Random events

WakeWake Join Date: 2003-03-05 Member: 14351Members, Constellation
Random (sic) thoughts on random events that could bring diversity in the way game rounds flow.
Duration, probability would be to blabla.

The idea is to introduce something neutral, with both positive and negative aspects.

Exemples :
Electric - Magnetic storm
Lights are flickering and can get down for the duration of the storm, scanner like equipment is unoperative (observatories, turets, Exos target tracking ...)
Welding functions may be affected too.
It has been reported that it suprisingly has a boosting effect on building upgrade time and res flow.
Marines and Kharra can be warned in advance of such storms(30-60 sec before it occurs)

Solar Wind
Shades, shaded lifeforms and object are revealed, ink is uneffective, blinking becomes erratic, gas attacks are dispersed instantly, enzyme and myst are uneffective.
It has been reported that solar winds can boost evolution upgrade time, hive growth and res flow.
Marines and Kharra can be warned in advance of such event (30-60 sec before it occurs)

Infestation infection
Forms that are agressive to anything (human or Kharaa, chambers or structures) rise from infestation.
These forms deal various damage type and amount, but are unable to move.

Out of phase
Out of phase phase gate get you Warped in deep space (aaarhhhhHhh) ... then back to a random phase gate.
Time is roughly what it would take to respawn if you were dead (but you ain't don't you?)

Spawn somebody
You are spawning as Olghundääh, this lerk is an experienced bastard that has more life that the everyday lerk and always has spores at it disposal.
You are spawning as Thomas - Stonewall- Cmongetsome. This marine can stand some blows with an armor above average.

... ??? ...

Oh well ;-)


  • eliotmateliotmat Join Date: 2002-12-01 Member: 10350Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Headline: Retreating Onos killed by own infestation.

    Fun stuff, but keep it out of my beloved NS2. hehe.

    You would love this game I used to play called Mud and Blood 2. It's a free browser based game with lots of random events that affect gameplay.

    The first line in the description of the game on Kongregate is, "Ready for some unfair brutality?" lol. It's definitely unfair.

    Search for it on Kongregate if you're interested.
  • ezekelezekel Join Date: 2012-11-29 Member: 173589Members, NS2 Map Tester
    Fun stuff, but doesn't belong in NS2. If you fancy try and get some modders and do it on one of your own servers
  • ColtColtColtColt Join Date: 2012-06-27 Member: 153707Members
    Wake wrote: »
    Thomas - Stonewall- Cmongetsome.

    I like this.
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