Military doctrines! Weapon selection system

Chasm123Chasm123 Join Date: 2013-03-25 Member: 184417Members
edited March 2013 in Ideas and Suggestions
Hi there!

My first suggestion:

Each player before the round (or during respawn) can choose assault rifle and pistol. (for free because they balanced)


First assault rifle (50 rounds) have big rate of fire (than second assault rifle), but less damage and less accuracy. Second pistol (18 rounds) have big rate of fire (than first pistol), but less damage and less accuracy. The second pistol: the left mouse button to shoot, right click- three round burst (for example).

My second suggestion:

I would like to see more weapons in the game. But a large number of weapons can worsen the balance of the game. I suggest to make military/combat doctrines. I made pictures (they say more than my poor English).

This is just a prototype. But I think it captures the essence of my idea. And before the game - the team votes for any doctrine. Doctrine with the most votes will be in next round. You can not use weapons and technology from other doctrines when you chose one of them!

Alpha doctrine:

Beta doctrine:

Gamma doctrine (without exosuits). But you can use jetpack with heavy armor (fine: - 50% of energy from jetpack). Special armor give invisibility (I think). With special energy rifle you can see through walls/obstacles (I think):

An example of the balance between weapons (same type):


Thank you for attention.
Best regards, Mikhail.


  • NarfwakNarfwak Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5258Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS1 Playtester, Playtest Lead, Forum Moderators, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Gold, Reinforced - Diamond, Reinforced - Shadow, Subnautica PT Lead, NS2 Community Developer
    It's an interesting idea, but I think it adds further complexity to an already complex game without creating enough additional depth to compensate. Right now the marine tech/weapon options are set up so that each one encompasses as much territory as possible with as little overlap as possible; in other words, each gun fits a different FPS archtype with a distinct method of use and a distinct role to fill. The flamethrower ends up being a little weird because of how many different things it does and because both the shotgun and flamethrower are short range (but nonetheless ranged, and not melee) weapons, but it's still different enough. Adding the kind of customization and nuance you suggest doesn't really fit within the context of NS2 and is the kind of thing more suited to a game like Planetside 2 (and, in fact, exactly what you'll see in that game).

    The broader point here is that NS2 is as much RTS as FPS, and each tech option represents a choice both in terms of potential exclusivity versus other competing choices as well as a choice in terms of ordering and priority versus other options (what do I need now versus what do I need later). By adding lots of different options the lines between tech choices begin to blur and those choices become less meaningful.

    I hope that makes any sense at all. I tend to ramble a bit.
  • Chasm123Chasm123 Join Date: 2013-03-25 Member: 184417Members
    I understand you. But I want new tactical actions for the team.:) The developers added Rail gun (and that made gameplay more interesting and does not damage to the game balance). Do not see any problems into adding a new weapon in the game.
    New doctrines give new types of tactical actions. Weapons in the new doctrines also have their advantages and disadvantages.
  • EmooEmoo Ibasa Join Date: 2002-12-20 Member: 11198Members
    Depth vs. Complexity

    You need to justify that the depth added by this idea is worth the increase in complexity. I see a lot of new complexity and not a lot of new depth.
  • KamamuraKamamura Join Date: 2013-03-06 Member: 183736Members, Reinforced - Gold
    Please, whatever you do, no chainsaws! Also, Ken&Barbie accessories shop comes to mind. I understand you love guns... the more, the better, but in my opinion, each weapon should have a distinct and clearly defined role in the arsenal. Overlapping weapons create complexity that makes balancing difficult, without necessary adding fun or true depth to the game.

    Once again, and I cannot stress this enough, please no chainsaws, it's an awful trope started by Doom. As a joke, fine, as a serious military equipment, no way.

    Your effort is commendable, but I think the effort necessary to implement and balance all you propose can be better spent elsewhere. On the other hand... we have babblers ;-(
  • NarfwakNarfwak Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5258Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS1 Playtester, Playtest Lead, Forum Moderators, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Gold, Reinforced - Diamond, Reinforced - Shadow, Subnautica PT Lead, NS2 Community Developer
    edited March 2013
    Chasm123 wrote: »
    I understand you. But I want new tactical actions for the team.:) The developers added Rail gun (and that made gameplay more interesting and does not damage to the game balance). Do not see any problems into adding a new weapon in the game.
    New doctrines give new types of tactical actions. Weapons in the new doctrines also have their advantages and disadvantages.
    New weapons are cool and the railgun and babblers are actually perfect examples of weapons added into the game that fill a gameplay archtype and tactical role that is otherwise vacant. That, however, is the point - part of the bar for entry is establishing that a new gun does something than existing guns don't do and/or shouldn't do (the other part being whether that's a role appropriate to the game at all - we don't have nukes, for example).

    That said, like Kamamura mentioned I applaud the effort and there are a few ideas in your post that could actually work given certain implementations as long as the designers deem them artistically/thematically sound in the NS2 universe. I always loved the Doom/Quake-style plasma gun design but I don't know if it fits within the universe we have without some serious reinterpretation. One could also make the argument that gorge spit actually does use this mechanic (time delayed hitscan) albeit with a small projectile and slower fire rate than what you usually picture when you think of a plasma gun.
  • soccerguy243soccerguy243 Join Date: 2012-12-22 Member: 175920Members, WC 2013 - Supporter
  • randomroperandomrope Join Date: 2013-01-16 Member: 180026Members
    Emoo wrote: »
    Depth vs. Complexity

    You need to justify that the depth added by this idea is worth the increase in complexity. I see a lot of new complexity and not a lot of new depth.

    Sprinting with a railgun?

    Dude, how will that not add complexity? (Not trying to argue with you btw). I would imagine it could charge but not fire while sprinting. I can only guess at the heart rate and intensity of the person playing the skulk that I'm chasing, who is hearing the sound of a charging railgun while I'm AGGRESSIVELY running him down. Because god knows I never fire a railgun that is not fully charged.

    I can't imagine the side effects of this but it looks fun as shit. Prop to OP for trying to make something while keeping in mind balance.
  • Angry ChildAngry Child Join Date: 2012-12-05 Member: 174256Members
    Wow, some guy goes out of his way to bring an idea to the forums, that is actually honestly quite interesting and at least worth discussing, and these idiot sheeple just walk in and down vote the post because its different from the status quo, this is whats wrong with our community
  • OutlawDrOutlawDr Join Date: 2009-06-21 Member: 67887Members
    edited March 2013
    To be fair, only 3 people pressed the disagree button, and other than soccerguy, pretty much everyone who replied gave constructive criticism.

    We all want new toys, and his idea looks cool, however its too much to take in at once and too much of a departure from the standard game for its addition to be seriously considered ...not at least without some good reasons for it and how to do it ..but I don't see them.

    Emoo and others are right, you need solid justifications and explanations to why these need to be added. Just adding a bunch of cool stuff to the game without looking at how it will impact the game and the metagame is not going to cut it.

    I think Chasm is expressing a commonly shared feeling of wanting more goodies..more depth. That as a player, you are rather limited to what you can do. As marine there is the standard linear progression of rifle-->shotgun-->shotgun jp. Maybe exos if you are already winning. Aliens have a little bit more variability, but most of the time you are playing as a skulk plus one other lifeform in any given game (which is ok I guess).

    I wouldn't mind having more options earlier in the game for both aliens and marines. There have been several threads on giving aliens cheaper "incomplete" versions of the lerk/fade/onos with missing abilities and/or lower stats. For instance, a 10 res lerk that can only bite and has less armor. This would allow for players to play more lifeforms earlier on and more often per game.
    As for marines, sewleks mod has it so marines can get welder right as the armory is built, which does give one more option to go with early on, but I wouldn't mind more. I think there is a lot of room for content by replacing the marine's boring passive armor/weapon upgrade system with more interesting choices for marine players. Plus lets not forget about making some of the later game content (ft,exo) a little bit more viable.

    Anyway, UWE is pretty conservative when it comes to adding new content. However, the addition of the gorge tunnels and railgun exo show that they are open to implementing more just needs to fill a needed role/niche in the game.
  • KazterKazter Join Date: 2003-08-12 Member: 19481Members, Constellation
    I like the idea of more weapons, but I would honestly rather see more USEFUL abilities, evolutions, and lifeforms for Aliens first. Alien play is incredibly stale right now. In general pub games are played out almost entirely the same way...Celerity>Cara>Silence>GG.
  • meatmachinemeatmachine South England Join Date: 2013-01-06 Member: 177858Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Supporter
    Personally I'd love to play NS with these equips, however it seems like everything except alpha doctrine would completely annihilate the aliens... Or at least produce some veeerrry interesting changes in how the aliens would need to play. For eg auto-shotties would totally wreck fades, gorges and structures, but lerks would be practically invulnerable to them. Forcing aliens to rely on ranged stuff seems to go against the 'alpha doctrine' of NS2 but I'm sure there are plenty of options that haven't been explored.

    The main reason we cant expect changes like this soon are mainly down to money- producing models, anims, effects, testing, blahblahblah for all these new equipments would be an insane undertaking. However it could potentially flesh out this game massively, which I think it needs right now.

    As for depth vs complexity - I think we really need to be taking alot more from Starcraft than just the general theme, skills, character designs etc. :P
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