Grenade Launcher Question

BlueMonkey19BlueMonkey19 Join Date: 2013-01-02 Member: 177160Members
Am I just crazy or is there no hit detection for Onos? I am not big on buying any of the extra weapons because I usually will spend the res on mines, welders, etc. That on top of the fact I am still a horrible shot with the shotgun. Though the other night I grabbed the grenade launcher in several matches and I was noticing the grenade pass through Onos I was shooting. I was checking pings to make sure it wasn't a lag delay creating the issue and I was seeing all of them miss, one time I even use a jet pack to be able to put out as many as possible before he got me and nothing. 12 grenades in a row passed through the onos.


  • DavilDavil Florida, USA Join Date: 2012-08-14 Member: 155602Members, Constellation
    Don't think there is an issue with this really, then again I've never spent time trying to use a GL on an onos. Generally GL's do the least amount of damage to an onos.
  • BlueMonkey19BlueMonkey19 Join Date: 2013-01-02 Member: 177160Members
    Well in a couple matches I was running into Onos with Gorge backup, so I was seeing how effective it would be hitting the Onos and hopefully splashing the Gorges to death. Sadly with the grenades going through they just went on past and did nothing.
  • AzaralAzaral Join Date: 2012-11-19 Member: 172408Members
    Shoot over the onos or bounce grenades off the walls and around the onos to hit the gorges behind the onos. Works like a charm.
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