First thoughts and impressions

AurexAurex Join Date: 2013-01-18 Member: 180477Members
Hi there. I'm kind of new to the game, having played just less than 20 hours, and i'd like to share some first impressions of the game as a way to introduce myself. First things first, the overall feeling of the game is definitely good - maps are excellent, both gameplay and aesthetic wise. Gameplay is quick yet tactic, filled with tense moments. The commander interface is, while a little confusing at first, excellent at making you feel like a real field commander. I was surprised at how the pacing keeps you on your toes, and i jumped on my chair more than a couple of times (skulks getting out of nowhere, grr!). Unfortunately, many thing are preventing me to fully enjoy the game. Technical problems come first: while i'm running a not-so-new rig (q9400@3.4 ghz, 4870 1gb, 8gb ddr 1333) i feel that this game performs horribly. At 1920*1080, with everything on low / off / minimal i usually get 30 to 40 fps on a fresh started match and less than 15 when there are multiple exos/onos on the map. I followed many advices on how to improve performance, to no avail. Then there's the, well, community problem. I did expect a more welcoming player base, considering the fact that this is a tactical fps requiring teamplay and coordination. For example: in my first matches, all played on rookie servers, i got talk trashed for not having a microphone, for not following orders that i could not understand - being muffled in language i'm not so good at, and for choosing the wrong alien class / marine equipment (according to someone). When i played commander for the first time, after following lots of guides, youtube videos and such, i found myself in a just started match - perfect for learning the ropes on commanding, i thought. Boy, i was wrong. Every minute there was someone yelling at me, calling my non-existent sister names and trying to boot me via vote. I don't think i played that bad, and i surely did my best considering it was my first try and i was on a rookie server. However, after two more tries as a commander, i decided to give up on commanding for now. There is no space for learning or improving, when no one is helping you understand what you're doing wrong and everyone is just trying to boot/kick you. I think it's in every player's interests to help the new ones - for the sake of all the playerbase. I hope i was just unlucky, and that things will get better as i get better at the game. There's a lot of room for improvement in my opinion, and i still don't understand why ns2 has so little media coverage, as it really deserves more. Well, i hope i wasn't excessively lenghty or critic, this wasn't meant to be a rant, just my first impressions. See you in game!


  • YMICrazyYMICrazy Join Date: 2012-11-02 Member: 165986Members
    edited January 2013
    Hm yea players tend to expect certain things when they get used to the game and the worst players are usually the ones who get angry when you do not drop them med packs when they walk away from the team on a suicide run. Surprisingly when I started I have had a good experienced com who knew we were going to lose but man did he have the most helpful tone and humor that made us enjoy losing. And then other teams told me to uninstall and jump off the nearest bridge when I asked a few questions. Most vets get frustrated when you do not help the team.

    I am sure a lot of us can help you out if you need help on what to do. I also highly suggest you get a microphone. People like it a lot better when you communicate and their rage switch turns on when you do not most of the time. Having a mic also gets rid of the slight ADHD some players have. Not telling them what to do causes them to wander aimlessly doing whatever they want. That includes me sometimes as well I tend to stop paying attention until a com addresses me directly and tells me what to do ha. Though if your team is winning and you do not speak most do not have a problem.

    In any case can you explain what do you do as commander? Like your first steps and why. If your team cannot hold any resource nodes and then ask you for toys that really is not your fault.
  • AurexAurex Join Date: 2013-01-18 Member: 180477Members
    <!--quoteo(post=2062968:date=Jan 19 2013, 02:19 AM:name=YMICrazy502)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (YMICrazy502 @ Jan 19 2013, 02:19 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2062968"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Hm yea players tend to expect certain things when they get used to the game and the worst players are usually the ones who get angry when you do not drop them med packs when they walk away from the team on a suicide run. Surprisingly when I started I have had a good experienced com who knew we were going to lose but man did he have the most helpful tone and humor that made us enjoy losing. And then other teams told me to uninstall and jump off the nearest bridge when I asked a few questions. Most vets get frustrated when you do not help the team.

    I am sure a lot of us can help you out if you need help on what to do. I also highly suggest you get a microphone. People like it a lot better when you communicate and their rage switch turns on when you do not most of the time. Having a mic also gets rid of the slight ADHD some players have. Not telling them what to do causes them to wander aimlessly doing whatever they want. That includes me sometimes as well I tend to stop paying attention until a com addresses me directly and tells me what to do ha. Though if your team is winning and you do not speak most do not have a problem.

    In any case can you explain what do you do as commander? Like your first steps and why. If your team cannot hold any resource nodes and then ask you for toys that really is not your fault.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Thanks for answering! Playing as a commander i act defensively, mostly. I focus on trying to make the team capture at least two resource nodes and then link them with phase gates. I do not use sentries much, as i prefer laying down an armory to support defenders. I research welders and shotguns first, then armor+weapon upgrade and jetpacks (or exos, i think that depends on how the match is shaping). Problem is... most players (mainly the ones who complain later) do not defend or weld phase gates or power nodes, thus letting me with no resources and no extra bases. I know i did not play as well as most experienced commander do, but i REALLY tried my best. I'm kind of sure that with a couple of good marines willing to defend power nodes we could have done better. And, well, i mostly use chat to direct marines - as my spoken english is not that fluent.
  • YMICrazyYMICrazy Join Date: 2012-11-02 Member: 165986Members
    You seem to be doing what I do. By phase gates you mean lay them down in tech points right or possible temporary forward bases? Not next to the resource towers? But yea most people in the game do not listen let alone buy welders to actually look after the base. And by most I mean new players or those types that just do not care and ignore it to do whatever they want.

    I see no problem with you as a com but the mic is essential for making people do what you want and alerting them quickly. Unless the player is experienced and looks at map/ knows what to do people will not listen until you speak up. It's just the way the game is. Like you need to tell people to hold the tech points so you can set up because sometimes they just keep going on ahead until they die. I always go jetpacks first because for 10 res they are mighty useful and I prefer not to make the team wait 2 minutes 30 seconds before I start jetpack research which will be ready in another 1 minute 30 seconds. I also see how my team performs so I tend to reward the good ones or the ones that pay attention with medpacks and ammo because I know they will try to get the job done.

    Also most people complain if you get shotguns before they get weapon damage increase as they feel it is too weak etc. Though I try to get armor 1 asap so the fades will not be destroying the marines in 2 shots. But above all this I try to rush phase tech because that's the only way marines can actually get anywhere and not lose. But yea sentries are a waste early on and you seem to know what to do so half of the job is just hoping you get a competent team.
  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu Anememone Join Date: 2002-03-23 Member: 345Members
    Yes, if your problem as commander is "players don't defend and weld phase gates and power nodes" then you need to yell at them more with your microphone. People won't read or listen to text. The commander is more than just the person that drops stuff from the sky. They are meant to lead the team, and players can't stop fighting Skulks every 10 seconds to check the chat box. They need a voice in their ear telling them what to do, constantly.
  • AurexAurex Join Date: 2013-01-18 Member: 180477Members
    <!--quoteo(post=2063115:date=Jan 19 2013, 01:10 PM:name=YMICrazy502)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (YMICrazy502 @ Jan 19 2013, 01:10 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2063115"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->You seem to be doing what I do. By phase gates you mean lay them down in tech points right or possible temporary forward bases? Not next to the resource towers? But yea most people in the game do not listen let alone buy welders to actually look after the base. And by most I mean new players or those types that just do not care and ignore it to do whatever they want.

    I see no problem with you as a com but the mic is essential for making people do what you want and alerting them quickly. Unless the player is experienced and looks at map/ knows what to do people will not listen until you speak up. It's just the way the game is. Like you need to tell people to hold the tech points so you can set up because sometimes they just keep going on ahead until they die. I always go jetpacks first because for 10 res they are mighty useful and I prefer not to make the team wait 2 minutes 30 seconds before I start jetpack research which will be ready in another 1 minute 30 seconds. I also see how my team performs so I tend to reward the good ones or the ones that pay attention with medpacks and ammo because I know they will try to get the job done.

    Also most people complain if you get shotguns before they get weapon damage increase as they feel it is too weak etc. Though I try to get armor 1 asap so the fades will not be destroying the marines in 2 shots. But above all this I try to rush phase tech because that's the only way marines can actually get anywhere and not lose. But yea sentries are a waste early on and you seem to know what to do so half of the job is just hoping you get a competent team.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    I try to put phase gates close to power nodes, or at least fairly close to them - even better if they're not in the line of sight of gorges and lerks. Obviously i still have a lot to learn, for i always seem to miss some details, like when i built an armory directly under a vent - that was a mistake i could have accepted being scolded for xD.

    <!--quoteo(post=2063180:date=Jan 19 2013, 05:25 PM:name=TychoCelchuuu)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (TychoCelchuuu @ Jan 19 2013, 05:25 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2063180"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Yes, if your problem as commander is "players don't defend and weld phase gates and power nodes" then you need to yell at them more with your microphone. People won't read or listen to text. The commander is more than just the person that drops stuff from the sky. They are meant to lead the team, and players can't stop fighting Skulks every 10 seconds to check the chat box. They need a voice in their ear telling them what to do, constantly.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Heh, you're probably right. Remember Lieutenant Gorman from Aliens? He was letting his team die because he wasn't yelling enough. I fear i'll have to resort to the mic - even if my english is not as good as i'd like, if i want to play as a commander.
  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu Anememone Join Date: 2002-03-23 Member: 345Members
    As long as people sort of understand what you're saying it doesn't really matter if your English is good. More yelling is always better.
  • CommunistWithAGunCommunistWithAGun Local Propaganda Guy Join Date: 2003-04-30 Member: 15953Members
    It takes quite a bit to be a good commander, I'd say I'm okay, decent, but not a pro at it, I'm better used in the field for sure, but when I do command I do three things consistantly:

    I decide one random person is my ######, and use him as a whipping boy for the rest of the teams benefit
    I yell often, and tell people they are bad
    I make funny jokes while they fail, so they don't feel bad. I insult them and say they are terrible, then encourage them gently by saying things like "It's ok dude, you're pretty awful, but at least you smell nice, now go get skylights"

    It's surprisingly effective.
  • ekrizonekrizon Join Date: 2012-11-14 Member: 170924Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    It takes quite a bit to be a good commander, I'd say I'm okay, decent, but not a pro at it, I'm better used in the field for sure, but when I do command I do three things consistantly:

    I decide one random person is my ######, and use him as a whipping boy for the rest of the teams benefit
    I yell often, and tell people they are bad
    I make funny jokes while they fail, so they don't feel bad. I insult them and say they are terrible, then encourage them gently by saying things like "It's ok dude, you're pretty awful, but at least you smell nice, now go get skylights"

    It's surprisingly effective.

    You sound like my employer...
    /go gets chair and rope
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