The only option I see is: <NextWeapon>MouseZ</NextWeapon>
How can we make it so the mousewheel goes in the exact opposite direction than the game currently registers or any way to have mouseUP and DOWN for next/previous.
I use the above AutohotKeys script for switching weapons using the mousewheel. There's nothing in the game, currently, that lets you bind to the mousewheel.
OK I will try that program, too bad we got to go as far as installing other programs on our computer just to be able to change weapons correctly lol.
Oh now I see that just makes things worse b/c it just lets me use 1 and 2. One real issue is that this game is not mouse wheel friendly at all. Just take the gorge for example...
I use the above AutohotKeys script for switching weapons using the mousewheel. There's nothing in the game, currently, that lets you bind to the mousewheel.
Oh now I see that just makes things worse b/c it just lets me use 1 and 2. One real issue is that this game is not mouse wheel friendly at all. Just take the gorge for example...