Obstacle course map
Join Date: 2012-11-28 Member: 173581Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Gold
I am thinking about creating an obstacle course map for Combat Mode. In this map, the marine team must make it to the end of an obstacle course filled with tricky jumps, tests of dexterity and timing, and of course alien ambushes. Any marine who makes it to the end is rewarded with a marine-only teleporter to a safe room with direct access to the hive, essentially ending the game.
Obviously there is only so much you can do with the stock ns2 game mechanics. Fortunately, thanks to JimWest we have ExtraEntitiesMod which happens to be integrated into Combat Mode. This adds some powerful entities that most mappers haven't put to use, and I think a map such as this is just what the doctor ordered!
Any thoughts? Is this feasible? Would anyone play this? Have I gone off the deep end?
Please comment. This could be a considerable time sink to build and I'd like some idea of how it would be received
Obviously there is only so much you can do with the stock ns2 game mechanics. Fortunately, thanks to JimWest we have ExtraEntitiesMod which happens to be integrated into Combat Mode. This adds some powerful entities that most mappers haven't put to use, and I think a map such as this is just what the doctor ordered!
Any thoughts? Is this feasible? Would anyone play this? Have I gone off the deep end?
Please comment. This could be a considerable time sink to build and I'd like some idea of how it would be received

It's very feasible with the teleport entity.
Create the course with a teleport entity at the end of the course that doesn't allow Aliens to go through it.
Have the exit point another room aliens cant access. a Joined room that overlooks the game field with glass so they can watch other team mate try to make it to the end.
Run for your life to the end of the map go through teleporter to safety!
Some one could mod a game mode where your bitten by an alien you become an alien team member too, that would be hilarious.
A sort of last man standing mode.
A mod like that wouldn't be far off making great for a zombie mod too.
Have a single Fade. and everyone else on marines.
Each marine thats killed by the original Fade, becomes another fade on the alien team. till it's last man standing. or the marines escape through the teleporter.
@Worthy, you could actually make that mod now fairly easily. I really like the idea about marines being able to run through an area and escape before being killed, which would likely be quite difficult. The hardest thing to balance in that mod I think would be the move speed of the 'zombies'.
For now, I'm just going to explore the possibilities. The map will need to be run under Combat Mode. It will consist of the marine start, the hive room, and ~5-10 sequential rooms connected to each other via marine-only teleporters. Each room will have one or more obstacles to pass. Some of the rooms will have traps that the aliens can trigger from a viewing room by standing in trigger entities. Many of the rooms will also have vents in them allowing aliens to enter and set up ambushes or gorge up key areas.
Beyond that, i can't say what kind of traps will be possible. Maybe too few to make a decent map. There is only so much you can do to kill a player with doors and glitchy trains and stuff
There is a big explanation here of how it all works, feel free to rip it off
Only one very simple room. I tried to use a train entity to push marines off their pillars but it doesn't work *at all*. Alas, I may have to rethink this.
what about instead of a train entity you use a push entity - so it looks like wind or steam is pushing them off
What would be really great is being able to trigger sounds and cinematics to go along with such things. And a button entity that could be disabled and enabled by other logic entities would be great too. Right now I seem to be stuck with the logic_trigger and I can't seem to disable / enable it with other logic entities. And while we're at it, it would be nice to be able to use other models with the train entity and have the hit box line up. And also to have the train stop when it reaches the end of the waypoints and trigger another entity at that time.
Alas, that is all stuff for ExtraEntitiesMod and I'm sure JimWest has better things to do.