Amusing, Fun, And Good 'last Resort' Tactic.

ctxctx Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4592Members
Amusing, fun, and good 'last resort' tactic.

I was playing in 'The Doom Brigade' with [NSF] Epoch as the commander, and I was an alien.

It was a good game and they had a nice base, but we eventually got throgh with onos, fades, and lerks. While we were destroying their main base, they were acctually setting up in one of our hive locations. They killed the hive inside and had a pretty good setup. We found them with fades and basically tore them to pieces again. They were still alive and we had no idea where they were. After crawling through the vents ahilw, I found aturret and some marines. In the vents! This was in ns_bast, that has a vent area with alot of room. They had a cc, spawn portals, turrets factory and turrets, armoy, everything. They were setting up mines and welding holes closed. It was so fun, like trying to get mice out of a mouse hole. It was the best game of NS I ever played. You commander's should try it <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->


  • V_MANV_MAN V-MAN Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6217Members, Constellation
    It's amazing the places that the marines build stuff, I saw part of a base built up on the ledges around the top of the refinery in the map that has the refinery hive <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo--> sorry I don't know the map names I only know them by the hive locations lol
  • zodazoda Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 7175Members
    sitting in a vent may trick many aliens.. they will never expect a marine to be there right when they enter!

    I like to go in vents as a gorge with a fade or lerk in front of me, they fire up at the marine structures and I heal them! works great

    I love the feeling of having a huge comeback.

    My favorite game I played was last night.. It was Ns_bast.. The reason I loved it so much was because it was like a hour and a half game.. I started alone facing 4 marines... I went skulk for awhile because I thought there was no way I would win anyway. So I went 13-3 awhile after thta just as a skulk wiuth regeneration (I set up a little defense) so after that I had someone join the game.. he wouldn't talk and was atacking and failing missrebally.. so I went gorge: after about 10 mintutes I secured the engine room and the refinery... then out of nowhere 4 guys came and joined me.. . I stayed gorge most of the game from there on... I also told me team stuff like "they have feedwater and we need it back" there was a point when we were down to one hive, but then we got feedwater. They had then gained control of the engine room , but I didn't care. I had one guy come threw the vents with me where it led to the engine room.. I healed him as he used the lerk to destroy their base.. I then got the hive up and secured it... all are hives were secure and we attacked

    I left out a few thing's, but it went on forever.. I bet we lost at least 4 hives in the game due to siege and not enough offense/defense and the hives, but in the end we won... we destroyed all their bases and then it was just their original spawn being attacked... so I went gorge and blocked off the enterances with stacks of offense and defense chambers.

    I deffintally felt like I was the leader and I knew I was because I started alone and secured all the hives and was the main reason we gained control of other one's... not to say it wasn't a team effort, but I was the leader. It was great because it was so long I got to secure hives as gorge, heal my friends, and attack as fades and onos!

    I am sure if they simply welded shut some vents and gave better protection they could have won.
  • LegionnaireLegionnaire Join Date: 2002-11-20 Member: 9431Members
    Personal notes on the Last Ditch Defense (aka they have 3 hives, and onos are knocking on your door).

    1) Upgrade your marines from the very beginning.
    Fully upgraded marines have 110 armour, and do 16 dmg per bullet with LMGs, making them a force to be reckoned with in groups. Most importantly, the total cost for this is 265 resource points (assuming you recycle the arms factory), a ONE time investment.

    2) Place turrets behind armouries/resource nodes
    I've discovered that in some situations, turrets can fire over/through armouries and nodes. This prevents onos from tearing into your turrets (which have 1k armour and hence easily destroyed). Barricading like this also keeps onos relatively still as they try to break through, allowing marines to more easily hit them (and kill them).I suspect portals may work almost as well, but I usually recycle them in a last ditch situation.

    3) Give out welders. Lots of welders
    Welders allow players to repair each other and buildings. This can save on the health packs and the replacement buildings.

    4) Get 3-4 GLs
    4 GLs can keep up almost continuous fire, effectively preventing the dreaded Fade bile bomb attacks and the lerk spore attack. Importantly, grens can be fired in an arc like artillery => players can stay behind cover.

    5) Turret push
    Siege turrets and continuous grenades can stall, and possibly even push the aliens back. There isn't much they can do against continuous grenade fire, especially if the grenners are supported by other marines.

    6) Get a second armoury and second turret factory
    Do this preferably before the last ditch defense. A second turret factory and armoury will ensure that even if you are unlucky enough to lose one to an attack, your team is not screwed royally.

    7) Never give up
    In the end, the main cause of defeat on the marine side is due to players immediately assuming all is lst once the aliens have 3 hives/onos (the OMFGONOS syndrome). Time and time again, I've seen well-coordinated marine sides hold out for an hour or more after the Aliens have had 3 hives, and sometimes even win with a bit of luck.

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  • ctxctx Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4592Members
    Good advice. I'll remember it <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
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