Main Menu Level Contest possible ?
Everytime you start NS2, there is the same main menu all the time.
Months ago in Beta stage the main menu was another one... (better in my opinion).
Conditions (maybe):
* loading: should only be the size of one "room" (with a fixed camera position) for fast main menu loading... current "menu.level" has: ~1600 verts, ~2500 edges, ~900 faces
* camera: we need an example map for the camera options to set to get this working (i by myself dont know how to set up a camera)... current: ns2/maps/menu.level ?
* setting: the setting of the room needs to be defined (maybe)
* random: there needs to be a function to load a random "menuNumber.level" file each time you start ns2 (menuNumber.level represents the "winners" of the contest)
* release: the winners would see their main menu shipped with an ns2-update
How about this idea ?
* everytime the same main menu is boring
* only 1 room is not such a big work (like a complete map)
* would be nice for yourself to see your little snippet as (random chosen) main menu
* something to show the influence of the community
Months ago in Beta stage the main menu was another one... (better in my opinion).
Conditions (maybe):
* loading: should only be the size of one "room" (with a fixed camera position) for fast main menu loading... current "menu.level" has: ~1600 verts, ~2500 edges, ~900 faces
* camera: we need an example map for the camera options to set to get this working (i by myself dont know how to set up a camera)... current: ns2/maps/menu.level ?
* setting: the setting of the room needs to be defined (maybe)
* random: there needs to be a function to load a random "menuNumber.level" file each time you start ns2 (menuNumber.level represents the "winners" of the contest)
* release: the winners would see their main menu shipped with an ns2-update
How about this idea ?
* everytime the same main menu is boring
* only 1 room is not such a big work (like a complete map)
* would be nice for yourself to see your little snippet as (random chosen) main menu
* something to show the influence of the community

I have spent some time in the cinematic editor, and there is a lot of interesting things you can do in there to make the main menu room look cool (animations, flickering lights, camera settings)
Poked him twice, with a sharp stick :P
Hmm, could I use an area that I have ready from Hera? Or does it have to be something completely new and different? I figured the entrance into Hera from the landing pad might work.
Or would it have to be something smaller and more inline with what we already have?
You may ask Hugh about this, when he manages to get a contest up (in 1.5-2 months).
in my opinion:
a snippet from an upcoming map would be nice too
(like an area from ns2_hera... so people see it more often (in main menu) and keep licking their fingers
BUT it should load really fast and should be small (like current main menu level load time)
Quick, start the competition now! Without Flatter as competitor I have better chance to win