Skill based xenocide

|strofix||strofix| Join Date: 2012-11-01 Member: 165453Members
<div class="IPBDescription">skill based for both sides</div>So the primary problem I see with xenocide is the lack of skill or reward on either side. The skulk player has a 90% chance of not being shot when he leaps into combat and explodes 0.2 seconds later, dying and going back to the respawn queue. The marine player has essentially no time or chance to kill the skulk, and takes what is essentially unavoidable damage and potentially dies.

To me, this scenario has no winners, its lose/lose gameplay wise.

So how about reversing the xenocide mechanic a bit. Instead of activating a timer, at the end of which the skulk explodes, what if the player activated a timer <b>during </b>which he explodes? So activating xenocide would cause the typical screech to be made, after which, for two seconds, if the skulk is killed it explodes. This means the marine needs to actively *not* shoot the skulk during the timer, and be aware of when it activates/ends. It also means that players with good awareness and timing can essentially play skulk as normal, with the added benefit of being able to explode upon death if an ambush goes badly.
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