Show reason for lost abilities

LilbitHeartlessLilbitHeartless Join Date: 2012-11-19 Member: 172517Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Second base items/abilities</div>Was watching the stream of new players yesterday and there is no surprise that they were floundering a bit in confusion. One of the things I noticed is that when he lost Jetpacks and Exos because of the loss of a second CC he just stared at the prototype lab in confusion, he knew at some point they could buy jetpacks, he knew he had plenty of res... so.. why the heck couldn't he buy them?

I'm sure there are lots possible suggestions to help new players learn the game easier but I figured I'd mention just this one. For lost abilities like that, maybe a different image could show up, like a red X over the jetpack image, but still have it lit up, and if you hover over it have it say something like "Need two command chairs to regain access" or something like that. Same thing for bile, spores and the like.


  • TimMcTimMc Join Date: 2012-02-06 Member: 143945Members
    Yeah would be nice to spell it out for the morons.

    Then again last time I was marine comm, 1 guy kept saying 'WHERE ARE JP COMM?!?!' and I kept telling him we needed 2 CC... so clearly some people are too stupid to understand english. Rest of the team didn't need to be told, its a pretty basic thing.
  • LilbitHeartlessLilbitHeartless Join Date: 2012-11-19 Member: 172517Members
    I probably should have made a more general thread about changes things to explain things to new comers that the rest of us think is obvious.
    Like watching the newbie try to put down cysts and not be able to figure out why it wasn't working (stairs) so he kept putting cysts near a res node but the infestation wasn't going up to it, cause it wasn't on the same level, but from the top down perspective it was hard to tell. Might be nice to have something that comes up and says it doesn't have line of site (said better of course). Same with putting down res nodes, if you try to put down a node where the other team has built one, think it says not within range or something incorrect like that.

    I am more than happy to help people out in game, but the stream I was watching just had a group of friends playing the game for the first time together, and it showed how not helpful the game is to newcomers. Seems odd for a game to require you to play with veterans to figure important information out.

    Maybe a better suggestion would be for the game developers to find some newbies and watch them play for the first time, and not give them any help. There seems to be a decent amount of small changes that could help a bit. I still think NS2 would have a steep learning curve, but could take out a lil frustration here and there.

    Oh and not sure if the lil tips at the start of the game (like for gorge it keeps telling you to hit shift to slide) include using shift for lerks to attach to walls and ceilings. Because a lot of people I've ran into had no idea.
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