suggestion about the ending of a round/map

Ronin77Ronin77 Join Date: 2013-01-24 Member: 181700Members
i used to play a different multiplayer game, kinda similar to NS2,
which also have 1 commander for each team, and building stuff and research upgrades etc,
after each map, about 30 secs or 1 min i dont remember exactly, it was displaying "awards" table
everyone can see also the regular scores and kills /deaths, but also who had the most "something"
like most kills, most deaths, who was the best repairer, builder, who inflicted most damage to players, damage to buildings,
who obeyed most orders, you can also see each player accuracy for each weapon they used, and so on.
and also you can talk a bit about the game,
you know, after 30 mins of playing, which you have downfalls and comebacks and all kind of stuff,
we usually talking about it, and right now the game end fast and moving to the next waiting room very fast,
no time to talk...
i think its better to force about 1 minute of waiting. or at least 30 seconds.


  • Al_BoboAl_Bobo Join Date: 2013-03-14 Member: 183957Members
    Yeah, why not. 30 seconds would be enough to see how you managed and write something, too.
  • ManwichManwich Join Date: 2013-02-01 Member: 182715Members
    It would be nice to see some more stats on how you've gone in the round, but I don't think it really fits into NS2's gamestyle at the moment. I mean the way in which there are no intermediary screens or loading displays between matches (except for loading maps of course), where you're forced to go back to a menu-like screen. Instead you move straight back to an environment similar to the match you just played, without menus and with players walking around and watnot.

    It could probably still be worked in, just my thought on the matter.
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