Do you like combat?
Join Date: 2004-07-29 Member: 30229Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Gold

So, now that it's been around for a while:
Do you like combat, and how much do you play it?
I do remember there was a time when people were worried about combat "ruining NS2 just like it did NS1", but personally I find myself in perfect harmony with the regular NS2 and combat. Combat is something I do when I have little time, or just can't be bothered with another game of regular NS2. (Usually after a long and tedious game.)
There's 2-4 combat servers with players up in the EU most of the time.
Do you like combat, and how much do you play it?
I do remember there was a time when people were worried about combat "ruining NS2 just like it did NS1", but personally I find myself in perfect harmony with the regular NS2 and combat. Combat is something I do when I have little time, or just can't be bothered with another game of regular NS2. (Usually after a long and tedious game.)
There's 2-4 combat servers with players up in the EU most of the time.

Other than that:
--the automatic alien win after 20 minutes, this is just silly. There must be better ways to decide games.
--Resupply should be tuned to the ns1 values (it feels incredibly slow in this version)
What I like:
Some good, simple maps
Skulks appear faster and more interesting to fight against
Upgrade system is simple and to the point, with some clever additions such as Ink and Auto-Scan
What I don't like:
Some pretty crappy maps too
Player limit too high
Upgrades are unlocked a bit too fast (although that is dependent on your ability I guess)
Alien wins after a time limit? Wow, that's lame.
I've only played it a few times (due to the reasoning above), but I noticed that once a few aliens went "early fade", no matter how much better of a player you are, you can only do so much unless you have other competent teammates, but that's not always the case. Ultimately i'd like fades to take slightly longer to get, preferably as long as it takes marines to get armor/weapon upgrades.
Just kidding! xD luv u broh.
Onoses* ;p
I quite like it, i tend to get better frame rates in combat than vanilla NS2, so it's good for getting my fix without a headache inducing endgame slide show
Of course, railgun exos are just brutally OP. Had some larks playing with those
I keep meaning to jump in as fade to practice, but the lure of the railgun is too strong... :P
Also love Oni and Exos being part of combat.
I much prefer the faded mod though, wish I would see that run more often.
-exo/onos = Something isn't quite right. I do not enjoy the mod much when it gets to this stage.
-time limit = why? And why alien win?
-Player limits need to make sense, although that's on the server admin.
-Some maps are rather bad. The one with portals and the ugly minimap is.. not my favorite map. The remade regular maps tend to be better and let me practice movement in a familiar room.
-Fades/Onos should probably cost more (+1/2)
-Jetpacks should probably cost 3 instead of 2.
Rapid Reload + scan + med packs as bonus upgrades for marines but just ink cloud for aliens? Maybe give random enzyme? That'd be fun and interesting
I think there are some restrictions on the top end stuff, like a maximum number on each team or something. Beyond that, different maps offer different opportunities and challenges for each type of unit, and that helps keep the experience fresh.
That alien win by default does seem kind of arbitrary but I actually like it. To me it gels with the ranged vs.melee aspect - marines tend to be awfully campy and so they need an incentive to be aggressive. The end result is the last few minutes are usually pretty desperate and intense which is fun
fell out with vanilla a while ago as I don't have the time to find a server that has consistency checking and a decent fan base to play with. By decent I don't mean elite but admin'd
Since the patches have been geared more and more to competitive gameplay I have found pub games to be severely one sided unless a crack commander is present. Co_ is fairly immune due to the mod having many tweaks.
Each to their own though and choice is good!
Shotguns and Fades can be a bit OP however...
There are some balance issues still and it needs some more features like xmenu and buildmenu, i also always thought it was a bad idea to make aliens win by default and suggested it be based on kills, deaths and damage done to hive/com with some visual to show how well teams are doing, that way both teams have a fair chance at winning by the end even if the hive/com isn't destroyed.
Since the Fade movement is gone in NS2 I don't really need a tdm-version of it. The qualities of NS2 are different I think.
EDIT: Oh, and whatever you do, combat-guys, do never add xmenu. Believe me, that killed the NS1 server culture, not the combat mode itself.
That is Co_Hellevator, one of the more interesting combat maps that I enjoyed. However, I personally felt that the alien and marine sides were totally backwards.
Not even sure if Dual Minigun and Railgun Exos are counting towards the same pool or are separately limited.
I find the alien autowin appropriate. Marines have a much easier time sniping a Hive down from the distance and to lock aliens down in spawn with constant GL spam. Plus after all is the marine's mission to end the infestation threat before it can spread out. If aliens actually win by destroying the marine CC, it feels like an even more deserved victory for aliens after all.