the one and only Karvalakki is recruiting
Join Date: 2011-06-13 Member: 104251Members, Reinforced - Shadow

<div class="IPBDescription">we play for fun but try our best in comp. svenska?</div>We look for 1 or 2 decent lads to join our ranks, to boost our activity and skill. Swedish language is seen as a big plus (our main language), although finnish or maybe even english is fine if you're fun and cool enough. (writing this in english so everyone understands) we speak a mixture of everything anyways. maybe danish and norwegian if you speak slow and clear....
After a long christmas break and a bad result vs iplay in ensl, we've come to the conlcusion that we don't get enough practice and even though all of us want to play ns2 actively and have fun, many of us have real life jobs and studies and hobbies that take up alot of our time, and we are usually short 1 player from doing pcw:s or scrims when we have most of our people online. we are a tight group so we don't do mercs, and we've found new friends over the course of our many years of playing together so why not this time too.
we did day of defeat back in 2005 something for years (until dod:soursce ruined the scene) and we occasionally tried out other games, and have now found ns2, after only playing ns1 on public due to day of defeat taking up all our time. Most of us know eachother in real life one way or the other, and usually new random members from the internet have ended up being good irl buddies and we usually end up having fun lans together or something at somepoint or come for a suprise visit and get piss drunk. etc.
our age range is now something around 24-26, you should be something between 18-99 years. gender or sexual orientation is irrelevant. everyone can grow ###### by drinking enough beer anyways.
We like learning and doing things our own way and come up with tactics and playstyles that suit us and our strengths and weaknesses.
what we look for right now:
- preferably swedishspeaking
- someone with a sense of humor and does their best, but remembers that we do this for the fun and excitement. With our activity we will do good but never be the top no1.
- commanders are welcome!!
- someone who understands the game, hopefully even better than us. some experience is always good. if you're a commander then you will have to have experience.
- teamplayer; being good at aiming comes second. we already have a few good fraggers that need support.
1 or 2 spots open, depending on how our activity will rise after our little break.
- someone with good manners, we like to try and keep the ns2 scene a fun place to be, so treat opponents nice and also your clanmates.
we can offer:
- fun talkative environment, prepare to not understand us so well in the beginning. we hang out on mumble always when our pc is on. we can get loud at times.
- teamplay comes naturally, although we're a bit rusty right now. We have alot of potential if someone more experienced wants to come and take us under their wing.
- activity should be on minimum 2 games per week. We take part in ensl for now and will always try to be in a league to keep track of our own progress and to play for a reason.
- a tight bunch that also plays other games when we got the time. our skill varies depending on lineup since not all of us are hardened clangame veterans, and many of our veterans are a bit busy at the moment. but we try to do pcw:s accordingly so everyone gets to play and develop. We don't support mercing.
- you're allowed to use perfomance enhancing drugs while playing (read: beer , we are finns after all)
- we take pride in being karvalakki, it's more than just a clan.
you can contact me on steam; nickname [karvalakki] TheKarva or Boke who's nowadays second in command since i don't have time to do all the organizing always.
or pm me or boke on irc when we're online.
You can also idle or visit us at #karvalakki on quakenet.
I hope i didn't forget something.
Hoping for a good and active future for ns2 :)
After a long christmas break and a bad result vs iplay in ensl, we've come to the conlcusion that we don't get enough practice and even though all of us want to play ns2 actively and have fun, many of us have real life jobs and studies and hobbies that take up alot of our time, and we are usually short 1 player from doing pcw:s or scrims when we have most of our people online. we are a tight group so we don't do mercs, and we've found new friends over the course of our many years of playing together so why not this time too.
we did day of defeat back in 2005 something for years (until dod:soursce ruined the scene) and we occasionally tried out other games, and have now found ns2, after only playing ns1 on public due to day of defeat taking up all our time. Most of us know eachother in real life one way or the other, and usually new random members from the internet have ended up being good irl buddies and we usually end up having fun lans together or something at somepoint or come for a suprise visit and get piss drunk. etc.
our age range is now something around 24-26, you should be something between 18-99 years. gender or sexual orientation is irrelevant. everyone can grow ###### by drinking enough beer anyways.
We like learning and doing things our own way and come up with tactics and playstyles that suit us and our strengths and weaknesses.
what we look for right now:
- preferably swedishspeaking
- someone with a sense of humor and does their best, but remembers that we do this for the fun and excitement. With our activity we will do good but never be the top no1.
- commanders are welcome!!
- someone who understands the game, hopefully even better than us. some experience is always good. if you're a commander then you will have to have experience.
- teamplayer; being good at aiming comes second. we already have a few good fraggers that need support.
1 or 2 spots open, depending on how our activity will rise after our little break.
- someone with good manners, we like to try and keep the ns2 scene a fun place to be, so treat opponents nice and also your clanmates.
we can offer:
- fun talkative environment, prepare to not understand us so well in the beginning. we hang out on mumble always when our pc is on. we can get loud at times.
- teamplay comes naturally, although we're a bit rusty right now. We have alot of potential if someone more experienced wants to come and take us under their wing.
- activity should be on minimum 2 games per week. We take part in ensl for now and will always try to be in a league to keep track of our own progress and to play for a reason.
- a tight bunch that also plays other games when we got the time. our skill varies depending on lineup since not all of us are hardened clangame veterans, and many of our veterans are a bit busy at the moment. but we try to do pcw:s accordingly so everyone gets to play and develop. We don't support mercing.
- you're allowed to use perfomance enhancing drugs while playing (read: beer , we are finns after all)
- we take pride in being karvalakki, it's more than just a clan.
you can contact me on steam; nickname [karvalakki] TheKarva or Boke who's nowadays second in command since i don't have time to do all the organizing always.
or pm me or boke on irc when we're online.
You can also idle or visit us at #karvalakki on quakenet.
I hope i didn't forget something.
Hoping for a good and active future for ns2 :)