GamersCove Inc. Now sponsporing free servers, teamspeak, and webspace! AND TOURNAMENT!

silentsushix3silentsushix3 Join Date: 2013-01-09 Member: 178337Members
We are not asking for anything, THIS IS NOT ADVERTISEMENT! We are only here to help new teams get off their feet!

If you or anyone you know is interested! Please email me directly at OR send me a PM on this site!

Thank you for your time! I tried to keep it simple!

Unlimited Space - FREE
Unlimited Bandwith - FREE
Registered Domain Name - - FREE
Unlimited POP3 Email addresses -
...and much much more!

We will give each team a room in our current teamspeak. Once we see that your team has a constant amount of people on. We will sponsor your own. Of course you would have admin in our teamspeak.

Since NS2 is a complete CPU hog. We will have to see that your team is worthy of our high performance 24 man servers! We are not a server company! We own dedicated boxes, Just to help teams out!
We will first give you and your team members admin in our servers! Try and keep them filled and be on whenever you have time! Just like the TeamSpeak, once we see you have members or friends constantly on. We will set your server up asap!

If your team already has a site or certain things already. We may be able to sponsor you a 24 man server without waiting. So Email us and let us know! We have a lot of recourses for teams!


GamersCove Inc. Tournament!

We will be a Natural Selection 2 Tournament next month. It will be 6* players per team! Winner takes all! Up to 16 teams! We have not yet set and prize for this tournament. But rough estimates around 250$. More information will be posted at and Please sign up and stay informed!
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