Dual GPU-related flickering in Editor

-WildCat--WildCat- Cape Town, South Africa Join Date: 2008-07-19 Member: 64664Members, Reinforced - Shadow
edited March 2013 in Technical Support
I have an nVidia Geforce GTX 690, which is a dual GPU display adapter. When using the Spark level editor, the shadows flicker and render incorrectly.

I believe that the problem is caused by the name of the level editor's executable (Editor.exe). This name is the same name used by the Crysis level editor, which appears to have a custom multi-GPU profile in the nVidia drivers.

If I rename the Spark level editor to something like SparkEditor.exe, the problem goes away. Unfortunately, this also means that I can't launch the level editor from the Spark Launch Pad.

If there is an elegant solution to this problem, please let me know. Otherwise, please consider releasing an update that renames the level editor to something less generic.

EDIT: In the profile for the Crysis editor within the nVidia drivers, changing the setting for "Multi-GPU rendering mode" to any one of the other available options ("Single-GPU", "Force alternate frame rendering 1" or "Force alternate frame rendering 2") resolves the issue. Although, that would be a sub-optimal setting to use if you happened to use the Crysis editor on a regular basis.
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