    I'd agree, but that pretty much eliminates every 24 player server (none keep an always constant 30ticks).
  • Ghosthree3Ghosthree3 Join Date: 2010-02-13 Member: 70557Members, Reinforced - Supporter
  • Dr. RocksoDr. Rockso Join Date: 2010-11-20 Member: 75114Members
    edited May 2013
    Yep, I'm checking the server rates and they're around 29-30... the game still seems to suffer from the same problems... terrible netcode :(
  • PricePrice Join Date: 2003-09-27 Member: 21247Members
    edited May 2013
    Dr. Rockso said:
    I loved NS and I'm falling out of love with NS2...

    Aliens: 2/3 of my all deaths as alien are due to latency issues (deaths are in the several hundreds), as I find myself dying behind walls and even rooms away from where marines are shooting at me - it's gotten so bad that even 2 rooms away I'm falling to my death.
    Marines: 1/10 pistol rounds actually register on moving targets - I remember when in NS1 it actually worked. This weapon is practically useless, unless your're shooting at an Onos running in a straight line or at stationary sturctures.

    It feels as though, when playing as aliens, I have a very long invisible tail that marines can shoot at to kill me, from rooms away and/or behind walls.

    Oh okay, i am not alone, that is good!
    The tail is a very good description, if you leap as skulk it feel very bad.
    I have no clue of the spectating is lagging but as i spectate marines they shoot behind the alien and hit it, like you said, they got a tail...also i saw skulks leaping get shot by shotgun before their position.
    I totaly agree with you...sadly :-(

    Yesterday i had a weird gameplay as marine, there was a phasegate in one room, everytime and yes, it happend everytime i got a lag after i phase to that room, every other room was fine, but moving through phasegate into that room, make my game lag for 2 seconds, if it is not the netcode, what was it then?
    The hitreg is really a problem in ns2, hard for me to explain but like Dr.Rockso said, it feels like you have a tail.
    It is very noticable if you moving out a vent and back in, if a marine fires, and you see the splatter of your own blood infront, while you already away from that position but you still lost health points.
    This makes playing as aliens very difficulty and i don't wonder why many "new" people quit the alien team and play marines most of the time.
    Marines don't have that problem.
  • IronsoulIronsoul Join Date: 2011-03-12 Member: 86048Members
    Yeah, this issue is incredibly annoying. I would attribute about 33% of my deaths as alien to this problem. It's not hard scientific facts though but it's still very frequent.
  • shonanshonan Join Date: 2013-01-28 Member: 182562Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Yeah, but AFAIK its an inherent problem of lag compensation. Its just that in NS2 the aliens move so fast it is especially noticeable and annoying.
  • Fudo_StyleFudo_Style Join Date: 2002-12-31 Member: 11659Members
    I say get rid of lag compensation.  Its terrible and gives laggers an advantage.

    I was playing in a european server the other day where I had 300+ ping (I'm on fiber - normally I have 40).  Surprisingly, my gameplay experience wasn't affected.  In fact, I was doing better than usual.

    Why is this?  Because on their screen I was lagging horribly and teleporting around.  We've all seen it before - lerks teleporting around and impossible to hit.  From my perspective I could barely tell I was lagging.  I was seriously surprised to see I had 300 ping. 10 years ago, when half-life first implemented compensation it was cool. Not anymore.

    We are in the era of broadband.  Why are we giving laggers an advantage, especially when the side affect is constantly dying behind corners?

    Lag compensation needs to go.
  • Ghosthree3Ghosthree3 Join Date: 2010-02-13 Member: 70557Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited May 2013
    It does NOT give a lagger an advantage at ALL. All lag compensation does is allow people with a higher ping the ability to still play the game like anybody else. Teleporting is NOT related to latency.

    EDIT: I should be clearer, it does not give an advantage to high pingers with a stable internet connection, no packet loss, and reasonable fps. It DOES help teleporters out a fair bit, but I don't feel it's worth punishing high pingers just because some people lag out (and sometimes, rarely, exploit).
  • Fudo_StyleFudo_Style Join Date: 2002-12-31 Member: 11659Members
    edited May 2013
    Either we "punish" laggers, or we "punish" everybody else.  If I have 300 ping, I should be the one experiencing the disadvantage.  Its clear that laggers are the minority - why cater to them?  Can you even use voice with 300 ping?  In the aforementioned european server nobody could even understand me - probably because I was breaking up so bad.

    What do you mean "lag out"?  If teleporting around isn't related to latency, what is it related to?  And why should playing the game in such a state not present a disadvantage to those experiencing it?
  • Ghosthree3Ghosthree3 Join Date: 2010-02-13 Member: 70557Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited May 2013
    If you have 300 ping, you ARE the one experiencing a disadvantage, unless you have 300 ping AND packet loss, resulting in teleporting. Laggers are a minority, but teleporters are a minority of laggers, why punish the majority of laggers to deal with so few.

    EDIT: By lag out I mean, experience packet loss, latency is simply a delay in which your packets will be seen by the server and vice versa, so YOUR messages, and messages affecting YOU directly are delayed. If packets are LOST then the there is a blind spot, where the player freezes because the server isn't sure if he disconnected, then when the next packet comes through that says "I'm here now" the server updates their position, hence the teleportation.

    EDIT2: If it wasn't clear, you can have 300 ping, but if you have no packet loss, your movement will still be fluid, but delayed from what you are seeing on your screen. Eg. you are around a corner, you send the packet to the server saying "I'm moving a tiny bit around the corner now" the server receives it later, sends out the new information to everybody else at their latency delay. They see you around the corner now, but on your screen, you've moved on now, repeat. High latency just means there's a delay.

    EDIT3: The reason high ping is related to teleporting is because if you are located close to the server, and generally would get 50 ping, but your net is acting up, and you're getting 300 ping, odds are you're experiencing more than a delay and there's packet loss involved. If however the high pinger is a foreigner, their net could be perfectly fine and their latency is normal, no packet loss.
  • Fudo_StyleFudo_Style Join Date: 2002-12-31 Member: 11659Members
    Thanks for the explanation.

    I think we can both agree that work needs to be done on the netcode.  I suppose I can accept dying around corners as long as the delay is small.  I have experienced very large delays like the OP has of a second or more and its ridiculous. I can't think of any other games where this occurs.
  • Ghosthree3Ghosthree3 Join Date: 2010-02-13 Member: 70557Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    If you are experiencing a second or more of delay before you die from around a corner, you have a really high ping or the server is bad.

    Also I would accept an auto kicker for people that are experiencing >25% packet loss for more than 2 minutes. I feel this would be fair.
  • DC_DarklingDC_Darkling Join Date: 2003-07-10 Member: 18068Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver
    like they already said.
    tickrate of 30.
    no choke.

    Most of the times when you die in weird places, server has either one or both.
  • Dr. RocksoDr. Rockso Join Date: 2010-11-20 Member: 75114Members
    edited May 2013

    I say get rid of lag compensation.  Its terrible and gives laggers an advantage.

    I was playing in a european server the other day where I had 300+ ping (I'm on fiber - normally I have 40).  Surprisingly, my gameplay experience wasn't affected.  In fact, I was doing better than usual.

    Why is this?  Because on their screen I was lagging horribly and teleporting around.  We've all seen it before - lerks teleporting around and impossible to hit.  From my perspective I could barely tell I was lagging.  I was seriously surprised to see I had 300 ping. 10 years ago, when half-life first implemented compensation it was cool. Not anymore.

    We are in the era of broadband.  Why are we giving laggers an advantage, especially when the side affect is constantly dying behind corners?

    Lag compensation needs to go.
    I often find myself very frustrated (say, after having been killed as lerk several times in a row and being robbed of so many resources, due to death behind walls and/or rooms away), so I sometimes resort to downloading at full speed on my connection and the game is somewhat playable. I do experience casual double-takes and it doesn't quite make me invincible (its not like teleportation), but it takes away the advantage that high-ping players have. In this case, I don't end up dying behind walls or rooms away, but I get 'glued' to spots in the air in which I know that I'm frozen and I know that I'm going to die.

    This is much better, in my opinion, because there is no guessing whether or not I'm going to randomly die behind walls... I would rather know that I'm physically glued to a spot and be shot at in game, rather than having an invisible tail or doppelgänger sit in a spot yards behind my location that gets me killed, especially due to high-ping players.

    It feels as though I'm playing a game hosted on high-ping player's computers in which their actions are the end-all and my gameplay actions don't really matter.

    Sometimes it feels as though being a part of the game doesn't really make a difference at all.... so why would I bother playing this game any longer?

    (It's tough as I've purchased 8 copies, even pre-order before it hit steam, and gave the rest out to friends to get this game going, because I loved NS1 so much. It's difficult to get my friends to play and to convince more people to get in the game when I find it difficult to find a reason to play myself. I want to love this game and it has so many good things going for it, but just this one problem kills totally hampers my enthusiasm.)
  • Ghosthree3Ghosthree3 Join Date: 2010-02-13 Member: 70557Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    Have you considered leaving the room before you're low enough to get shot as you fly around the corner?
  • Dr. RocksoDr. Rockso Join Date: 2010-11-20 Member: 75114Members
    edited May 2013
    Have you considered leaving the room before you're low enough to get shot as you fly around the corner?
    Yep, this is the majority of the time - which makes this problem so devastating. As I mentioned, (I ambush single or a pair of marines from behind, catch them off guard and get a couple spike off, then) I fly out of the room before they start to shoot and I die instantly in the next room over, even separated by a pair of walls. Initially I thought shooting through walls was somehow possible in certain spots, but I soon found out this is not the case.

    I've tested this multiple times and it doesn't matter that they don't even have any weapons upgrades - which makes this even worse, as I could understand if maybe a couple of shots were critial. They are able to get their entire clip into me in a split second - I hear the initial firing and the end of the clip in the 'double-take', so I know that on their client-end they are watching me as if I'm still in one spot and shooting their entire clip into me.

    I didn't mention this part, but it's extremely problematic and aggravating. Like I also mentioned, it feels like I'm playing a game hosted on high-ping player's computers. Despite the fact that I made it out even before they had a chance to shoot at me, they are somehow (on the high-ping player's client-side) able to get their whole rifle clip into my in the matter of a split second.
  • Ghosthree3Ghosthree3 Join Date: 2010-02-13 Member: 70557Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    If you leave before they start shooting and die instantly on exit then you really need to brush up on your lerk movement because that's atrocious. Stop blaming netcode for your own imperfections. Also there clip does NOT fire any faster than normal, you just don't see the bullets that have been fired for a delayed amount of time, if they are firing 50 bullets at you and hitting you, you are staying too long and flying too calmly.
  • Dr. RocksoDr. Rockso Join Date: 2010-11-20 Member: 75114Members
    edited May 2013
    If you leave before they start shooting and die instantly on exit then you really need to brush up on your lerk movement because that's atrocious. Stop blaming netcode for your own imperfections. Also there clip does NOT fire any faster than normal, you just don't see the bullets that have been fired for a delayed amount of time, if they are firing 50 bullets at you and hitting you, you are staying too long and flying too calmly.
    I wish it were my terrible gaming skills - sadly this isn't the case. I've tested this with celerity and it's definitely not my lack of agility and ability to move.

    I'm not here to complain about crappy game skills, believe me. I can hear the sped-up sound of their clip going off when I die behind walls, so I have a very strong feeling that, on their client-end, they are able to get their whole clip off in real time and (as they are 'behind' on whats actually happening on the server) the server tries to mediate between good and bad data, only to give the advantage to the high-ping playersThey are able to upload their already invalid and inundated data to the server, which incorrectly 'OK's old time-sensitive data over new and correct data - so this is very much an issue with netcode.

    To quote Fudo:
    Fudo_Style said:

    I can't think of any other games where this occurs.

    I've played many multiplayer FPS games, and I can't recall ever having a problem as bad as with NS2.
  • Ghosthree3Ghosthree3 Join Date: 2010-02-13 Member: 70557Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    This is the bottom line for how lag compensation works, if no one dies, everything everyone does on their screen will come true in the game, it is only when the server has confirmed somebody already dead that weird shit like flying around corners happens. The server isn't meditating anything, the problem is, they see you on their screen, not yet around the corner, so when they shoot you (you are really already around the corner, even in the real time server update), the bullets WILL do damage UNLESS they are dead (they aren't). So I guess, technically, if a person had 2000 ping but no packet loss (impossible in the world as it is afaik), they could shoot you as you leave a room on your screen, then 2 full seconds later you would die. Even though you are long gone.

    However, we're talking about 250-300 ping here, that's 0.3 seconds, hardly the same thing.
  • Dr. RocksoDr. Rockso Join Date: 2010-11-20 Member: 75114Members
    edited May 2013
    Price said:

    It is very noticable if you moving out a vent and back in, if a marine fires, and you see the splatter of your own blood infront, while you already away from that position but you still lost health points.
    This makes playing as aliens very difficulty and i don't wonder why many "new" people quit the alien team and play marines most of the time.
    Marines don't have that problem.

    I understand that the game engine is from scratch and that it has still much to grow, so I hope they put in all their resources (at least the majority of them) to make this a priority and get the netcode issues fixed.
    In any Real-Time Strategy and Multiplayer game, this if by far THE most important issue.

    As price mentions, this is fundamentally a problem for the aliens, as marines don't rely on speed or move nearly as fast (assuming they have their damage-dealing weapons on them). I can't imagine the marines having an issue with this at all, aside from the fact that it brings on an atrocious lack of hit registration.
  • Fudo_StyleFudo_Style Join Date: 2002-12-31 Member: 11659Members
    We haven't even talked about the fact that if you're standing still a marine can come around the corner and kill you, before you've even see the guy for maybe 2 frames.  The workaround is to "always be moving".  In a game where you can be chomping on RTs for 30 seconds or more, its pretty ridiculous.  What a joke.

  • Ghosthree3Ghosthree3 Join Date: 2010-02-13 Member: 70557Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    The reverse is true as well, a skulk can land on you and get 2 bites off before you realise you have been bit, please don't put all the pain on the aliens.

    Also, I understand what you are saying, I really do, it sucks to die when you feel you have out played your opponent. But look at it this way, instead of playing by trying to pull off moves by the skin of your teeth, instead be smarter, don't let them get the opportunity to get those quick shots on you in the first place. Don't peak corners you know marines are probably looking at (AT LEAST NOT FROM THE FLOOR), don't walk directly under doorways without looking up, EVALUATE YOUR ESCAPE before engaging as a higher life form.

    I'm not saying the system is perfect as it is, I'm simply saying that this is what you can do to work with it rather than have it work against you.
  • Dr. RocksoDr. Rockso Join Date: 2010-11-20 Member: 75114Members
    edited May 2013
    We haven't even talked about the fact that if you're standing still a marine can come around the corner and kill you, before you've even see the guy for maybe 2 frames.  The workaround is to "always be moving".  In a game where you can be chomping on RTs for 30 seconds or more, its pretty ridiculous.  What a joke.


    You've got it, right on point.

    We're just stating the facts - the fact that 'something' is happening before or after you are even aware of it presents a major problem. This is a Real-Time Strategy game, not past, not future, but current.
  • ScardyBobScardyBob ScardyBob Join Date: 2009-11-25 Member: 69528Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    edited May 2013
    We haven't even talked about the fact that if you're standing still a marine can come around the corner and kill you, before you've even see the guy for maybe 2 frames.  The workaround is to "always be moving".  In a game where you can be chomping on RTs for 30 seconds or more, its pretty ridiculous.  What a joke.

    I'll let Matso deal with this one
    matso said:
    Also why do the bite cones appear to start in the middle of the skulk, would it not make more sense to have them all start at his jaw and decrease in area of effect and not increase?

    The reason for why they appear in the middle is because humans are bipeds - we don't expect that turning our body will rotate our viewpoint. So when you rotate your viewpoint, you expect your eyes to stay in (rougly) the same spot in space.

    That's not actually true of something like a skulk or Onos - if they rotate their body, their eyes would be shifting around the center of their body by quite a lot.

    As humans playing a computer game, that sucks. So what all computer games that I know of does, is to place the eyes in the center of the body. This does have some problems, as every skulk trying to sneak a peak around a corner knows - you need to expose half your body to get your viewpoint around the corner.

    And when it comes to biting (actually, all attacks - check where marine actually shoots their bullets from. Marine looks DO kill) the way that feels best is to start tracing your attack from your eyes. Which is located in the middle of your body.

    It wouldn't matter if there was no lag compensation, 0 ping, and a 1000 tick server, you'd still have this problem because aliens are primary horizontal than vertical (e.g. you have most of your body mass sticking out in front and behind of your actual viewpoint).
  • Dr. RocksoDr. Rockso Join Date: 2010-11-20 Member: 75114Members
    edited May 2013
    ScardyBob said:
    We haven't even talked about the fact that if you're standing still a marine can come around the corner and kill you, before you've even see the guy for maybe 2 frames.  The workaround is to "always be moving".  In a game where you can be chomping on RTs for 30 seconds or more, its pretty ridiculous.  What a joke.

    I'll let Matso deal with this one
    matso said:
    Also why do the bite cones appear to start in the middle of the skulk, would it not make more sense to have them all start at his jaw and decrease in area of effect and not increase?

    The reason for why they appear in the middle is because humans are bipeds - we don't expect that turning our body will rotate our viewpoint. So when you rotate your viewpoint, you expect your eyes to stay in (rougly) the same spot in space.

    That's not actually true of something like a skulk or Onos - if they rotate their body, their eyes would be shifting around the center of their body by quite a lot.

    As humans playing a computer game, that sucks. So what all computer games that I know of does, is to place the eyes in the center of the body. This does have some problems, as every skulk trying to sneak a peak around a corner knows - you need to expose half your body to get your viewpoint around the corner.

    And when it comes to biting (actually, all attacks - check where marine actually shoots their bullets from. Marine looks DO kill) the way that feels best is to start tracing your attack from your eyes. Which is located in the middle of your body.

    It wouldn't matter if there was no lag compensation, 0 ping, and a 1000 tick server, you'd still have this problem because aliens are primary horizontal than vertical (e.g. you have most of your body mass sticking out in front and behind of your actual viewpoint).


    This doesn't account for the fact that the problem still remains even when dealing with opponents head-on. The tail is still there, no matter your orientation. Whereever you have been, you can expect a marine to shoot into blank space and hit your body.

    It is important to note that what Fudo says is true - you just have to keep moving, as there is inconsistency with what is happening on the server and what appears in-game, client-side.

    However, even with keeping this in mind, the invisible tail is ever present and there is no way to deal with inconsistent visuals - other than not engaging your opponents whatsoever or not playing the game at all, as Ghost points out.

    (Apologies for the incorrect display of quotes - aside from making another double post - the quoting system seems to be broken on this board :|)
  • Dr. RocksoDr. Rockso Join Date: 2010-11-20 Member: 75114Members
    The reverse is true as well, a skulk can land on you and get 2 bites off before you realise you have been bit, please don't put all the pain on the aliens.

    Also, I understand what you are saying, I really do, it sucks to die when you feel you have out played your opponent. But look at it this way, instead of playing by trying to pull off moves by the skin of your teeth, instead be smarter, don't let them get the opportunity to get those quick shots on you in the first place. Don't peak corners you know marines are probably looking at (AT LEAST NOT FROM THE FLOOR), don't walk directly under doorways without looking up, EVALUATE YOUR ESCAPE before engaging as a higher life form.

    I'm not saying the system is perfect as it is, I'm simply saying that this is what you can do to work with it rather than have it work against you.
    I'm glad you pointed this out as well - often I find myself victim as marine with full health and armor (when in far less-often close-quarters engagements), even with armor upgrades, to a single bite death from a skulk.
    Just like the full clip in a split second, the 'several bites' in a single bite problem is very much there.

    It happens far less often, though it is still a problem, when playing as marines - as marines are able to engage targets from a distance the majority of the time.

    It is worth noting that this affects marines just as well, though its far less noticeable with, say, a 50-round clip: even if 10 bullets register, 1 out of every 5 bullets, that's still +20% hits
    Compared to aliens as, say skulk, that same +20% is 1 out of every 5 bites... a bite or two that do not register consecutively is negative 100-200% registration.
  • Fudo_StyleFudo_Style Join Date: 2002-12-31 Member: 11659Members
    Yeah...what matso said had nothing to do with what I was talking about.

    Every time I kill a skulk who was standing still I know I got that kill for free - there was no chance for them to react and save themselves.  Its pretty awkward.
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