Gift anyone? or discount soon?

BAMBAMBAMBAM Join Date: 2013-03-19 Member: 184082Members
Hey there NS2 community!

Well i played ns1 and i was managing a mostly 30/32 server for years but nearly forgot all about it because of my works but yesterday i saw its out already and im missing it then i prefer to get in but actually $25 is expensive for a pc game. After that i make some research about it and i noticed that i missed the discounts too but i saw there 4-pack thing in steam and want to ask maybe if someone has ns2 left as a gift, i can pay for it $15(via paypal or u tell me the payment method doesnt matter). I know it sounds like $10 difference is not so big value but im that kinda person its just 25 is too much for a game for my opinion. Well hopefully this topic isnt against rules actually and eagerly waiting for responses.

Devs - Any discount plans soon?
Anybody - Got a gift for me to buy? or maybe you want to get into a 4-pack ?

Thanks for responses.


  • kingkrabbe.#bofkingkrabbe.#bof Join Date: 2012-10-21 Member: 162892Members
    there will be an easter holiday sale on steam soon (afaik) so maybe you can grab NS2 a little cheaper then.
  • draktokdraktok Join Date: 2013-02-18 Member: 183156Members
    The game just came off a 50% sale..
  • FrothybeverageFrothybeverage Join Date: 2003-02-15 Member: 13593Members
    >$25 is too much for a game.

    I hate to break it to you, but most non-indie games(PC/Computer, or Console) are in the $70-90(Excluding special editions) range at release.
  • draktokdraktok Join Date: 2013-02-18 Member: 183156Members
    edited March 2013
    so 25$, being half the norm, (also the norm is 60. No retail game sells for more than 60 unless it's the delux or collectors edition. The normal versions are -always- 60$.) is too expensive?

    I work at microcenter and deal with video game releases constantly. Including bigger computer ones. In fact all blizzard phat expacs come out retail at 40$.
  • FrothybeverageFrothybeverage Join Date: 2003-02-15 Member: 13593Members
  • draktokdraktok Join Date: 2013-02-18 Member: 183156Members
    That may be true. I'm In Minnesnowta.
  • FrothybeverageFrothybeverage Join Date: 2003-02-15 Member: 13593Members
    There's anywhere from there's 12-15% sales tax on everything, except non-"junk" foods.
  • draktokdraktok Join Date: 2013-02-18 Member: 183156Members
    That isn't terribly far off from America, except the tax varies by state. Sales tax in Arkansas, for example was 11%.

    you can't factor in tax as part of the cost for a game though, your country does that. Tax shouldn't sway you from purchasing a game if you want... also, is there a sales tax on internet transactions in CDN?
  • Ghosthree3Ghosthree3 Join Date: 2010-02-13 Member: 70557Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    Meanwhile in Australia, where every AAA release is $80 or more.
  • XariusXarius Join Date: 2003-12-21 Member: 24630Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    Game is 400 roubles here in Russia, which equates to about 10 euros and 12 dollars. :) Though to be fair, even the EU/American price isn't bad at all, I'm pretty sure you can find it for 20 bucks some place!
  • PoNeHPoNeH Join Date: 2006-12-01 Member: 58801Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester
    >$25 is too much for a game.

    I hate to break it to you, but most non-indie games(PC/Computer, or Console) are in the $70-90(Excluding special editions) range at release.

    Unless it's some kind of special edition, I have NEVER seen a game in that price range. Stretched it a bit there eh?!

  • GorgenapperGorgenapper Join Date: 2012-09-05 Member: 157916Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    but actually $25 is expensive for a pc game

    $60 is too much for most of the games being released nowadays. I would pay $60 for Batman: AA. You would have to pay me $60 to play Aliens: Colonial Marines.

    PoNeH wrote: »
    >$25 is too much for a game.

    I hate to break it to you, but most non-indie games(PC/Computer, or Console) are in the $70-90(Excluding special editions) range at release.

    Unless it's some kind of special edition, I have NEVER seen a game in that price range. Stretched it a bit there eh?!

    Far right column. Don't forget Ontario's 13% HST tax.
  • ScardyBobScardyBob ScardyBob Join Date: 2009-11-25 Member: 69528Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    Looks like you wish has been answered; $12.50 on steam this weekend.
  • Ghosthree3Ghosthree3 Join Date: 2010-02-13 Member: 70557Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    Game is worth so much more than that, gotta be honest, more than these terrible CoD re releases each year that's for sure.
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